The Tarot Boutique is back!

The Tarot Boutique
is the name I give to my exclusive, specialty Tarot classes. They are
carefully crafted, intimate workshops designed to bring new depth and
sparkle to your Tarot practice.
Enrollment is now open for
Tarot Spellwork and Magick
October 25, Laurel Hill Cottage, 1-5pm
We usually consider the Tarot to be a beautiful methodology of
inspiration, meditation, and divination, and mostly leave it at that.
But it can also be a powerful tool for magick and manifestation.
Join us during this most enchanted time of year as we explore some of
the basic principles of magick, spell crafting, and how the Tarot can be
your "secret sauce" for amplifying and deepening your skills. Please
be advised, this is not for beginners or inexperienced practitioners.

And stay tuned because in just two weeks, registration will open for the workshop so many of y'all have been asking for:
A Tarot Herbal Harvest
November 22, Laurel Hill Cottage, 1-5pm
Have You Heard a Call from the Green Realms?
Are You Fascinated by the Enchantment of the Tarot?
Would you love to spend a fun afternoon crafting magical holiday gifts for your loved ones?
Join us for an afternoon working with the Plant Allies that are aligned, not only with your Soul card, but for the first time, the Personality, and Teacher card herbs as well. In other words, we will be discussing the Major Arcana in some detail, with a very Green focus! Experience a unique, deeply magical afternoon, making your own keepsake creations.
* * * * * * *
The Tarot Boutique workshops are held at my home in northern Durham County and are limited to only the first seven people who register. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
If you are anywhere near the Ontario, Canada area towards the end of October, this is something you won't want to miss ...
Tarot, Lenormand, Crystal Balls: Oh My!
Unmask Your Intuitive Side: A Weekend of Wisdom with Mary K. Greer
October 24, 25 & 26, 2014
Kingston, Ontario
Come spend a magical weekend on the beautiful shores of Lake Ontario, in
historic Kingston, developing your skills of cartomancy and
Jam-packed with workshops, activities, and fun with new and old friends,
you'll be learning to use an assortment of tools, including Mary K.
Greer herself teaching her R.I.T.E. reading technique, Marilyn's
guidance for how to scry with crystal balls, exploring Mme. Lenormand's
fortune telling secrets, and much more!
You can count on a spectacular weekend of sharing, meeting, and learning
with other intuitive people. The early-bird price is still available
until Sept. 15. For all the juicy details visit here. Tell her Beth sent you!
Owl's Life Hacks
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
hacking refers to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that
increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life... in other
words, anything that solves an everyday problem in an inspired,
ingenious manner.
Since On Moonlit Wings
highlights creativity and miscellaneous information to make life easier,
more interesting, or to save time, I'll be featuring "Life Hacks" with
fun or practical tips for you. In the spirit of heavy seriousness, let's
kick things off with three ways to use empty toilet paper or paper
towel rolls:

1) A quick, homemade speaker for your smart phone. Just add thumbtacks for stability.

2) A way to store your cords, keeping them neatly sorted and untangled.

3) Last but not least, you can use your
empty rolls to keep your wrapping papers organized. Just cut a slit
through them to make a cuff, and slip it around the paper. (Works better
than a rubber band, in my experience, which can tear or wrinkle the
You're welcome!
That's it for now!
I hope you've enjoyed my new feature. If you there is something you'd especially like to see, or other suggestions you'd like to make, please drop me a line.
And may your Full Harvest Moon be most magical!

Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
Predict your future by creating it.