Feature Article
So... What Is It You Do Again?

It's Summertime and that means many of us will be spending more time with family and friends that "knew us when."
So did you ever have that awkward moment standing around the potato
salad, when Grand-maw-maw Zelda asks, "Now, dear, what is it again that
you do for a living?"
That's when the famous "elevator speech" so many hot shot coaches try to
drill into us flies away faster than a balloon in a toddler's sweaty
hands. Pitching potential clients at a networking event with "I am a
master-level Tarot guide for people who want a more extraordinary,
authentic life" might be polished and professional -- for that context!
But try running that by cousin Elmer, who is the archdeacon at his
church. And do you really think it will impress the family legend who
was the head aeronautics engineer for the Apollo space program?
If you are in a non-traditional or metaphysical occupation, how do you explain to "Muggles" what it is you do? Especially if they are wary of off-the-grid modalities. (To read more, go here... )
Tarot Readings
Dancing Moon Books
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Saturday, July 19
Friday, August 1 (yes, on Lughnasadh!)
Saturday, Aug. 16
Join me for illumination and inspiration! I
am honored to be a featured reader at one of the Southeast's largest
and most loved metaphysical shops, Dancing Moon Books.
My hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm.
Bring your smart phone or other recording device so you can save our conversation for later review.
Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 (Tuesdays-Sundays) to schedule your visit! You can even reserve your time months in advance!
The Raleigh-Durham
Triangle Tarot and Friends

Woo hoo! We raised $125 for the Bay Area Tarot Symposium, or BATS, as we fondly know it. Thanks to everyone who so generously participated in our raffle.
After many months of special guests, presentations, and activities, in July we
are devoting the evening to one of our most popular activities: giving
and receiving practice readings. If you want to test-drive your Tarot
reading skills, join us for Practice Reading Salon Night. Then in August, we'll enjoy our Summer tradition of Tarot Arts & Crafts Night, blending art making with Soul Card adventures!
We're some of the most talented, enthusiastic Tarot people on the
planet. However, space is LIMITED and RSVPs are strictly observed! For
time and location details, you must become a member (there's no charge!). It's simple; just go here.
Green Living:
Another Sunscreen Update
In previous issues of WINGS,
I have shared some consumer protection groups' concerns about the use
of sunscreen products in terms of ecological and health implications.
Unfortunately, many can actually damage our skin. They can harm
the environment with chemicals that are useless in terms of skin
protection, that take ages to break down, and which end up bleaching out
fragile coral reefs.
For instance, an analysis by the Environmental Working Group,
a nonprofit environmental research organization based in Washington
D.C., found that of 785 sunscreen products with an SPF rating of 15 or
higher, 84 percent offered inadequate protection from the sun’s harmful
rays or contained ingredients with safety concerns.
In a followup article,
I shared another of their reports, in which they noted, "Only a quarter
of the more than 800 beach and sports sunscreens [we] analyzed for our
2012 Sunscreen Guide meet our standards for effectiveness and safety."
Now, just this month, Consumer Reports has issued a warning to parents to stop the use of spray sunscreen on children.
magazine says the spray might be dangerous because kids could breathe
the spray in, which could lead to lung irritation. There are concerns of
potential cancer risks as well.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration is currently investigating these
sunscreens, but researchers say traditional sunscreen might be more
effective anyway because often, not all of the spray makes it onto the
child’s body.
So this means that it is even more important for you to do your homework
and avoid the products that contain known carcinogens, environmentally
damaging ingredients, or that are just a waste of your money.
To see the EWG's current list of top sunscreens (and their dirtiest dozens!) visit here.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Astrological Tidbits ...
Sanity and progress at last? Let's hope...
After all the intensity of the Grand Cross, the Mercury retrograde, and
all the other drama we've been subjected to these past months, I am
delighted to share good news with you.
The consensus appears to be that we're in for a very welcome respite. Renowned astrologer Lynn Hayes
notes, "The month of July is a good time for rest and reflection and
integration of changes that have occurred over the past few years so
that we are prepared for the next phase of planetary influences."
Lynn explains, "There is a great deal of planetary energy in July, but
most of it involves the faster moving planets and smaller cycles. There
are no big alignments of the major players right now which makes this
more of an adjustment period than anything else..."
Ralfee Finn
agrees, saying, "Welcome to 2014: Part 2, the retro-free second half
the year, when all the planets that drive the day-to-day mechanics of
daily life—Mercury, Venus, and Mars— are in forward gear, unimpeded by a
cosmic impulse to reflect on the past, as well as absolutely free to
move at their own pace.
"If you haven’t already experienced the 'direct effect' on attitudes and activities, yours or others’, don’t worry... (Click here for LOTS more...).
Until next time, may the stars shine brightly for you..
Let’s get together!
specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists, and innovators
thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you
seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.
I would be happy to welcome you in person to my magical Laurel Hill
Cottage in the woods of Northern Durham County (North Carolina). I also
visit twice a month at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh. And I am available worldwide, by phone.
Pick Your Ideal Appointment Time
To find out when I am available for a phone appointment, drop by here. Pick a time, and afterwards, you can "lock in" with your PayPal payment.
Or if you wish to meet at my home, in person, you can see my availability here. My bookstore reading dates are back up near the top of this newsletter.
Of course you can also visit my website or leave a message at (919) 620-7525.
As we navigate these tumultuous, exhilarating times, I am honored to be of service to you, and help you find your own WINGS.
Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
Thank you again for inviting me to be a part of your day.
May you savor each delicious moment of the weeks ahead with love, playfulness, and inspiration. With gratitude, |