Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November, 2011

Occupy Your Heart
Can you believe it? 
We are already into the Winter holiday season! How did that happen so soon? 
Yes, I know it is always the exact same number of days and months every year. But not only does time seem to speed up (could I possibly be getting .. older??), but the commercial side of things cranks up the consumer push earlier and earlier every year.  I saw Christmas merchandise in one chain store less than a week after Labor Day this year. Yep, right next to all the Halloween tchotchkes.
By now, we are all feeling the enormous pressure to entangle ourselves in the machinery of the commercial juggernaut that surrounds us. But.. can you feel it in the air?  It seems like something is different this year.
Maybe it's all the hoopla about 2012. Maybe it's the restless stirrings that go by names like "Occupy" and "Arab Spring," and "the Great Turning," which clearly have a deep, unnameable resonance for so many.  Maybe it is just another crack in the facade of what we have been told is "normal," but more and more of us realize is anything but.
For many reasons, despite the shaky outlook for the status quo, or maybe because of it, it seems like there is the possibility of something different, something that could be radically new.
Like so many things in our modern world, the true spirit of this season has been taken from us, repackaged and glitzed up; politicized, pontificated, or turned into a marketing venture. The heart of this magical time has been served up as a sappy sentimental cliché, or hollow nostalgia for times that never really were. 
However, I bet if we joined forces, you and I, we could change that.  We could establish healthier, happier, more sustainable and authentic traditions that honor the coming birth of the Light. 
Because, make no mistake... Change is whistling in these cold winds. The ancient promise within the soul of humanity is coming due. There is a magical Awakening already in progress and a new dawn is on its way.  Let us welcome it with joy, generosity, and peace. Let us truly, deeply occupy our own hearts.
Wishing you and yours all the best,
Speaking of new traditions...
Join Us for Our Annual Solstice Sun Wheel Prayer Circle!
"It's like the whole world's doing 'the wave,' only with prayer!"
- Solstice Sun Wheel participant, 2007
Looking for a new, more heart-centered way to celebrate the countdown to Solstice, Christmas or other Winter holiday of your preference? Join with hundreds of us around the world as we gather at dusk, in our local time zones, and light prayer candles for healing and hope. Every Sunday evening, as darkness falls across the globe, we send out our prayers and intentions.
The practice is very simple and is basically the lighting of Advent candles around a wreath. Advent is simply a word that means "coming of," and so this is a ceremony that everyone can enjoy, regardless of their spiritual path. Although this is a well-loved practice in most Christian churches, it actually originated in much older Pagan times.
This update was originally inspired by Beltane Papers founder, the late Helen Farias, and continued by the wonderful Waverly FitzGerald.  Now I am also carrying on this lovely tradition, as every year, more and more families find this to be a gentle, inclusive, yet powerful way of focusing on the spirit of this time. 
For all the details, including our intention for this year, please visit here.
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 61 new subscribers that have joined us since the  October issue went out.  Wow!  Thank you so much for checking out WINGS; it's great to have you here!
I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please forward a copy to them, if you wish!  The more, the merrier! 
Your Tarot Year
This month, we conclude our discussion about the Soul Card and my Soul Card Kits by talking about the Tarot Year! 
As you may know, I am on a personal mission for everyone to know their Tarot Soul Card, the same way they know their astrological Sun sign.
Just as the Sun sign is but a small, delicious taste of our astrological chart, the Soul Card is only one component in a rich, fascinating composite of our Tarot persona, as you can read in "Who Are You in the Tarot?" by Mary K. Greer and "Tarot, Birth Cards, and You: Keys to Empowering Yourself," by Bonnie Cehovet and Karyn Easton.
In addition to the Soul Card showing you what your soul's task is in this lifetime, you also have an annual marker of what gifts, lessons, and challenges may be coming up for you, based on your Tarot Year Card.
As you may have guessed, figuring out your Year Card is just as easy as figuring out the Soul Card. In the latter (using Mary Greer's method), you just add up the column of numbers of your birthday - the month, day, and four-digit year that you were born. Then you reduce that number to one digit.
To figure out your Tarot year, simply change the year from the year of your birth to the current year. 
Unlike the Soul Card, however, when you reduce the resulting sum, you need not reduce it to only one digit. If the reduced number corresponds to any of the Major Arcana cards, you have your Year card.
For instance, if your birthday is Nov. 27, you would add:
2049      And then you reduce that number by adding
Fifteen corresponds to a Major Arcana card, so you would not need to reduce it further. In fact, if you're born on Nov. 27, you are having your Tarot Year of The Devil!  Now isn't that something you might want to know?
The question naturally comes up as to when one's Tarot year begins.  Over the years, I have found that there are two "waves" of the Tarot year.
The way I work with it, the Tarot year begins on Jan. 1, but actually reaches its full power at the time of our birthday.  This influence will diminish on Jan. 1 of the following year, with the next year's energy beginning, and then will have faded to the next year's card by your next birthday.
So if your birthday is in the beginning of the year, these changes may be abrupt and intensely felt. If your birthday is in the middle towards later in the year, it is more subtle but a clear shift will be felt around your birthday. 
For folks born at the end of the year, these changes are overlapping, complex and may be subtle, building at last to a feeling that the tide has turned, just before the energy changes again at New Year’s.
Working along these same lines, each year itself has an energy.  As you know from my articles here, on my website and at The Meta Arts Magazine, 2011 has been the year of The Emperor (2+0+1+1).  Next year brings us the Year of the Hierophant, which I will be writing about in detail soon!
Meantime, if you would like to purchase a Soul Card kit, they make very magical gifts! Just stop by my website.
jpegNEW and exclusive for WINGS subscribers:
If you are interested in purchasing a Tarot Year kit (same prices as the Soul Card kits), let me know and I will create one just for you! 
Green Living
 This holiday season, Go Green by upcycling!
Huh? What's upcycling, you ask?
Simple! According to the fabulous website hipcycle, it's the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value.
It differs from recycling in that upcycling reuses the object in a new way without degrading the material it is made from. Recycling generally involves breaking down the original material and making it into something else, often requiring more energy use.

