Monday, August 8, 2011

August, 2011

Blessings of the Full August Moon 
Welcome to the new, twice monthly WINGS!
As I announced in July, because there is so much yummy content I want to share with you, you'll now be getting a new WINGS twice a month.  And for no additional charge! Oh wait! There isn't a charge in the first place!
My plan (subject to change of course - that's one of the joys of being my own boss) is to send you an issue of WINGS around the time of the Full Moon and New Moon. If there is a Blue Moon (where there are two Full Moons in a calendar month), or a Black Moon (when we have two New Moons), you'll get a bonus issue!
As you may know, when there is a Full Moon, the Moon is in the sign opposite the Sun. So in August, when the Sun is in Leo, the Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius.  This Aquarius Full Moon has lots going on, as you will see in my Astrological Tidbits column this week.
In early August, it is an ancient practice to celebrate the First Harvest.  Well, I can tell you, the herbal harvests are coming in and that means fresh, powerful ingredients for my Soul Card kits. Today, I'll be explaining in more detail what the Soul Card is.
Although Summer is still with us, there are hints of Fall in the air, with back-to-school bells ringing very soon.  Do you get that itch to pack away the trashy novels and get more studious? I have some suggestions.
Thank you as always for sharing your time here with me, now twice a month. I hope you will enjoy doubly the goodies I have picked out especially for you!
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 19 new subscribers that have joined us in just the two weeks since the July issue went out.  Thank you so much for checking out WINGS; it's fantastic to have you here!
I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please do forward a copy of to them, too!  The more, the merrier! 
Your Tarot Profile
Many of you reading this may already know that there are Tarot cards associated with the numerology of your date of birth. Tarot people call them your Birth Cards, your Tarot Constellations, or, as I like to call them, your Tarot Profile cards.
For many years, this has been one of my absolute favorite aspects of working with the Tarot. I learned about it from the work of Angeles Arrien, in The Tarot Handbook, and Mary K. Greer, especially in her classics, Tarot for Yourself and Tarot Constellations).
Recently, this has become a "hot topic" in the Tarot world, since, in a very welcome and exciting bit of news, Mary has completely updated Tarot Constellations and will be releasing Who Are You in the Tarot? Discover Your Birth and Year Cards and Uncover Your Destiny at the Bay Area Tarot Symposium (B.A.T.S.) later this month.
And another of my Tarot friends and colleagues, Bonnie Cehovet, has authored a book on the topic. It will also be published this month and is titled, Tarot, Birth Cards, and You: Keys to Empowering Yourself.
To my knowledge, there are two main systems for calculating these special cards. One is the system of dual Birth Cards, and is taught by Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone of The Tarot School. This is the system that Bonnie uses in her forthcoming book, I believe.
However, Angeles' and Mary's approach is the one that I adopted first and have used over the years, making it a familiar friend. I have found it to be easy, accurate and fun.
In their system, you simply add up the month, day and year of your birth in an arithmetic column. So if you were born on April 29th, 1986, you would work it out like this:
  + 1986
Then, you add up the 2+0+1+9 = 12. This gives you a number that corresponds to one of the Major Arcana cards - The Hanged Man. However, you can further reduce this number to 3 - The Empress.
The lowest number that you can reduce it to is usually referred to as your Soul Card.  (Please note: the Amberstone method comes out with a different pairing. However, the final reduced card, the Soul Card, will be the same).
I have found the Soul Card to be a powerfully  illuminating tool for understanding the energetics of our birth agreements: what we came here to be and do. If I am The Empress, for instance, I have a decidedly different life mission, and way of being in the world, than if I were, say, The Hermit or Magician.
Last year, to help people connect to their Soul Cards in a new, more tactile way, I decided to combine my many years of Tarot experience with my knowledge of the magical properties of herbs and flowers. The result has been my Soul Card kits.
Next time, I'll share some of the inside scoop on what is in my herbal kits and why!  And I'll tell you how to figure out your Tarot Year!
jpegGreen Living
Will return in the New Moon issue
Astrological Tidbits 
Full Moon to New Moon
August, 2011
Like having a party at the mouth of a dragon's cave...
By the time you will have received this, some of the most perilous days of August will have come and gone! 
From Aug. 8-10, complex oppositions among Mars, Uranus and Pluto, mixed with the Mercury retrograde still underway, created a potentially dangerous, even explosive mix.
Yes, we are still undergoing that Mercury retrograde, until Aug. 26.  But Molly Cliborne reminds us that we do not have to hide in a cave until it passes.
She writes, “Mercury retrograde is a fantastic time to review, revise, rework, revisit, rewrite. As Mercury goes backward, so does our attention. Focus on strengthening your knowledge and working on your plan for a push forward in the future, when Mercury is direct.”
So let's breathe a sigh of relief that we got through the worst of the difficulties of early August, and take a look at what's coming up next.
Of course, on Aug. 13, the Full Moon in Aquarius shone down its lovely Sun in Leo gregariousness, mixed with Aquarius' desire for transcendence and social justice.
In addition, as astrologer Lynn Hayes writes, "The love and beauty of Venus is tightly aligned in this Full Moon since she nearly exactly conjoins the Sun and showers her blessings on the event. However, that pesky alignment between Mars and the Uranus/Pluto square suggest that challenges lurk beneath the surface and must be attended to, rather like a party that takes place at the mouth of a dragon's cave."
After the 10th, especially on the 18th, Lynn points out there are important opportunities.  "Mars forms a harmonious sextile to benevolent Jupiter which helps us to find expansion and good fortune," she explains. "This is a great aspect to have when Mercury is retrograde, and should help to facilitate all aspects of messaging and transportation between the Full Moon and the 19th or so of August."
Under the influence of Venus and Chiron, the days of August 21-24 could bring challenges, especially in relationships. Also beware of a tendency towards delusion and overindulgence.
But difficulties are often gifts in disguise - opportunities to work through old wounds and bring about deep healing you may have longed for.  Real transformation is possible.
Lynn tells us, "Chiron goes about his job as Soul Surgeon, exposing any sensitive places in the heart so that they can become healed...
"Surgery of the soul isn't easy and it's not always fun, but it does create enormous opportunities for us to grow and find happiness at a far deeper level than is usually experienced.
"If we allow this soul surgery to take place, the abundant opportunities of this New Moon will help to open up new doorways in our lives that we cannot currently imagine."
Astrologer Judy Joyce agrees and adds, "Inspirational and creative energies will be strong. Enjoy this time, but be aware that there is a very good chance that our expectations will be too idealistic or unrealistic. Dream and imagine, but try not to make any definite decisions at this point; wait until things become clearer."
On Aug. 23, the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo, and Judy tells us, "This will bring in the necessity for realistic and critical analysis over the next 30 days."
Meantime, Lynn cautions that, "During this time, Mercury is slowing down (stationing) in preparation to turn direct on August 26th. At that time matters of communication, transportation, exchange of information of all kinds are more important than ever and need to be handled with care."
The end of the month will have some lovely aspects, especially at the New Moon, impacting especially the power of the Feminine. Look for details in my New Moon issue!
May the stars shine brightly for you in the days ahead!
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and innovators thrive in changing times. If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid tools for living an extraordinary life, my classes, workshops, and personal sessions will help you predict your future by creating it.


