Thursday, September 1, 2011

September, 2011

Blessings of the (just past) New Moon! 
As promised, here is the second issue of the new, bi-monthly version of my WINGS newsletter! Thanks to the tons of special goodies in this issue, it's not quite in August or on the New Moon, but just a whisper past it.
For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere, this magical waxing crescent Moon is the one that will take us on our journey from Summer to Autumn. The timeless spell of Summer, which has seemed so unchanging (some might say "relentless!") is melting away. The long bright days are suddenly curtailed and darkness falls dramatically earlier than it did, since just a month ago.
In less than three weeks, Equinox will be upon us, and Persephone will make her descent to the Underworld. The hours of night will trump the daylight.
The Sun now in Virgo blesses us with a superb ability to organize, take practical steps, and create systems of prosperity and health.
No wonder this is the ideal time for many of us to heed the call of back-to-school. That old rhythm of gathering fresh notebooks, of sharpening our pencils and our minds pulls us forward. So in this edition, I am especially delighted to share a wealth of learning opportunities for you.
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 26 new subscribers that have joined us since the Full Moon of August issue went out.  That is just so fantastic!  Thank you so much for checking out WINGS; it's great to have you here!
I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please do forward a copy of to them, too!  The more, the merrier! 
The Tarot Profile Herbs
For as long as I can remember, I've been in love with plants and herbs, especially their energetic powers.  Just the simple act of touching them is so mysterious, pleasurable and healing. I am transported by planting, cultivating and harvesting; drying and sorting; and then actually working with them based on an intention.  And yes, you can be sure, we talk with each other the whole time!
The way that I use herbs is not for medicinal or curative work - I am not a certified herbalist or medical practitioner. 
But many of us are re-discovering something our ancestors knew all along -- that healing is holistic. Wellness does not come from the mechanistic compartmentalization model that Western industrialism has created.
Physical well-being cannot not be separated from energetic or spiritual health, and those are my areas of expertise.
And, as I wrote last time, working with the Tarot Profiles (as I like to call the numerological card combinations associated with your birth date) - has long been one of my favorite adjuncts to "regular" Tarot readings. 
So last year, I was inspired to blend my two favorite healing modalities together.  Voila! My Soul Card Kits were born!
Since then, the question keeps coming up - what's in them? And why?
Because so many folks have asked me this, for the first time, for my newsletter subscribers only, I am going to grant that wish by sharing the herbal ingredients of each of the Soul Cards with you!  You can download the list as a PDF file by clicking here.
My choices for these herbs were based on several factors. First and foremost, I selected the herbs based on my knowledge of the energies of the Major Arcana card to which they correspond. 
For instance, The Hermit aligns with herbs that are much more contemplative than The Emperor. So, the Hermit's bundle includes wormwood, used for scrying and divination. The Emperor would delegate that sort of thing, instead, using his energy to acquire wealth, prestige and power (fennel, oak, and coriander).
Other considerations went to the physical components of the herbs. The whole clove given to The Emperor represents his royal scepter. Happily, clove also happens to draw wealth and enhances fertility - very important to Emperors!
Next time I'll share a bit more about the herbs, as well as (as I'd promised last time), discuss your personal Tarot Year!
ps:  I want to mention again a couple of exciting, hot-off-the-presses resources that can help you gain insight into the Birth Cards' significance in your life, specifically, Mary K. Greer's "Who Are You in the Tarot?" and "Tarot, Birth Cards, and You: Keys to Empowering Yourself," by Bonnie Cehovet and Karyn Easton.
Fall Tarot Studies Are About to Begin!
My Fall Tarot classes at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh are enrolling now Time is running out to register for the September class. Call today and save your seat!
Planting the Seed: An Introduction to the Tarot
1-6pm, Sept. 11
Learn what the Tarot is, its basic structure, the correspondences between the suits and the Elements, and more! Highly recommended if you are new to the Tarot. More details, including price and syllabus are here
The Wisdom Journey: Developing Your Tarot Skills
11:30am- 6pm, Oct. 1 
If you understand the fundamental building-blocks of the Tarot (such as what is covered in the Sept. class), I promise that by the end of our day together, you will be reading the cards without lots of memorization or dependence on the books! Details are here.
Either or both of these classes are required in order to enroll in my intermediate class, Reading for Others, which I'll offer early next year.
Don't miss out! Please don't be one of the people I have to turn away because the class is filled or - this always breaks my heart! - the people who contact me too late, wanting to know if I ever teach Tarot! 
Register by calling Tues-Saturday at Dancing Moon Books: (919) 833-8081.
Astrological Tidbits 
Will be back in the Full Moon edition.
jpegGreen Living
 Tips for Greening Up Back to School Time
It's that time again, when big yellow buses are chugging around town, and we are shopping for the beginning of a new school year, either our kids' or maybe our own!
This time of year is second only to the Christmas holidays for retail consumption. That's why it is so important to vote with our wallets and make the most environmentally friendly choices we can. 
Here are some tips, thanks to Eco-Hearth, a terrific resource for boosting your environmental awareness.
  •     Buy only the school supplies your children truly need and always choose items with the least packaging (less for the landfills).
  •     Avoid battery-powered school devices. If required (e.g., a calculator), buy one that uses rechargeable batteries—or better yet, buy a solar-powered one.
  •     For lunch, choose local produce (less energy to transport) and organic (no pesticides and herbicides to pollute the environment).
  •     Go vegetarian or vegan whenever possible; meat production has an extremely negative environmental impact.
  •     Buy food in bulk and divide it yourself into individual servings. Buying prepackaged snacks costs more, pollutes more and creates more landfill waste.
  •     When packing lunches, use reusable plastic containers instead of disposable plastic baggies. And have your kids carry their lunches to school in cotton canvas reusable lunch sacks instead of paper bags. Or try the USA-made Lunch packer made from recycled plastic.
  •     Don't buy individual-serving bottles of water or juice. Why not use a cute Sigg kids' reusable water bottle and fill it with juice or water instead? Water from the tap, filtered if you like, is best. Bottled water has a huge carbon footprint thanks to the distance it must travel to reach you and the chemicals needed to manufacture it.
  •     Check out TerraCycle school supplies made of recycled materials, including post-consumer-waste paper, plastic and used juice containers.
  •     Ask for the new, more environmentally friendly pencils now being manufactured, like Papermate's Earthwrite pencils made from 100% post-consumer waste. Break the habit of choosing the disposable pens, and get refillable pens with ink refills instead.
  • And it turns out that loose-leaf folders, not spiral notebooks, are the better green choice.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and innovators thrive in changing times. If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid tools for living an extraordinary life, my classes, workshops, and personal sessions will help you predict your future by creating it.

