Thursday, May 26, 2011

May, 2011

On the Cusp
Hi. friends!
I don't know about where you live, but here in Durham, NC, after a comparatively mild Spring, Summer has burst in, and we are sizzling!  It's already in the mid-90s today, way over what's normal for this time of year. And it comes with plenty of the steamy humidity that doesn't usually show up until July.
Still, there is much to be grateful for.  Folks in Raleigh are slowly getting back on their feet after April's tornadoes, and giving thanks it wasn't as bad as what our neighbors in Alabama and Missouri have suffered. (And my thanks to all of you who wrote last month, with your prayers and good wishes).
And the unusual weather has also surprised us with a rare, sweet overlap of ripe strawberries and peaches at the Farmers' Market - at the same time! Of course, this week's onslaught of heat brings the strawberries to an end, but when they depart, it means blueberries will be hot on their heels!
And of course as the high energy of Beltane in early May gives way to the coming crescendo of Summer Solstice, we are in the grand finale of the most expansive energy of the year. 
Now the daylight stretches to its zenith, the last of the Spring plantings have gone into the ground, and we bask in a time of High Magic that pours freely between the human realms and those of our animal, plant, and Other allies and beloveds, with whom we share this Earth.
Before the turning, when the Sun will seem to stand still in her annual latitudinal journey, we might pause on this blessed cusp, give our thanks, and luxuriate in all that grows and brings us Life.
Sweet summery blessings to you!
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 26 new subscribers that have subscribed since the April issue went out. Thank you so much for signing up; it's fantastic to have you here!
I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please do forward a copy of WINGS to them, too!  The more, the merrier! 
What Would You Ask
If you recall from last month's WINGS, in late April I was heading off to the Tarot Readers Studio in NYC.
I promised I would ask some of the "rock stars" of the Tarot world your questions while I was there, since it is a place where the most well-known and beloved authors and artists of the Tarot are gathered. And without fail, they are incredibly generous with their time and access.
So a big thank you to all my subscribers who responded with your questions.  I was not able to ask all of the ones you wrote in with, but I was able to sit down briefly with two of the most famous, living legends of Tarot, Rachel Pollack and Mary K. Greer, and talk with them... just for you!
First, WINGS subscriber Vicki wanted to know, "How do you recharge/restore/rebound when you hit those dark-night-of-the-soul days, when the cards just don't speak, when you're wondering if you're doing any good at all?" 
I asked Mary Greer about this, and her answer was so inspiring, I have already taken it to heart!
She said that days like that always come along, although, thankfully, not as often as used to be the case.  She admits that, like everyone, there are times when she begins to feel stale or even frustrated. Sometimes she can attribute it to fatigue, but at other times it is not so straightforward or easily fixed.
"But," she confided, "I have learned something over the years. When times like that come around, it always means I am on the edge of a breakthrough."
She smiled and continued, "I am rarely bored or stuck. But when times like that show up, it means a huge upsurge is on its way! I completely trust how this works and can even enjoy the pause!"
Thank you SO much, Mary!  This is a wonderful insight, and one that can instantly shift how we experience the inevitable ups and downs of our Tarot practice, and, really, any of the ways life ebbs and flows.
The next question I was able to ask, for WINGS reader Carole, was addressed to Rachel Pollack.  Rachel is not only one of the most recognized authorities on the Tarot, she is also a prolific, award-winning novelist, poet, teacher, artist and (as if that wasn't enough!) she crafts drop-dead gorgeous jewelry.
In light of all that, Carole wanted to know how the heck she does it! (And, yes, so did I!).
Rachel simply laughed and admitted it isn't always easy. At times, she goes without as much sleep as she would like. But for her, any discomfort is temporary and utterly worth it, because she is driven by her love for what she does. She has a knack for being very focused, and yet she can multi-task, too. It all works, as long as she is passionate about what she is doing.
What a gift to the world that both of these women are so in love with what they are doing!  We are all enriched by their dedication and their excellent work.
Green Living
Avoiding Sticker Shock at the Gas Pump, Part 2
A month ago, they were warning us we'd be dealing with $6/gallon gas by August. That's been revised, and thankfully, for now, gas prices are backing down just a little.
But you and I know that any relief is only temporary, when conditions in the Middle East are volatile and "peak oil" is real and it is here. 
So last month, I shared some car maintenance tips to improve your gas mileage.  This month, the emphasis is on smarter driving habits, which can also save you big money at the pump.
By the way, my thanks to WINGS subscriber Terra, who is clearly on the same wavelength with me! She urged me to write on this topic, too! 
Here are some simple suggestions:

