Thursday, March 24, 2011

March, 2011

Spring Blessings
Happy Spring!

At last, the Sun has crossed the Equator and the daylight in the Northern Hemisphere begins to outweigh the dark hours. Finally, Spring has officially arrived (although for folks further north, yes, there is still snow in the forecast for a while). 
If you are below the Equator, of course, like our friends in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and much of South America, you are now heading into Autumn and the dark hours outnumber the light.
But wherever we are, the Equinox is the moment when day and night are perfectly equal.  Such perfect balance, by human measurements, only happens twice a year. 
But Nature has a way of keeping Her balance in ways not so easily identified by humans.  We can observe a basic, inherent equilibrium in Her ecosystems, with plants and animals naturally adapting to one another.  Essentially, they are collaborating and cooperating, and thus they produce a stable, thriving system of life.
Problems can arise when the activities of human beings disrupt that natural balance.  For instance, many of the problems we see with resource scarcity have more to do with human interventions than with the actual ability of the Earth to provide. 

So let us all resolve to better understand our place in the ecosystem of which we are a part (whether we realize this or not!), and to more intentionally cooperate with Nature's ebb and flow.
Thus may we all flourish with beauty and balance. 
Wishing you warmth and happiness,
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 74 new subscribers that have joined us since the January issue went out. Wow!  Thank you so much for signing up; it's fantastic to have you here!
I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please do forward a copy of WINGS to them, too!  The more, the merrier! 
A WINGS Subscriber Writes...
Statue of Kannon (Kuan Yin) in the courtyard of Daien-in Temple, Mount Koya, Japan
Once again this month, my feature column is inspired from an email sent to me from one of my wise, wonderful subscribers (just like you are!).

Terry shared this essay from the world-renowned shamanic pioneer, teacher and founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Michael Harner and the Executive Director of FSS, Susan Mokelke.

In the wake of the ongoing suffering in Japan, as well as all the enormous challenges we see around our globe, we all want to send our prayers, donations, and support.  And if we are energy practitioners or healing adepts, we are certainly called to give our best.
But they caution us that it is important to be respectful of the differences in cultural feelings and beliefs, which are ancient, diverse and not always the same as the dominant culture of the West.

Thank you, Terry, for this timely and important reminder.

March 14, 2011
Dear FSS Circle Members and Friends:

Our hearts go out to the people, land, and all beings in Japan. Shamanic healing circles, drumming circles, and FSS Three Year and Two Week program graduates are responding, requesting healing help for this terrible series of events.

People are sending help in their own ways, depending upon their training and how they are moved to respond. Prayer, sending spiritual light, envisioning healing, and other means of spiritual assistance are all being offered. And, of course, ordinary reality efforts such as donations or hands-on help are also of great importance.

If you are working shamanically and bringing the power of your helping spirits to the region to address the spiritual aspects of this emergency to complement the efforts of ordinary reality workers, here are some guidelines that can help make your shamanic efforts truly effective, ethical, and healing.

    * Permission from the souls of all beings, including the land, must be obtained before doing any work. Journey work must be done in advance to gain permission and to discover the scope of any shamanic healing to be offered. Then, work in accordance with and to the extent of your training.
    * Keep in mind that you are working with a culture that is different from our own. The Japanese have their spiritual traditions concerning life, death, and healing, which must be fully respected.
    * Work closely with your compassionate helping spirits of the Upper and Lower Worlds. Let them take the lead.

This is what we have all been training for – to be able to bring the infinite love and power of the helping spirits to bear to alleviate pain and suffering in such tragic circumstances.

With hope and compassion for all,

Michael Harner and Susan Mokelke

Note: If you wish some guidance on issues of permission, you may review the article, Ethical Considerations in Shamanic Healing.

As Michael and Susan say, this is, indeed, what we have all been training and preparing for, some of us for many lifetimes.

I am not sold on doom and gloom for humanity, but I do believe we are in a pivotal time, yes, a crisis if you will. The time is upon us when we will either rise up to new levels of awareness, compassion, and interconnectedness; or we will stumble and perhaps even blight forever our survival as a species.

So in addition to immediate energetic and financial support for those in need, I urge you to also commit yourself to do whatever you need to do, to polish and use your most creative, inspired, brilliant gifts. 
Now is the time for our "A" game; yours and mine! Join the awakened ones who are offering healing, blessings and love on unprecedented levels, to a world whose need has never been greater.

Blessed be.
Green Living
Energy Vampires!
Kill your energy vampires! (No, although sometimes it is tempting, I'm not talking about that certain someone we all know, who feeds off of stirring up trouble around the office or neighborhood).

I mean the energy vampires that can be spotted by walking through your home at night with the lights off.

If you see the “standby” lights and digital displays on various appliances and electronic devices, these devices are using power and acting like vampires.  They are silently sucking away energy even when they are turned “off.”

