Welcome New Subscribers!
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 36 new subscribers that have joined us since the May issue went out. Thank you so much for checking out WINGS; it's fantastic to have you here!
I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please do forward a copy of to them, too! The more, the merrier!
What Is the Tarot?
Do you ever have those odd synchronicities
where different people, in very different circumstances, repeat the
exact same phrase two, three or four times within a few days?
I sure do - more and more lately, it seems.
So many times, in fact, that I would be disappointed to not have it
occur at least every week or so.
The one that has grabbed my attention this
past several days is an especially interesting one. Over and over, in
less than a week, I have heard the question come up, "What is the
(Of course, this would be a really spectacular coincidence if I was not immersed in the Tarot most of my waking life!)
Still, it is a delicious question, and one that can take us in countless directions.
Besides the obvious, "It is a pack of
cards," or "It is a game, similar to bridge, mostly played in Europe," I
have heard many thought-provoking answers.
For instance, last Sunday, in a conference
call with Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone, Wald described the Tarot as a
mirror, a ladder, a navigation tool, a window, and more. Much more!
Wald ought to have a few ideas; besides hosting the world's biggest international Tarot conference every year, he and Ruth Ann have been teaching Tarot as their full-time profession for over 15 years through their outstanding Tarot School.
Earlier in the week, the question came up in a panel discussion I was honored to be a part of, for Joanna Powell Colbert's Gaian Tarot for Beginners class.
Joined by the brilliant James Wells, Bev Haskins, and Carolyn Cushing,
we offered tips and encouragement for new Tarot readers, and
specifically new Gaian deck readers. Having the opportunity to discuss that question (and others) with such wise and distinguished colleagues was a huge treat for me.
Each time someone asks, I am eager to hear
the responses, for it has come from the gamut of well-seasoned leaders
and readers, to first-time clients.
Certainly, the question, "What is the Tarot?" has long intrigued everyone in the Tarot world. Many I can think of would possibly quip, "On which day?"
I have heard the incomparable James Wanless describe Tarot as a map. In her indispensable book on the subject, Rachel Pollack asked the cards themselves, and her own Shining Tribe deck answered that the Tarot is a Forest of Souls. Naturally, this is what she named the book.
What do you think? I would love to hear your opinions, your experiences, and your questions within the question. Email me, and I'll share your responses and some of my own observations next month.
Green Living
More Tips for Fuel Economy
It's Summer time, gas prices are down a bit, and that means it's road trip time!
Here are some additional suggestions,
continued from last month, for driving in more economical and
Earth-friendly ways.
If possible, drive when it’s cooler outside. According to AAA, cooler,
denser air can increase power and mileage. Hit the road early in the
morning or later in the evening when the temperature drops, especially
in the summer. You’ll save on air-conditioning costs too. Speaking of
Use the AC. A few years back the advice was the opposite: turn the air
off and open the windows. But because air conditioners these days are
more efficient, they actually cause less drag on the engine than driving
with the windows down.
* To
help reduce your need for air conditioning, especially in hot climates,
buy a car with a light colored exterior and interior, to reflect light
and heat. Tinted glass also prevents heat buildup.
Pay attention when you are refueling. Those automatic cut-off devices
at the pump don't always work. Spills are a waste and not good for
Mother Earth!
Be sure to click your gas cap at least three times to be sure it's
secured back in place. It's estimated that every year, in the U.S.
alone, 147 million gallons of fuel vaporize from tanks.
* Looking for the lowest prices in town - everywhere you go? Check out Gas Buddy. Just insert the town or the zip code, and get an up-to-the minute list of the best gas deals all over the U.S. and Canada.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
In the July issue of Illuminated Journey,
I will be discussing some components for finding the balance between
ethical integrity and having a prosperous, flourishing Tarot practice.
Remember - if you have ideas you'd like me to discuss, I'd love to hear from you!
Astrological Tidbits
Calmer Waters in July
July starts the way June did - with another partial solar eclipse on the New Moon. The energies for it are a bit heavy, but happily, the drama doesn't last all month.
Astrologer Lynn Hayes writes, "The Sun/Moon conjunction at the [July 1] New Moon eclipse forms a grand cross with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto.
This is a little bit like dejà vu all over again, since we had similar
alignments last summer. But all of this is preparing us for the big
square of Uranus and Pluto next year.
"The Uranus/Pluto square is dealing with
major transformational forces rather than personal ones, so it is more
likely to play out with great force in the global arena than in our
private lives unless it directly aspects our individual chart."
