Welcome New Subscribers!
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 43 new subscribers that have joined us since the June issue went out. Thank you so much for checking out WINGS; it's fantastic to have you here!
I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please do forward a copy of to them, too! The more, the merrier!
What Is the Tarot?
As I wrote last month, I was having one of
those fascinating experiences where, for days, over and over in casual
conversations, I kept hearing the same words coming up.
Interestingly, the "coincidence" has
continued, and since I wrote about it last month, several of my
colleagues have continued to echo the same question on their own blogs
and websites. The magic words are, "What is the Tarot?"
As you may recall, I had asked you, dear readers, to let me know what your own ideas and answers might be.
Kate in New Jersey wrote with a very
thoughtful response, musing on how the meaning of Tarot in her own life
has changed over the years.
"When I first started to study the Tarot, oh
about 40 years ago (ouch! I am that old now!), it was a pathway to
understanding parts of myself that were buried. I also was fascinated
with the idea of how I could control what was happening in my life and
what would happen in my life. Or so I thought.
"But of course, as I continued to study, and
more information became available to neophytes, such as myself and my
friends, it became clear that the Tarot was a spiritual opening for me.
I began to look at it as a doorway into my soul, and even when it made
perfect sense to me on a practical level, I continued to try and look
deeper into the spreads and meanings as a way of understanding what was
happening to me as a soul…"
She continues, "I also studied psychology
and counseling in college and was always reading everything I could find
on metaphysics. This was my way of life for many, many years. I grew
as a person and as someone with arcane knowledge. It was an exciting
time in my life and very satisfying."
Kate says she used to read for other people,
although she is currently not doing so. But whether only for herself,
or for others, she sees Tarot as "a tool for self-discovery." She uses
the cards in a very spiritual way, and is on a mission to educate people
that they are not evil or scary, but "interesting and enlightening. And
with open minds we can really start to understand ourselves in the
universe so much better."
I couldn't have said it better!
Robin, in Sacramento, writes, "I think the
Tarot is a mirror because it reflects who we are as we stand in front of
it. But also, if we look carefully, we can see what is behind us.
That's our past. From that, we can make an educated guess about what
the rest of the picture might look like (the future). But it does not
really show the future, since it isn't in the mirror, yet."
I love both these answers, as well as the
short ones I got that included, "Tarot is Mystery that fits into your
hands," "a chapter of your life," "centuries of wisdom packed into the
present," and "Tarot is whoever and whatever the reader believes."
The Tarot is always evolving, and it does
seem to change with every reader, every reading, every new deck, and as
we ourselves change over time. Its meaning does seem to flow as human
consciousness and perception flow and change.
Thank you for your thoughts, and I hope this
will spark your ongoing curiosity and further conversation. Feel free
to email me.
~ In loving memory of Lee, with whom I first began my Tarot journey in 1972. ~
Save the dates
My Fall Tarot classes at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh are coming, with enrollment starting soon!
Planting the Seed: An Introduction to the Tarot 1-6pm, Sept. 11 (Yes. I know. Let's change the energy, shall we?)
The Wisdom Journey: Developing Your Tarot Skills 11:30am- 6pm, Oct. 1
Look for lots more information next time or watch my website's Schedule Page for the official registration announcement.
I'll also be announcing the Fall schedule of my Tools for Transition classes, so be sure to stay tuned!
Green Living
For most of the U.S., the ongoing,
record-shattering heat has been the weather headline this summer.
And according to the top forecasters of
Weather Services International, the above average temperatures will last
right through fall for much of the country. The notable exceptions will
be the Pacific Coast and Florida.
As the roasting heat continues, with August usually being even less bearable for many of us than July, how can we stay comfortable and green? Here are a few tips:
Check your heating and cooling system to make sure it is operating at peak efficiency.
Postpone laundry and dish washing until
nighttime to avoid generating extra heat in your home. Also, consider
taking advantage of the warmer air and dry your laundry outside.
If you have a pool, could I please come
over to your house? Okay, actually, the advice is for you to turn off
your filter overnight when the pool is not in use.
