Tuesday, September 30, 2014

WINGS - September, 2014

           Late September/ Early October, 2014                         Volume 6, Number 7

Blessed Harvests

Can you believe the Equinox has already come and gone?

The moment of perfect balance between the dark and the light hours has now passed and in the northern hemisphere, the daylight is now outpaced by the hours of night, even as our friends below the equator welcome the Spring. Here, the growing season comes to an end, and we button up, preparing for Winter.

What gathering-in will feed you and your loved ones in the cold days ahead? Did your dreams and intentions, imagined and planted with love last Spring, pan out? Perhaps you found unexpected "volunteers" amongst the carefully tended plans you'd mapped out.

Were they a happy surprise? Or unwelcome weeds?

As you gather in and assess your successes and setbacks of this past year, may all that you have harvested be juicy, wholesome, and blessed. As the year fades, may you reap goodness that will sustain you well, no matter what weather may lie ahead.

Wishing you beautiful, abundant harvests,
  Welcome New Subscribers!
  Hello and thank you to our 81 new subscribers that have joined us since the Harvest Moon issue went out.

I am thrilled to have y'all here! WINGS is my gift to you, and I hope you'll find it valuable and fun.

Maybe you'll even be inspired to invite your friends, or forward a copy to them, if you wish!  Please do (there's a link at the bottom to make it easy).  The more, the merrier!
The Final Classes of 2014 Are Filling Up Fast!
My Tarot Without Tears class scheduled for Oct. 11 has already filled to capacity, with a waiting list now in place. But there are two more chances to polish your Tarot skills before the end of the year!

But have no fear! If you are a more experienced practitioner, my Tarot Boutique workshops are back:
The Tarot Boutique presents:
Tarot Spellwork and Magick

Magic is a conversation between different forms of intelligence,
united for a common purpose.
~ RJ Stewart

Just in time for the Samhain season, I am pleased to offer this expanded, enriched version of the very popular workshop I first offered at Carolina Spirit Quest many years ago.

We usually consider the Tarot to be a beautiful methodology of inspiration, meditation, and divination, and mostly leave it at that. But it can also be a powerful tool for magick and manifestation.

Join us during this most enchanted time of year as we explore some of the basic principles of magick, spell crafting, and how the Tarot can be your "secret sauce" for amplifying and deepening your skills.

Combining the Tarot with basic concepts of magick such as the Witch's Pyramid, spell casting, and ritual, I'll help you use the cards as a power tool to polish your methods of magickal practice, improving both your expertise and your results.

Sorry, no beginners, or magical newbies, please.

Class size is EXTREMELY limited, and already, only four seats remain.


And then...
A Tarot Herbal Harvest

Just in time for the holiday season!  If you are intrigued by the idea of combining the magical energies of plant devas and herbs with the mysteries of the Tarot, you’ll love this class!
In this very special seasonal workshop, we’ll spend the afternoon exploring and playing with the Green Allies that are aligned with your Soul, Personality, and Teacher card herbs, and making your own keepsake creations. Save some for you, and make unique gifts for your loved ones.
In other words, we will be discussing the Major Arcana in some detail, with a very Green focus!

Feature Article
He Said, She Said, and You Said...
If you are a reader, or have received readings of any kind -- Tarot, astrology, Runes, auras, or what have you -- you have almost certainly run into situations where one reading appears to be at odds with another one.
As a reader, you have maybe just finished offering the very best of your excellent skills, your heart's own honesty and insight, and yet the querent across the table looks at you with disappointment and shakes their head.
"Oh no," your client insists. "I can't possibly stay in my current job! Lady Zippir at the psychic fair last month told me that I'll soon be discovered by Oprah, and become nationally famous."
(To continue, go here... )
Coming This Thursday in Raleigh:

It is my great honor to share one of my favorite aspects of the Tarot with the members and friends of the Triangle's Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship:

What’s Your “Sign” in the Tarot?
An Introduction to the Tarot Profile

Thursday, October 2 2014
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm
$10; $8 seniors & students

At the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
3313 Wade Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27607

True confession: I am on a mission for EVERYONE to know their Tarot Soul Card as easily as they know whether they are a Sagittarius or Taurus. Join me for a lively overview of this easy and interesting way to tap into the power of the Tarot!

For additional details, you can visit the wonderful folks at SFF's website here.
Please join us!

ps: I am offering a free one-year membership to my Birthday Club as an Angel Door Prize. You could be the lucky winner!
Tarot Readings
Dancing Moon Books
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh

Friday, Oct. 3
Saturday, Oct. 18
Friday, Nov. 7

If you would like to meet in person, but can't drive out to northern Durham county, or are allergic to cats, or (as is the case lately) I am booked up too far in advance, please come see me at Dancing Moon Books.