Looking for a convenient appointment time?  Now, it's incredibly easy!  For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" by going to PayPal to complete your transaction.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
For further information, you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525. 
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision. 
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at
Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Twice a month:
Saturday, August 20
Friday, Sept. 2

Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? You can schedule months in advance by calling (919) 833-8081.
Sign Up Today for Tarot Classes!
No, they are not with Professor Sybill Trelawney of Hogwarts. They are much more conveniently located - at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh. And they're much more down-to-earth, because they'll be offered by me
If you have ever tried, you know how hard it is to really learn the Tarot just from reading about it. But in these hands-on classes, not only is it easy, it's fun and rewarding, too!
I only offer these on a limited basis, and now is the time to enroll!
Planting the Seed: An Introduction to the Tarot
1-6pm, Sept. 11
Learn what the Tarot is, its basic structure, the correspondences between the suits and the Elements, and more! Highly recommended if you are new to the Tarot. More details, including price and syllabus are here
The Wisdom Journey: Developing Your Tarot Skills
11:30am- 6pm, Oct. 1 
If you understand the fundamental building-blocks of the Tarot (such as what is covered in the Sept. class), I promise that by the end of our day together, you will be reading the cards without lots of memorization or dependence on the books! Details are here.
Either or both of these classes are required in order to enroll in my intermediate class, Reading for Others, which I'll offer early next year.
Don't miss out! Please don't be one of the people I have to turn away because the class is filled or - this always breaks my heart! - the people who contact me mere weeks after the fact and want to know if I ever teach Tarot! 
Register by calling Tues-Saturday at Dancing Moon Books: (919) 833-8081.
Tools for Transition - Fall Series

Yes, I know you are waiting for the Official Announcement.
But the beastly hot Summer dog days, added to the Mercury retrograde, have been conspiring to slow down my planning and enrollments for the next series in my Tools for Transitions workshops.  You can get a sneak peek at some of what's in the works, though, by going here.
If you want to make sure you are on my early-bird announcement list for my in-person classes, email me!
And if you are interested in online and/or teleconferencing versions of these classes, let me know.
Thanks for your interest. Already the energies are changing, and I can't wait to get started!
Let's Talk Tarot Together!
You don't have to be local to the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Triangle to join our thriving Triangle Tarot and Friends
Our web location makes it easy for Tarot people everywhere, at all levels of experience, to join the juicy conversations:
But if you're in the area, why not treat yourself to a night of Tarot fun? We meet locally for our "Tarot Readups" every 3rd Wednesday in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. And there is NO charge!
Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please sign up (free!) by going here. Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
Owl MailMore comments about what the Tarot is came flying in with the Owl Mail this month.
Many were agreeing (and applauding!) the  thoughts our readers had shared in the July issue.
In addition, my friend, the talented artist and reader, Judy Nathan wrote, "For me it is one more tool in my toolbox for getting in touch with, and hearing, my (and my querent's) inner wisdom; that part of us that knows everything we need to know at any given time." 
Beautifully said!  Thank you so much for your wisdom, Judy.
In other news, reader Saffron wrote with concerns about the Mercury retrograde:
I took this picture while visiting the Butchart Gardens in Victoria B.C., and now that Mercury has gone Retrograde I was wondering if maybe you knew of any good ways to make friends with this guy! Maybe he'd like an offering or a prayer?  :-) Any advice for your readers in making the next 3 weeks go smoothly?
What gorgeous photo, Saffron! And a great question, too.
As is mentioned in the astrology column this issue, Merc Rx is not all bad news. It offers opportunities to learn from the past, take a strategic retreat, and review and reflect. I like to clear away physical and mental clutter to prepare for when it goes direct again.
I have also found that making an offering and also invoking Ganesha (the elephant-headed Hindu God who removes obstacles), can smooth out some of the bumps. But we must be sincere; unlike some, these Gods are not known for cosmic avarice, and are above out-and-out bribery.
What about you, dear readers? How do you cope (and thrive!) during Mercury retrogrades?  Let us know!
  * * * * *
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Thank you again for taking the time to include me in your day. It is my wish that WINGS will always be a gift you look forward to receiving, for many years to come!

May all the fruits of your First Harvests be deliciously, divinely nurturing.
Blessings to you,
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