Close blinds, drapes and shades during the
hottest part of the day. This keeps the hot sunlight from heating your
Use your microwave or countertop appliances
for cooking instead of the oven or stove. If you do use your oven ..
Use the exhaust fan to blow the hot air out
of your kitchen. The savings on your cooling costs far outweigh the
electricity used by the fan.
I'll have a few more ideas next month. Till then, stay cool and remember to take extra care with kids, pets, and animals. And be sure to check in on your elderly neighbors.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and innovators thrive
in changing times. If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid
tools for living an extraordinary life, my classes, workshops, and
personal sessions will help you predict your future by creating it.
Looking for a convenient appointment time? Now, it's incredibly easy! For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" with your PayPal payment.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
For further information, you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525.
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision.
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at
Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
The first Friday and third Saturday:
Friday, August 5 Saturday, August 20
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm.
Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? You can schedule
months in advance by calling (919) 833-8081.
Let's Talk Tarot Together!
You don't have to be local to the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Triangle to join our thriving Triangle Tarot and Friends.
Our web location makes it easy for Tarot people everywhere, at all levels of experience, to join the juicy conversations:
But if you're in the area, why not treat yourself to a night of Tarot fun? We meet locally for our "Tarot Readups" every 3rd Wednesday in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. And there is NO charge!
Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please sign up (free!) by going here. Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
July Highlights On My Blog
For 2011, my blog's
theme (more or less) has been to explore the topics that are ruled by
the astrological Houses. For instance, we discussed self-awareness in
the First House; in February, it was security issues, ruled by the
Second House; how we connect to our creativity (the Fifth House), and so
Maybe it was that Lunar eclipse at the first of the month that was further intensified by a Grand Cross. But somehow, July got a little off track.
We're supposed to be discussing the Seventh House of relationships and duality.
But instead, I've had to admit a kind of ennui had settled over me and I've been having an uncharacteristically hard time getting motivated.
This actually sparked some very lively discussions and general agreement
from many of my visitors. Is it a low ebb? The preparing time for Big
Magic? The calm before something bigger (possibly stormier)?
Of course, things are never very quiet. We've still had lots to ponder every Monday with my Tarot card of the week.
And my Happy Birthday message to the Sun sign of the month got the biggest discussion ever when it was Leo's turn in the limelight! Not too surprising, right?
And speaking of birthdays, I celebrated my
own Saturn return birthday this year by asking folks to donate to Cherry Hill Seminary. It's not too late if you'd like to contribute too. Please consider helping us build a legacy of educational excellence for future generations!
Meantime, whether or not we get back on the
subject of the Houses on my blog, you can always be assured you'll find "a little bit of magic every day!" I do hope you'll make a daily destination.
In addition to my invitation to comment on the Tarot, I had even more responses to my mention of the Faery Folk last month.
Jeanne wrote, "
I am always awake to the Good People and have had so many delightful
blessings and surprises! For those of us who can recognize them, it
really is a gift, isn't it? Gratitude seems to feed the Good People, don't you agree?"
Most emphatically, yes! I certainly do, Jeanne! Thank you for this very wise observation.
Many of your emails agreed with Colette, who wrote, "as far as [talking about] the Fae, it doesn't sound odd at all. We welcome all who are pure of heart and intent."
I know there are many
people in direct contact with, or are even related by blood, to the
Shining Ones, but often they may be reluctant to disclose it. So I
especially love that discussing, in all seriousness, the presence of the
Faery races can trigger such joy and recognition.
will certainly be giving you lots more opportunities to share your
stories of the People of Peace in future months! Thank you all for
* * * * *
Also, thank you
to all who wrote on behalf of Cherry Lea and George Ward, who I noted
last month had undergone some health difficulties. They are both doing
much better and send their gratitude to you all!
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Astrological Tidbits
Will be back in the early August issue..That is, it will, as long as the Mercury retrograde that begins Aug. 2 cooperates...
Thank you again for taking the time to include me in your day. It truly is my honor.
As July draws to a close, and we approach
the time of the First Harvest, may you find your heart's desires being
fulfilled in dazzling abundance!
Blessings to you,