Looking for a convenient appointment time?  Now, it's incredibly easy!  For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" with your PayPal payment.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
For further information, you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525. 
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision. 
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at
Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Twice each month:
Friday, Sept. 2
Saturday, Sept. 24

Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? You can schedule months in advance by calling (919) 833-8081.
Sign Up Now for the Fall Series of Tools for Transition Classes

At last, I am delighted to announce the Fall Schedule for my Tools for Transition series! And they include the long-awaited teleseminar classes you've been asking for!
Series One of Tools for Transition:
    * Developing Your Intuition - Teleseminar course: Tuesday, Sept. 20 and Sept. 27, 2011. Now enrolling. Details can be found here.
    * Cultivating a Deeper Relationship with Your Guides and Allies - Teleseminar course: Tuesday, October 25, 2011. Now Enrolling. Details are here.
    * Working with the Magical Energies of Plants and Herbs - Returning both locally, and via teleseminar, early next year.
   * Re-enchanting the World - Healing Our Alliances with Other Realms - Returning both locally, and via teleseminar, early next year.
   * Advanced Psychic Skills: Protection and Divination -  October 9, 2011 (local class only this time) Details are here.

In response to many requests, I am also happy to offer the new, second part of the series. For now, this is being offered locally only.
Series Two of Tools for Transition: Practical Magic
     *   Introduction to Magical Practice - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Details are here.
     *   Aligning with The Wheel of the Year - Sunday, November 6.  Details coming soon.
      *  The Divine Ones - Sunday, November 13. Details coming soon.
      *  Cultivating Your Devotional Practice - Sunday, Dec. 4. Details coming soon.
Please visit my Tools for Transition page to see at a glance what is offered and how to get the details.
Remember - as a WINGS subscribers, you are getting first dibs on these!  I can't wait to get together and get going!  If you have any questions or comments, I am always delighted to hear from you! Email me!
Let's Explore the Tarot Together!
You don't have to be local in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Triangle to join our thriving Triangle Tarot and Friends
Our web location makes it easy for Tarot people everywhere, at all levels of experience, to join the juicy conversations:
But if you're in the area, why not treat yourself to a night of Tarot fun? We meet locally for our "Tarot Readups" the 3rd Wednesday of each month in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. And there is NO charge!
In September, we return to our studies of Mary K. Greer's 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card.
Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please sign up (free!) by going here. Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
jpegNetworking Spotlight on...
Fall Semester at Cherry Hill Seminary
As you may know, I am proud to be on the Board of Directors at Cherry Hill Seminary, the modern world's first and only graduate-level educational institution for training Pagan clergy from all traditions.
This Fall promises some of the richest course offerings we've had yet, and I wanted to make sure you knew. 
It includes a varied curriculum of both full semester graduate program classes, as well as shorter courses, including our very popular four-week Foundations classes that do not require transcripts and matriculation.
Happily, some of the longer classes are open to both the graduate track students, as well as the wider public. 
For instance, if you are asking yourself what Pagan clergy would even be, you should check out A Survey of Chaplaincy, taught by Chris Highland, M.Div.
Pagan pastoral care is desperately needed. From hospital care, to military chaplaincy, to prison services, the lack of vetted, qualified Pagan chaplains is a huge problem for this group that some consider to be one of the world's fastest growing religious movements.
Indeed, the dearth of recognized Pagan leadership threatens to confound the ability of Earth-based spirituality to be given the due representation accorded other minority religions. Which is why Dr. Chandra Alexandre's Fall course, Pagan Leadership I is so timely!
Moving from "being in charge" to stepping into an authentic leadership role requires personal reflection and development, strong communication skills, advocacy, community building, problem solving and bridge-building, as well as the willingness and ability to develop the leadership potential in others.
Dr. Alexandre's course will guide participants in new ways of understanding what authentic spiritual leadership really is and determine how we can best serve as positive role models in our communities.
Cherry Hill Seminary offers outstanding, practical training and higher education for all paths of Earth-based spirituality. We are building it sustainably and from scratch - without the benefit of corporate sponsors, wealthy endowments, or the gigantic loans it might otherwise take.
Oh and one more thing.. if you lean at all towards a love for learning, our courses are big fun!
Thinking about enrolling? You can download the Fall Curriculum here.
And we always welcome your contributions; we are a fully recognized 501(c)3 non profit organization.  
Join us as we build a legacy of service and excellence for future generations!
Owl MailWill be back next time!  
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Just email me! Thanks!
Thank you again for taking the time to include me in your day. It truly is my honor.
As Summer winds down and we look forward to the crisp days ahead, may all your learning lead you to Wisdom, may all knowledge guide you to Truth, and may Loving Intelligence bring new understanding to us all.
Blessings to you,
Have you missed any previous issues?   I am now archiving them in the WINGS Newsletter blog.

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