1. Don't exceed the legal speed limit. These are intended primarily for our safety, but once you exceed 40 mph, you start to have serious wind resistance and gas efficiency drops. Traveling at 55 mph can give you up to 21% better mileage, compared to speed limits of 65 mph and 70 mph.

2. Watch what gear you are in! Traveling at fast rates in low gears can consume up to 45% more fuel than is necessary.
3. Don't idle your engine! Research shows that for most vehicles, especially later models that have electric ignitions, you waste much more gas idling for one minute than you do by turning off and restarting your car. If you're in line at the bank, at the drive-thru, etc. please do the environment and your wallet a favor - turn off the motor. 

4. Manual shift driven cars allow you to change to highest gear as soon as possible, thereby letting you save gas if you "nurse it along." However, if you cause the engine to "bog down," premature wearing of engine parts occurs.

5. Keep windows closed when traveling at highway speeds. Open windows at higher speeds cause air drag, which can reduce your mileage by as much as 10%.

6. Drive steadily. Stomping the gas is a waste of gas!  And so is constant slowing down/speeding up (not to mention being tricky for the tummy).  Also avoid tailgating - not only is it unsafe, but it doesn't help your fuel economy at all.

7. Avoid rough roads whenever possible, because dirt or gravel rob you of up to 30% of your gas mileage. The exception, of course, is coming to my house, which is on a very short little gravel road!

8. Stoplights are usually timed so that you can travel steadily at the legal speed limit. When you do, you boost your fuel economy and can enjoy green lights all the way!
Many hybrids have a gauge that shows your mileage going up and down, depending on how you are driving. 
Wouldn't it be great if all vehicles would offer that? It's so much easier to change our driving habits when we see for ourselves how our money is going down the drain!
I'll have some more easy ideas next month! 
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Astrological Tidbits 
Mild May Gives Way to a Jumping June...
June kicks off in a big way with a New Moon and partial solar eclipse on day one.
Lance Ferguson at Skywatch Astrology explains, "Eclipses this month suggest a decision time, perhaps a turning point in your life this year. A New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 1st line up in a productive trine to dependable Saturn in the heavens.
"Eclipses are the most powerful New and Full Moons...New Moons bring times to plant seeds and to move new plans and machines out into production. Saturn encourages you to be patient, conservative and to think long-range—and to pay some dues now that will pay off in the future."
Molly Cliburne agrees, noting, "The Solar Eclipse on June 1 forms a trine to Saturn, planet of responsibility, hard work, and discipline. Saturn works well when you own your creations— past, and present, and work toward the future you want.
"Trines remove friction and stumbling blocks, allowing things to develop quickly and relatively painlessly. So this is a great time to set goals and intentions that you wish to work toward in the next six months.
"Saturn is now in Libra, the sign of his exaltation...This basically means that the planet’s energy gels well with the sign’s energy, and it’s easier to make things connected with that planet work well. That’s why I recommend an optimistic but cautious, practical, common-sense approach this month. Make a plan; write it down."
The next big milestone in June will be when Jupiter moves into the sign of Taurus on June 4. This begins a year of travel and expansion for Taureans. Lance advises, "Take hold of opportunities with gusto. This beneficial period is a once in twelve years blessing in which your life can shift to a new level."
Just bear in mind that although Jupiter has gotten a reputation as a kind of cosmic Santa Claus, he makes us prone to excess and exaggeration. Stay grounded as you enjoy his jovial benevolence.  Happily, there is help for us to do so!