Not only are they a fantastic shopping destination -- one of the biggest metaphysical shops in the Southeast -- but twice a month I would love to meet with you. I offer both hour and half-hour long appointments.

My hours are 11:30 am, to 6pm. Please feel free to bring your smart phone or other recording device so you can save our conversation for later review.

Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment?  Call (919) 833-8081 (Tuesdays-Sundays) to schedule your visit, or even reserve your time months in advance!
The Raleigh-Durham
Triangle Tarot and Friends

Wow! Our new program format we began Sept. 17 was a HUGE hit!

Each month, our members take turns teaching us a new Tarot layout. Then, we try it out with each other.  Great FUN for all levels!  But you'll have to join the waiting list, because we are already filled to capacity for October!

We're some of the most talented, enthusiastic Tarot people on the planet.  And we welcome Tarot friends both local and from around the globe, at all levels of experience.

However, space at our monthly gatherings is LIMITED and RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, you must become a member (there's no charge!). It's simple; just go here.

Join us for laughter, learning, and insight.

Green Living:
Eat Local: Join Your Local Co-op

Here in Durham, NC we just got terrific news! Our beloved co-op grocery is making a comeback of sorts.  The new Durham Co-op Market is opening soon and will be located less than a block from the old Durham Food Co-op, that closed in 2008 after 37 years in business.

Why does this matter?

(Click here to read the whole article...)
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Astrological Tidbits ...
Opportunity, Obstacles, and Setting Yourself Free
Starting off with a bang, astrologer Cynthia Novak writes of this coming Fall season, "The winds of war are in the autumn breeze. They are not turning back. Pluto, the planet of catharsis, and Uranus, the revolutionary planet of change, are still in a very stressful aspect. Mars moves through a fierce section of the heavens and toward Pluto."
Yikes! There's no goofing around here. Let's break this down, shall we?
The big story for October is that we are heading into a couple of eclipses and Mercury is going retrograde.  Back up your technology NOW.
(My friend Thalassa despairs that Mercury never seems to really go direct anymore, and I am inclined to agree with the sentiment, even though this is not actually true.)

Astrologer Lance Ferguson writes,
"Mercury begins to retrograde on Oct 4 in water sign Scorpio. Notice how the winds and weather patterns change over the next three weeks—Mercury Rx ends on Oct 25.

"At that time
Mercury will be in early Fall sign Libra which is an air sign ruled by Venus. We typically have light winds and lovely weather when Mercury is in Libra and not Rx.

"This also signals you don’t make final decisions on important matters during this Rx cycle. As Mercury changes signs [while] backing up, you might change your mind as well and wish you hadn’t signed on the dotted line while Mercury was in
(Read the rest here)
For my faithful subscribers -
I am still so humbled by the outpouring of love and support you sent last Fall, when I told you about the final days of our little Ragamuffin cat, Sierra. So you, of all people, will know how big and happy this news is, and why I just had to share it with YOU!

After ten months of grieving, processing, recovering, and preparing...

We are thrilled to announce that we have two new family members: Phoebe (the 5 month old tabby) and Calypso (the beautiful Tortie, who is estimated to be about 10 months). They both came to us via the Orange County Animal Shelter, and are very sweet-tempered. They are already good friends with each other and are settling in beautifully as the new royalty of Laurel Hill Cottage.Phoebe Calypso

Thank you again for all your kindness and well-wishes. It means the world to us.
Let’s get together!

specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists, and innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality.  If you seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.

I would be happy to welcome you in person to my magical Laurel Hill Cottage in the woods of Northern Durham County (North Carolina). I also visit twice a month at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh. And I am available worldwide, by phone.

Pick Your Ideal Appointment Time
To find out when I am available for a phone appointment, drop by here. Pick a time, and afterwards, you can "lock in" with your PayPal payment.

Or if you wish to meet at my home, in person, you can see my availability here. My bookstore reading dates are back up near the top of this newsletter.

Of course you can also visit my website or leave a message at (919) 620-7525. Please be patient - I am usually booked for several weeks in advance.

As we navigate these tumultuous, exhilarating times, I am honored to be of service to you, and help you find your own WINGS.
Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
My Blog
Google Plus
Thank you again for inviting me to be a part of your day.

As we move into one of the most beautiful times of year, may beauty, bounty. and gratitude accompany you on each step of your journey.
