Feature Article
The Legitimate Psychic
Last month,
I wrote about how it can be tricky to tell your relatives or past
colleagues that you work as a reader or esoteric practitioner of some
Part of the reason for this, of course, is because of the entrenched
skepticism of our rather cynical, secular culture, where anything
mysterious cannot possibly exist, and so must be the province only of
the feeble-minded or gullible.
But another problem you'll encounter if you "come out" as a metaphysical
professional is that we often have a dicey reputation, thanks to the
con artists that like to use our practices to rip people off. For many,
"legitimate psychic" is an oxymoron.
So what can we do about it?
(To continue, go here... )
Tarot Readings
Dancing Moon Books
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Friday, Sept. 5
Saturday, Sept. 20 (Pagan Pride Special: Show me your Raleigh Pagan Pride admission bracelet and get $10 off)
Friday, Oct. 3
Looking for clarity, alternative options,
or fresh inspiration? It is my honor to be a featured reader at one of
the Southeast's largest and most loved metaphysical shops, Dancing Moon
Books. Drawing on over forty years of Tarot experience, I would love to be of service to you.
My hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Please feel free to bring your smart phone or other recording device so you can save our conversation for later review.
Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 (Tuesdays-Sundays) to schedule your visit, or even reserve your time months in advance!
The Raleigh-Durham
Triangle Tarot and Friends

After a very creative, laid-back Summer schedule, in September we'll be launching a new program!
Each month, one of our insanely brilliant members will teach us a new
Tarot layout that we can then test-drive with one another in pairs or
In case you're wondering, we're some of the most talented, enthusiastic
Tarot people on the planet. We welcome Tarot friends both local and from around the globe, at all levels of experience.
However, space at our monthly gatherings is LIMITED and RSVPs are
strictly observed! For time and location details, you must become a
member (there's no charge!). It's simple; just go here.
Join us for laughter, learning, and insight.
Green Living:
Greening Up Back To School
It's back to school time for millions of kids, teachers, and continuing education adults, too.
And because this is the second biggest retail push of the year (only
exceeded by the Winter holidays), the messages to buy, buy, buy have
been hammering away since early July.
I am not even in school, but I can barely make it through the aisles of
my local office warehouse superstore without longing to load up on the
insanely cheap megapacks of supplies. (Okay, partly because I just have a
thing about school supplies. And yes, it is probably some kind of mild
illness left over from my nerdy childhood).
But if we want to create a greener, more Earth-friendly economy (we do,
right?), it's important to stop, take a deep breath, and consider: do we
(or our school kids) really need a new box of 500 gel pens?
Like -- every year? If you walk through your house, can you honestly
say you don't have at least a half-dozen perfectly good pens?
Those packages of 10 spiral notebooks for only three bucks seem like a
steal, on the surface. But honestly - how many trees does it take to
roll out the millions of those products year after year? Remember that you vote with your money.
Unless you have lots of people to purchase for, buying school supplies
in bulk is not necessarily the most economical choice, especially when
you consider the hidden cost of waste, environmental destruction, dicey
labor conditions, and the huge carbon footprint of manufacturing,
shipping, and storage.
The California Recycle website notes (along with tons of great tips), "If your scissors are still sharp and your notebooks still have blank paper, go with the golden, or 'green' rule: Reduce, reuse, and recycle."
After you've taken inventory of what you really need (and your wallet is thanking you, too), try to shop for more eco-friendly items. For instance:
- Avoid
PVC plastic notebooks and other materials. If a product contains, or is
packaged in PVC, it will have the number “3” inside or the letter “V”
underneath the universal recycling symbol. In addition, soft flexible
plastic products made with PVC often have a distinct odor. The good
news is that many companies have made a commitment to phasing out the
use of PVC in their products. For a list of companies that have agreed
to phase out PVC in their products, see Center for Health, Environment and Justice.
- When shopping for notebooks and paper, look for a high degree of post-consumer recycled content, like New Leaf 100% Recycled Paper and Notebooks. Also purchase products with the Forest Stewardship Council certification, and/or chlorine-free status (to prevent the release of nasty dioxins).
- Instead of those boxes of a gazillion pens I mentioned, try The Seven Year Pen.
An estimated 100 million pens are thrown away every day, but this one
will last seven years and comes in a variety of very cool designs! And
remember - when I say "thrown away," the truth is, there is no "away."
- As Grist e-magazine columnist Umbra writes, despite what the youth-clothing manufacturing empire would have you believe, your children do not need an entirely new wardrobe every September. Why not organize a back-to-school swap with other local parents (teens can host their own) and trade outfits.
- Looking for Earth-friendly art supplies? Both eco-kids and Glob get high marks for excellent products, non-toxic ingredients, and environmentally sound manufacturing.
It takes a little creativity, but once you start poking around online
for ideas and products, it's easy to find greener alternatives to the
usual mass marketing. And you will be modeling a more aware lifestyle
for your family, too.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Astrological Tidbits ...
Take advantage of the lull...
As August winds down, some of the drama of the past months continues to recede, thankfully.
There are a few cautions along the way, but nothing in the category of
the seismic drama we've been experiencing from April's Grand Cross or
what Elisabeth Grace calls the "never-ending Uranus-Pluto square drama."
So for a little while, as astrologer extraordinaire Lynn Hayes says, "We have a bit of a respite from the square from Uranus to Pluto for the next couple of months.
she warns, "the tension and force for change and ultimate
transformation still linger as we ourselves find rest and readjust to
the new realities that the past few years have brought into our lives."
And many, many of you are confiding to me that you
are experiencing this as a strange, uncomfortable muddle, with a lot of
free-floating weirdness. Well, you're right. It's real.
Robert Wilkinson writes in his Aquarius Papers,
"Right now we're again experiencing a collective strangeness we all
share due to the recent New Moon opposed Neptune. Add Venus square Mars
conjunct Saturn and it’s no wonder there are distressing cross currents
in the mists and fogs of life!
"The fact that we’re all experiencing a great weirdness doesn't mean we're all having the same experience of that weirdness...."
(Read the rest here)
Until next time, may the stars shine brightly for you..
Let’s get together!
specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists, and innovators
thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you
seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.
I would be happy to welcome you in person to my magical Laurel Hill
Cottage in the woods of Northern Durham County (North Carolina). I also
visit twice a month at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh. And I am available worldwide, by phone.
Pick Your Ideal Appointment Time
To find out when I am available for a phone appointment, drop by here. Pick a time, and afterwards, you can "lock in" with your PayPal payment.
Or if you wish to meet at my home, in person, you can see my availability here. My bookstore reading dates are back up near the top of this newsletter.
Of course you can also visit my website or leave a message at (919)
620-7525. Please be patient - I usually stay booked for several weeks in
As we navigate these tumultuous, exhilarating times, I am honored to be of service to you, and help you find your own WINGS.
Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
Thank you again, for inviting me to be a part of your day.
As we stand on the threshold of a new season, let this be a new beginning full of happy curiosity, and a spirit of adventure.
With gratitude,