Molly notes, "As soon as Jupiter enters Taurus, he heads straight into a sextile, an opportunity aspect, with mystical, intuitive, healing Neptune, exact on June 8.
"With Neptune in mystical, imaginative Pisces, our heads are in the clouds, and that’s okay. But with Jupiter in practical Taurus, we benefit from having our feet firmly planted on the ground, creating something to benefit us in the tangible or financial realm.
"A sextile in early degrees of the signs signals an opportunity to initiate something brand new. Tune in to your 'spider senses,' pay attention to your dreams and imaginings...This sextile especially favors artists, musicians, intuitives, and anyone actively engaged in spirituality, meditation or healing.
"The healing dimension emerges more strongly at the end of the month as Jupiter approaches a powerful positive connection with Chiron and Pluto."
On Sunday, June 12, Saturn, which has been retrograding since January, goes direct.  Saturn teaches us the sometimes difficult lessons and insists on practicality. Jeff Jawer at StarIQ points out that, "The forward shift of crystallizing Saturn allows positions to harden and provide solid foundations for future growth.
"Tackling big projects that have been difficult to grasp grows easier when matched with commitment to a well-defined plan."
In addition, "Facing reality in relationships is appropriate with this serious planet in Libra, the sign of partnerships. Recognizing that there are at least two sides to any situation can ensure fairness, facilitate negotiations and encourage compromise."
Eclipses come in pairs, and so the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 15 brings the lunar eclipse counterpoint to the June 1 New Moon's solar eclipse.
Lance explains, "Full Moons bring awareness as suddenly we fall in love, or go to battle for a cause or partnership. Decisions/judgments in politics and business are more likely to come down with the Moon bright in the evening skies."

But he also notes, "The tabloids usually have flashy headlines, too, as provocative relationships often form on sunny beaches while other established couples file  for divorce.

"This may very well be a time for you to make a decision about your future. The message Sagittarius adds to this lunation is: Make your move and keep the faith. Keep the faith."
During the week of June 16-17, Molly advises us to "Speak up! Mercury enters Cancer and reawakens the  sweet energy of the Jupiter-Neptune sextile."

And lastly, she tells us, right on the Summer Solstice, from June 22-25, "The Sun connects with Jupiter and Neptune. Allow yourself to be inspired. Follow your heart, but be careful with any speculative or potentially sketchy deals."
May the stars shine brightly for you in the days ahead!
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Friday, June 3
Saturday, June 18 - Need a gift certificate for Father's Day? Let me know!

Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment?
Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!

It’s time for the annual
Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Psychic Fair!

THIS Thursday, June 2, 2011
5:45 pm – 9:50 pm

The annual fundraiser for the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship benefits one of the oldest and most vibrant gatherings of Spirit-centered folks in North Carolina.
Since 1973, their mission has been to enhance the spiritual, mystical, and metaphysical awareness and consciousness of our community.  And they need our support to continue doing this!
Don't miss this yearly extravaganza that features mini-sessions with our area's top massage therapists, healing practitioners, reader, astrologers, psychics, shamans, and more. Once again this year, I am honored to donate my services to support SFF. 
Come see us in our beautiful new location:
Triangle Center for Spiritual Living
4900 Waters Edge Drive,
Suite 120,
Raleigh, NC 27606
Join us for our Tarot Readups!
We are Triangle Tarot and Friends and our online location is:
As we have each month for over eight years, we meet locally for "Tarot Readups" every 3rd Wednesday in the Raleigh-Durham Triangle area of North Carolina. All levels are welcome! 
Online members are warmly welcomed, too! Whether you are here to talk Tarot with us in person, or you'd like to participate long-distance online, there is no charge to join!
In June, it's time for Our Semi-Annual Solstice Swap Meet!
Buy, sell, trade, enjoy! This is where you can find a new home for that deck you never really loved; or buy up a new, hand-sewn Tarot bag; magical books, jewelry, altar items, homemade jam - you never know what we'll have!
And this month, we will be sponsoring a food drive for the April tornado victims.  Please bring non-perishable food and toiletries (items for pets and babies also welcome)!   
Note: if you come for our in-person Readups, space is LIMITED and RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please go here. Please join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
Especially for You!
Tools For Transition
As you may know, I have been offering a very special series of private classes designed to help you identify and and cultivate your capacity to live a deeper, more soulful experience.  I call these classes Tools for Transition.