Lance Ferguson at Skywatch Astrology notes, "This eclipse squares practical Saturn
which adds a lot of stress and some kind of a test to events that take
place the first two days of the month—be patient and hold off on snap
decisions then."
Rhea Wolf of Turning Wheel Astrology adds that the New Moon is not only a time for planting intentions, but in Her home sign of Cancer, we are encouraged to invoke the support we need.
As on all New Moons, but especially on this eclipse-energized New Moon in Cancer,
she reminds us, “Cancer is the sign of the Crab, and is sensitive,
emotional and nurturing. It is ruled by the Moon, and as such is
changeable and goes through light and dark phases...With Cancer, we have
an opportunity to tune into the archetypal Feminine, finding ways to
balance periods of activity with time for deep reflection and
Next up, on July 3, Venus moves into Cancer, and the lighthearted flirtations when she was in Gemini
may give way to the more emotional and complex territory of the water
sign. Relationships can benefit from unselfishness and tuning in to our
intuition. This could also be a time when Venus encourages you to
beautify your home.
Lance then points out that on the 7th, Jupiter in Taurus lines up in a positive trine to powerful Pluto in Capricorn
on July 7. "This pair makes money," he explains, "has successful
surgery, gets married, starts a new business and walks away from
negative people and situations. Yes, yes, yes!"
Astrologer Judy Joyce
agrees, noting that between July 4 and 8, “Positive steps can be taken
and business deals could be struck. The powerful are likely to become more powerful, but opportunities are out there for anyone at this time."
The next event comes July 9 when Uranus turns retrograde under the influence of aggressive Aries. Judy writes, "The retrograde movement suggests Uranus will go back over the territory it has stirred up since March. In your own life you may find that you will be revisiting a desire for change and restructuring in your life.
"Get your ducks in a row for the next few
months. Be careful what you wish for because you are likely to get it –
plus some surprises! Get clarity on what you really want and be ready to
go to the next level around mid-December 2011."
Astrologer Dan Furst writes of the July 15 Full Moon that this annual combination of the Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn
is "a creative, dynamic, complementary opposition between female and
male energies, more favorable for professional and service relationships
than for marriages.
"Role reversals apply now," he suggests, "as
masculine solar energy is most advantageous now in domestic work, and
feminine lunar energy is in the domain of the spiritual master. Teaching
activities by Wise Women are favored, in the season of the High
The week of July 17th is a period of calm,
all the way through the first day the Sun moving into the sign of Leo on July 23rd.
But then, astrologer Sparrow Moon tells us, "The week of July 25th may start off a little crazy and could become very
exciting by Wednesday, July 27th. After all the quiet from last week,
we could very well be ready for some intellectual, spiritual, and even juvenile
stimulation. Changes may be happening faster than we’d like, and there
could be some nasty gossip in the air on Thursday and Friday, July 28th
and 29th."
We have a second New Moon in July, coming on the 30th. When there are two Full Moons in a month, the second one is commonly called a "blue Moon." The second New
Moon in a month is referred to as a "dark Moon." Some traditions feel
that it is a particularly potent time to work with Faery magic,
especially honoring one's co-walker or Faery companion.
In addition, Judy tells us that with this New Moon in Leo,
"the potential for unusual events exists at this time. These events
could bring people together to share information and support. Possibly
some new ideas and possibilities will be presented.
"This New Moon also falls on the North Node
in the USA’s chart. The node often represents shared group experiences,
and since this summer is such a crucial time for the USA, this could
initiate a very significant time for the American people."
Last but not least, before the end of the
month try to have signed all contracts, completed any technological
upgrades and changes, and back up your systems (computers, online
calendars, address books and so on).
Yes, you guessed it! Mercury will be going retrograde Aug. 2. The “shadow” period begins even earlier, so prepare early as travel and communication glitches may become increasingly noticeable before month’s end.
Otherwise, Sparrow Moon tells us, “Enjoy the
relative peace and quiet this month, because August will be a much
different story."
May the stars shine brightly for you in the days ahead!
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
The first Friday and third Saturday of each month:
Friday, July 1 - New Moon and the 3rd Summer eclipse Saturday, June 16
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment?
Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!
Coming Soon ~
July 19th:
5 PM Pacific Time, 8 PM Eastern
Please join me as I am honored to be the July guest teacher for Joanna Powell Colbert's Gaian Tarot Circle call-in program.