Though the word may be new, the idea of thrift is not. In fact, up until the 1950s or so, upcycling was actually commonplace. Everything was used until it was no longer of any possible use. You didn't throw things away the minute they broke, you fixed them. Or else you turned them into something else.
I can remember when the built-in obsolescence that is commonplace today was considered scandalous and shockingly wasteful.  (And if you are wondering whether we had electricity, paved roads and indoor plumbing way back in those ancient times...gee, thanks a lot! I am not THAT old!!)

Modern-day upcyclers put just about anything they can find to good use. Jewelry is being made from old soda cans and beer labels. Old t-shirts are made into balls of yarn, juice packs are made into handbags. Tires can be turned into attractive woven baskets, wine bottles are upcycled into beautiful bird feeders.
The possibilities are nearly endless! And they are not only for the frugal. There are upscale upcycle products, too, like from British trendsetters Elvis & Kresse. They offer luxe items in clothing and home decor.
Can't quite figure out what to buy or how to upcycle your own junk?  No problem!  Send it to TerraCycle, who will accept your packages of waste, and find a way to put it to good use!
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference!
Astrological Tidbits 
December sends us face first and down the chute, as we head into 2012
I was going to keep this month's offering brief, but there is lots going on that I would be remiss not to share with you!
As one of my regular blog visitors, the wonderful British astrologer Lorna Bevan writes, "This is going to be an active, fast paced, intense month right at the end of 2011 which send us face first down the chute into 2012."
For starters, if you didn't figure it out during your Thanksgiving travels, you still have a couple more weeks to see delays, computer glitches and miscommunications. Yep, we're into  another Mercury retrograde (Nov. 24-Dec.14).
Affecting travel, communications, business, and technology, it's not the best time for starting something new or signing contracts (if you must, be sure to go over everything with a fine-toothed comb!).
But it can be great for a year's end review and sorting out old misunderstandings. You needn't go into hiding, just pack your patience and double-check details. And back up your software!
On Friday, Dec. 9, the planet of revolutionary change and rebelliousness, Uranus, goes direct, after having been retrograde since July 9. Change that has been simmering and stewing under the surface is likely to get some serious traction now. Star IQ tells us to look for change and destablization that may be big, brilliant, disturbing and necessary. 
The very next day, Dec. 10, we have a Full Moon with a total Lunar Eclipse.  Astrologer Lance Ferguson writes, "Eclipses signal times of power. Full Moons bring times of harvest when decisions and conclusions can mark the end of an era and forecast an important turning point."
Molly Cliborne Gauthier adds, "The Lunar Eclipse this month, like the Solar Eclipse last month, tangles with Mars in Virgo. This cautions us to be careful and concerned about details, but not to the point of being picky or needlessly critical of others. Being overly concerned with doing [things] a certain way blinds you to the big picture. Squares in mutable signs tend to be neurotic, so the few days around the Lunar Eclipse may feel a little frantic and crazy."

The Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn at Winter Solstice, at 12:30am, Eastern time Dec. 22. Because it is nearly the New Moon, it should be a great night for enjoying the Ursids meteor showers. 
In those early degrees of Capricorn, the New Moon on Dec. 24 is a powerful one. It will conjunct Pluto, trine Jupiter, and square Uranus.
Translation: Pluto is the force of death and rebirth, bringer of miracles and catastrophes. Lance explains,"The trine to Jupiter encourages both sides of the fence and invites us to plant new seeds over this next two weeks and to make plans for something positive to occur in the future."
But, he continues, "The joker in the deck is the square to unpredictable Uranus which will add a surprising, possibly destructive, element to events that occur during this lunation and ahead."
Last but not least, he tells us, "Jupiter ends his 4+ month Retrograde cycle on Christmas Day—another extremely rare event/combination...and a good one. Because, he now joins all the other planets that are also direct in motion. This happened at the beginning of this year but has not happened since then.
"So a window of time begins on December 25 that lasts until January 23, 2012, when all the planets are direct, no Retrogrades, and when things will speed up—for better and for worse."
May the stars shine brightly for you in the days ahead!
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at
Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Twice each month:
Friday, Dec. 2
Saturday, Dec. 17

Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, and end by 6 pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? You can schedule months in advance by calling (919) 833-8081.
Gift certificates now available!
...And Back Again!
Was it Mercury retrograde that did it? Or just the fact that our group voted and decided our new web host wasn't upgrading and streamlining in the ways they'd indicated.
At any rate, Triangle Tarot and Friends has moved back to our original digs on But we're keeping our 2011 name and look, and are adding some tasty new features so that our local and long distance members will feel right at home.
PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE: In December, due to the Winter Solstice falling on our usual date of the 3rd Wednesday, we are gathering a week earlier - on Dec. 14.
This will be our fun, very relaxed, kind of crazy Semi-annual Solstice Swap Meet Meetup! Trust me - you don't want to miss this one: buy, sell, swap, giveaway Tarot decks, books, accessories, arts and crafts, jewelry, magical tools, home cooking - you name it!

It's also when we give back to the community, and once again this year, we are proud to support Dancing Moon Books' Toys for Tots toy drive, as well as replenishing the stores of the NC Food Bank. Please bring unwrapped toys and/or non-perishable grocery items. 
Also be sure to bring your decks, show & tell items, announcements and a festive spirit for a night of socializing and fun! 
Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please sign up (free!) by going here. Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
Owl MailWow!
I got dozens and dozens of beautiful, supportive emails from you last month. So many that I won't be able to include them all here, or else it would have been the whole WINGS!
You may recall that last month I confided that despite my desire to, I just wasn't able to manage publishing a bi-monthly newsletter, especially with all the other projects I have going on.
Your kindness and wisdom were so amazing, as well as the stories of your own struggles with time and energy boundaries. I was in tears and laughter for days! You are the most wonderful friends I could ask for. Thank you!
Also, as you may know, I asked for your feedback on my e-book project I took on for the "Write an E-book in 30 Days" challenge.
You all voted, and the winner (by a hair!) was a compilation of the 2006 blog posts I wrote that were a journey through the Elements - Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
I must confess, this was far more complicated than I'd thought when I started. I am happily committed to it, but have found that perhaps (at least for me), writing from scratch is actually easier than stitching together, editing and streamlining hundreds and hundreds of pages of posts.
Because it is so large, I have decided to divide it up into four separate sections.
However, I think the timing will work out nicely, as I intend to have the first book which will discuss the element of Earth ready in time for Winter Solstice!  Stay tuned for updates. 
Once again, I want to thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. In December, the Owl Mail will go back to its regular Q and A format.
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Just email me! Thanks!
jpegTarot Profiles of the 2012
Presidential Candidates
What do you suppose the Soul Card of Mitt Romney says about him? What shadow lessons does Barack Obama face? What does the Tarot have to say about Rick Perry?
I have been publishing a series, Tarot Profiles of the U.S. Presidential Candidates in my column at The Meta Arts Magazine.  I began with the obvious, perhaps only Democratic candidate - Barack Obama.
Then, in November, I published a Tarot take on (at that time!) Republican front-runner Mitt Romney.
In December, you'll see my appraisal of Rick Perry. There will be more in the new year, especially as, at this writing, it appears that Newt Gingrich is suddenly pulling ahead.
That will be after January's article on 2012 as the Tarot Year of the Hierophant, of course. And naturally, it will be interesting to see who is still left in the running by February.
Please visit and enjoy!
Networking Spotlight:
Joanna Powell Colbert presents...
Gaian Soul Seasonal Practices
That Goddess of beauty and creativity, Joanna Powell Colbert, has done it again! Only this time, she has created one of the most compelling, beautiful, juicy offerings I have ever seen!
Designed to be the first of an ongoing series that celebrates the seasonal holidays, Midwinter is an online, self-paced course specifically designed to help you celebrate this time of year through personal creative expression, silence and stillness.

Specifically, Midwinter overflows with exercises, projects and meditations that will enable you to:
*  Become more aware of, and more in tune with, the rhythms of nature.
*  Learn to be present and alert to the deeper, hidden messages of Midwinter.
*  Create the habit of reflective journal writing and art-making.
*  Spend regular time with Mama Gaia, allowing Her to heal and nourish you.
*  Experience the winter holiday season in a whole new way, one that gives you peace and feeds your spirit.
*  Cultivate your own self-expression through creative practices that lead to self-discovery, healing and wisdom.
The regular tuition is $127, but right now there is an early-bird special that Joanna has told me I can share with you. If you enroll before Monday, Dec. 5, you need only pay $115. You can also save a ton by signing up for all eight courses at one time. 
Don't miss out! Please visit her website right away, before this offer expires, so you can learn more!  
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and innovators thrive in changing times. If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid tools for living an extraordinary life, my classes, workshops, and personal sessions will help you predict your future by creating it.

Looking for a convenient appointment time?  Now, it's incredibly easy!  For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" with your PayPal payment.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
For further information, you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525. 
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision. 
Tjpeghank you again for including me in your day! It is a pleasure and honor to share this time with you.
November now departs and we stand upon the brink of the Solstice, and the turning of the year. May the dark nights be soft and restful, may your days be sparkling with merriment, and may peace be always in your heart.
Blessings to you,
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