This series includes a juicy variety of half- and full-day workshops. Each is designed to give you the tools, confidence, and skills to move gracefully, and powerfully through these times of profound personal and global change.
The response has been thrilling, with the most amazing people joining!  I will definitely be offering encore sessions, since the first ones filled up so quickly I was obliged to turn folks away.
(To make sure you don't miss out, email me and ask to be in my early-bird announcement list!)
Meantime I am delighted to let you know that registration is now open for the following:
Tools for Daily Devotional Practice - Saturday, June 25 1-6pm. Discover simple, universal, time-honored ways to easily access your own relationship to your Source, including altar building, making prayer beads, creating sacred spaces, labyrinth walking, devotional art, music and movement .. and more! 

Advanced Psychic Skills – Protection, Divination and Self Care 12:30-6pm,  Saturday, July 9. If you are (or aspire to be) an energy worker, healer, awakener, reader, counselor, guide, intuitive, seer, teacher, or just the one people always seem to turn to, this workshop is for you.

Because this will be a very interactive learning circle customized for your needs, previous coursework with me is required. Please visit here for details!
(ps: There are still two seats left for the June 11 Re-enchanting the World – Healing Our Alliances with Other Realms. Is one of them yours?) 
More offerings will be coming later this summer, including online workshops. But they're only for subscribers to WINGS, so watch your mail! 
And thank you to everyone who has been so enthusiastic as I continue to develop these for you.  I welcome your ideas and requests, so please don't hesitate to email me.  Blessings!
jpegMay On My Blog
Month by month this year, we have been exploring some of the main themes of the astrological birth chart. This month, we've covered matters that are ruled by the Fifth House. In the Fifth House, ruled by happy-go-lucky Leo, we have discussed the importance of playtime, unique and magical playmates, and taken a fresh look at following our bliss. It is also the house that is concerned with romance, children, and our child-like wonder of life. This sparked a powerful conversation about the choices we've made about having children.
May is also a busy month with other celebrations: Beltane observances, Mother's Day, Wesak and the Full Flower Moon, and the traditional day when the Green Man is honored, especially in the British Isles. 
Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, what with my weekly Tarot card interpretation, various astrological updates and so forth. My intention is to offer you a lively, interesting destination, where your voice and views are welcome. So I hope you'll stop by, or subscribe by RSS or email -  and share this journey with us.
It's where you can always find a "little bit of magic every day!"
Thank you so much for the enthusiastic emails regarding my new column in The Meta Arts Magazine
In the June issue, my Illuminated Journey takes an unflinching look at the dark side of the Tarot.
Remember - if you have ideas you'd like me to discuss, I'd love to hear from you!
Owl MailThank you all the prayers, Reiki, and kind emails you all sent in response to my discussion last month about the North Carolina tornadoes.
After seeing the unbelievable suffering only a week later in Alabama, and now in Joplin, all I can do is to pay your good energy forward, for surely the need is staggering.
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and  innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.

Looking for a convenient appointment time?  Now, it's incredibly easy!  For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" with your PayPal payment.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
Of course you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525. 
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision. 
In these changing times, I just want to tell you again how much I appreciate you taking the time to make me a part of your day. It truly is my honor.
Blessings to you,
Have you missed any previous issues?   I am now archiving them in the WINGS Newsletter blog.

You’re receiving this newsletter because you subscribed, or because you’re a friend, acquaintance, or client of mine. Thank you for being here; you can rest assured that I will protect your privacy.

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However, if you’d rather not be on the list, you can click the link at the bottom to opt out.