I will be discussing the beautiful
energetics and guidance of the Plant Allies found in the Gaian Tarot.
To learn more and participate, you will need to join our circle: http://www.gaiantarotcircle.com/
Tools for Transition
Summer Break
As you may know, I have been offering a very
special series of private workshops from my home. They are designed to
help you identify and and cultivate your capacity to live a deeper, more
soulful experience, even in the midst of profound change.
I call these classes Tools for Transition.
The Spring series has now been completed, and with July and August, it's summer vacation time.
But I am not vegging out completely! I am actually busy at work putting together a new Fall curriculum which I will be announcing late next month.
It is my intention that, in addition to an exciting new series, plus encore presentations of the most popular workshops for local folks, I will also begin offering online/teleseminar versions of these courses, for those who can't come in person. Be on the lookout for announcements soon!
Again, my huge gratitude goes out to everyone who has been so enthusiastic as I continue to develop these for you.
And don't forget - the local workshops tend
to fill up fast. If you want to be on the early-bird notification list, email me! Blessings!
Let's Talk Tarot!
You don't have to be local to the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Triangle to join our thriving Triangle Tarot and Friends. Our web location makes it easy for Tarot people everywhere, at all levels of experience, to join the juicy conversations:
But if you're in the area, why not treat yourself to a night of Tarot fun? We meet locally for our "Tarot Readups" every 3rd Wednesday in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. And there is NO charge!
In July, it's play time!
collecting about 200 pounds of non-perishable goods in June, to help
restore the NC Food Bank's tornado-depleted supplies, this month, it's
fun and games! Join us as we check out Jude Alexander's hit of the 2011
Readers Studio - The Tarot Game.
course you can play or not, as you wish. It's a night of relaxation, so
just bring your decks, and enjoy lots of time for practice readings,
catching up on past exercises from our 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card
studies, or just hang out, enjoying delicious Italian food, and talking
Tarot with dozens of folks who are just as passionate (and fascinating)
as you are!
Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please go here. Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
June Highlights On My Blog
As you probably know, I update my blog
several times a week, often with a more or less loosely organized
general theme.
This year we've been exploring some of the
matters that are ruled by the astrological Houses. In June, it's been a
look at things having to do with the Sixth House. This House includes issues around health, daily rhythms and routines, our duties, work life, and discipline.
We spent some time sharing our experiences about our body-image. My deepest gratitude to those who came forward with their stories of courage and healing.
June has also seen two eclipses, both solar and lunar.
Since both fell on my "Wordless Wednesdays," I offered special photo
images, but by mousing over them, you could find links to the
astrological information about these events.
Other discussions this month have included an update on the Patrick McCollum case in California.
He has been attempting to overturn the State of California’s “five
faiths” policy. This policy explicitly limits the hiring of paid prison
chaplains to serve only Protestant, Catholic,
Jewish, Muslim, and Native Americans. Thus, no other faiths are being
recognized or served. Does that sound Constitutional to you? No, me
As always, I post a discussion of the Tarot Card of the Week every Monday, as well a healthy sprinkling of art, poetry and inspiration throughout.
I hope you'll make it your regular destination. It's where you can always find a "little bit of magic every day!"
Although I have received some very kind letters since our May issue,
this month, instead of posting them, I am inviting you
to join me in sending good energy to three people who are quite dear to
me, and who have had a very challenging time recently.
As you may know, Cherry Lea, the stalwart owner of Dancing Moon Books, had to undergo surgery earlier this month.
my dear friend, astrologer George Ward, who you may also know from
Dancing Moon, was recently in a very serious bicycle accident.
C.T., a powerfully wise, gifted friend who is a also well-known
shamanic teacher and healer lost all her worldly possessions in a house
three are on the mend, but I am sure they could use the boost from your
prayers and well-wishes in whatever form you can send.
* * * * *
In other Owl Mail news, of course, don't forget that if you would like to email me your thoughts about "What Is Tarot," I will share them here next month!
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and innovators thrive
in changing times. If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid
tools for living an extraordinary life, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.
Looking for a convenient appointment time? Now, it's incredibly easy! For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" with your PayPal payment.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
Of course you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525.
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision.
Thank you again for taking the time to include me in your day. It truly is my honor.
May your Summer be off to a happy beginning!
And may all your dearest and most delightful Midsummer Night's dreams
come true.
Blessings to you,