Tarot Readings
Dancing Moon Books
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Sunday, June 23 (the day after Summer Solstice)
Friday, July 11
Saturday, July 19
Join me for illumination and inspiration! I
am honored to be a featured reader at one of the Southeast's largest
and most loved metaphysical shops, Dancing Moon Books.
My hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm.
Bring your smart phone or other recording device so you can save our conversation for later review.
Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 (Tuesdays-Sundays) to schedule your visit!
You can even reserve your time months in advance!
The Raleigh-Durham
Triangle Tarot and Friends

After a very exciting Spring brimming with guest visitors and special programs, in June we're holding our semi-annual Solstice Swap Meet. Buy, sell, swap, and give away Tarot items, magical tools, jewelry, and much more.
We will also be raffling a beautiful oracle deck by artist Melissa Harris. The proceeds will be donated for this year's Bay Area Tarot Symposium, or BATS, as we fondly know it.
In the Months Ahead: Practice Readings Night, Art Night, and lots more!
We're some of the most talented, enthusiastic Tarot people on the
planet. However, space is LIMITED and RSVPs are strictly observed! For
time and location details, please become a member (there's no charge!) by going here.
Feature Article
Tarot Professionalism:

The Good, The Bad, and The Sketchy
the years have gone by, I’ve watched Tarot wax and wane in popularity,
only to surge back each time, with more fans than ever.
No doubt about it: since I started reading the cards back in the dark ages, Tarot is much more acceptable. And available.
once there were only three or four types of decks that took substantial
effort to hunt down, now with just the click of a mouse, anyone can
choose from thousands of decks, to suit any age, budget, taste,
or point of view. Tarot creation has enjoyed a Renaissance not seen
since.. um.. the Renaissance!
the heavy woo factor around it has calmed considerably, too, as more
and more “regular” people are discovering that it is a reliable, easily
understood tool they can use themselves, for insight and guidance.
At the same time, the numbers of people who now call themselves professional Tarot readers has grown exponentially, too.
Used to be, there weren't so many of us. Oh, sure, there were always the
kinds of places like that one near Myrtle Beach on Highway 17 with the
neon "Palm Readings and Tarot" sign in the window, a busted refrigerator
in the back yard, and the orange Trans-Am up on blocks, right?
Not exactly in the same category as most of the readers I know, who are serious, sincere, skillful professionals.
But what IS the difference really? Read more here.
Reading for Others: Share and Serve with the Tarot
July 27, 1-6pm
Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh
Registration is now open for this one-of-a-kind workshop, which I only offer every 2 or 3 years and is open only to my previous Tarot I and II class participants.
This is an ideal opportunity to improve your skills as a practitioner.
Or if you have wanted to start reading for friends, family, or even
possibly clients, this is how to do it with skill and awareness. Sign up today; this will not be offered again before 2016. Details and registration are here.
Green Living:
Seafood Mindfulness
you are probably aware, not only are our oceans and fresh waters being
impacted by global climate change, overfishing and pollution are also
threatening the biosphere of our waters.
The famed Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch
program helps consumers and businesses make wise choices for healthy
oceans. Their recommendations indicate which seafood items are "Best
Choices," "Good Alternatives," and which ones you should "Avoid." You
can get a downloadable guide or app specifically written for your geographic area by going here.
Their ratings are based on a number of factors, including concerns about
how the fish are caught or farmed. Their "Super Green" category
suggests only fish that are good for you and good for the oceans. To
qualify, the best of the best --
- Have low levels of mercury (below 216 parts per billion [ppb])
- Provide at least 250 milligrams per day (mg/d) of omega-3s
- Are classified as a Seafood Watch "Best Choice" (green)
So which do they recommend? Here are their picks, as compiled in 2013:
- Atlantic Mackerel (purse seine from Canada and the U.S.)
- Freshwater Coho Salmon (farmed in tank systems, from the U.S.)
- Pacific Sardines (wild-caught)
- Salmon (wild-caught, from Alaska)
- Salmon, Canned (wild-caught, from Alaska)
- Albacore Tuna (troll- or pole-caught, from the U.S. or British Columbia)
- Sablefish/Black Cod (from Alaska and Canadian Pacific)
you should avoid: Red grouper from the Gulf of Mexico, swordfish,
Chilean seabass, blue and striped marlin, Atlantic cod, red king crab,
imported mahi mahi, orange roughy, shark, swordfish, farmed Atlantic
salmon, Atlantic halibut, imported shrimp, red snapper, and wild
sturgeon caviar.
And here's some additional helpful advice. If you like to treat your
cat with canned cat food, the Sheba® brand adheres to the "green"
guidelines for healthy, sustainable, Earth-friendly practices.
Through making wiser choices, we can help restore healthy, abundant oceans for everyone.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
In addition to my Reading for Others workshop, I've got LOTS more great events planned for you.
Click here to save these dates and learn more!
Astrological Tidbits ...
...will be back next time!
Until then, just be mindful that we're in a Mercury retrograde until
July 1, and a Neptune retrograde (which just started June 10) until Nov.
Until then, may the stars shine brightly for you.
Let’s get together!
I specialize in helping visionaries,
healers, artists, and innovators thrive while integrating career,
creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as
practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.
I would be happy to welcome you in person to my magical cottage in the
woods of Northern Durham County (North Carolina). I also visit twice a
month at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh. And I am available worldwide, by
Pick Your Ideal Appointment Time
To find out when I am available for a phone appointment, drop by here. Pick a time, and afterwards, you can "lock in" with your PayPal payment.
Or if you wish to meet at my home, in person, you can see my availability here. My bookstore reading dates are back up near the top of this newsletter.
Of course you can also visit my website or leave a message at (919) 620-7525.
As we navigate these tumultuous, exhilarating times, I am honored to be of service to you, and help you find your own WINGS.
Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
you again for inviting me to be a part of
your journey. May these long days of warmth and fruitfulness bring
blessings to you and your loved ones.
With gratitude,