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, across all U.S. households, energy vampires account for an estimated 65 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity each year.
They tell us, "This extra electricity costs consumers more than $5.8 billion annually and sends more than 87 billion pounds of heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year."
They explain, "Some of the biggest energy wasters in most homes are the adapters that come with rechargeable battery-powered cordless phones, cell phones, digital cameras and music players, power tools, and other electronic devices.

"Most draw power whenever they’re plugged into an outlet, regardless of whether the device battery is fully charged—or even connected."
Other vampires include appliances or electronic equipment with standby capability (such as televisions and computer monitors), stuff that comes with a remote control, and/or a digital clock display (such as microwaves, DVD players, and stereo systems).
You will probably see the most twinkling lights around your desk where your computer equipment lives. I know some stuff needs to be left on, especially if you don't want to jumble up internal clocks and so forth. 
But it is super easy to take a couple of minutes to sort out which cables for computer peripherals, like printers and scanners, can be unplugged without having to re-set the time or causing problems with other equipment.
Put them all on one power strip that you can click off at night!
Do you really have to keep your charger plugged in when nothing is charging? Unplug it except when you are actually using it!
And be sure to shop for Energy Star-labeled models that use the least standby power. If the label doesn't tell you how much energy is used for regular and stand-by power, you can check the online Energy Star database.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Correction: Last month,there was a typo in one of the links I mentioned. One of the groups that can help you cut down on junk mail is found at
Some exciting news:
I am delighted to announce that, starting in April, I will be writing a monthly column on the Tarot for The Meta Arts Magazine
The Meta Arts Magazine is a decade-old, online treasure trove of articles from some of the best astrologers, shamans, intuitives, visionaries and other alternative practitioners.
Other Tarot writers have included the fabulous Bonnie Cehovet and one of the great superstars of Tarot, Rachel Pollack! So I am honored indeed to join the team of this well-regarded gem.
Look for my first contribution of "The Illuminated Journey,"  on April 1 - the celebration day for the Alpha and Omega symbol of the Tarot – The Fool!
jpegMarch on my Blog
Besides the ever-popular Monday Tarot Card of the Week, in March we have been continuing our discussions based loosely on the themes of the Houses of the astrological birth chart.
The Third House examines communications, early learning, mental activity, our intelligence aptitude and day-to-day environment. It also focuses on our early childhood, especially our connection to our siblings.
So far, we have examined our first memories of school and had some lovely discussions about our favorite childhood books.
Of course, this month, we also have sent prayers and poetry to those who are struggling in the wake of the devastation in Japan. 
On a happier note, we've also celebrated the magical Super Moon, including taking note of two of the world's most light-hearted festivals connected to the Equinox Full Moon.
Of course, speaking of Equinox, that most magical day was also a topic this month, as was my manifesto in support of the snakes, rather than St. Patrick.
Of course, there's always lots more going on than I can post here. I mainly try to keep it a lively, interactive place, where your voice and views are welcome. So I hope you'll stop by, or subscribe by RSS or email -  and share this journey with us.
It's where you can always find a "little bit of magic every day!"
Networking Spotlight on:
     Earth Day Sing to the Trees

Last year's Earth Day, April 22, 2010 the call went out for everyone to sing to their favorite tree.

Over 3,000 people from 39 countries and 30 states sang to trees.

Thanks to visionary, song-keeper and tree-lover, Susan Elizabeth Hale, you are invited to join; we are doing it again!  Here is what she has to say about it:

Every day a rain forest the size of Central Park is destroyed. Every year a rain forest area larger than England is cut down. 15% of deforestation is caused by cutting down trees for toilet paper.

From the Civil Rights Movement, to ending apartheid, to Pete Seeger's "Ship of Hope" to clean the Hudson River, songs have created awareness and galvanized action.  Songs, chants and music are powerful magic. Music heals.

* Helps create community
* Gives us a way to have a voice in saving what we love
* Is an offering of our life force and spirit
* Connects us to ancient traditions
* Nourishes trees by giving them carbon dioxide
* Is part of the joy of being human
* Helps us relax and tune into nature and to each other
* Reminds us we are part of the chorus of life

Ms. Hale is simply one person on her own, doing this out of her love for trees.
So your help and participation is needed for Earth Day 2011.  You can:
* Help spread the word to your friends through your own websites, blogs and social media
* Host a group in your community
* Educate people about trees, deforestation and climate change
* Share your ideas of how we can get more children involved.
Join us:
Earth Day - Sing for the Trees
April 22, 2011
Noon, your local time
At your favorite tree(s)
More info (and discussion) is
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and  innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.

Looking for a convenient appointment time?  Now, it's incredibly easy!  For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" with your PayPal payment. Or if you wish to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
Of course you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525. 
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision. 
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Thursday, April 7: A rare Thursday visit, for folks with less common schedules!
Saturday, April 16: The day before the magical April Full Moon!

Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment?
Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!
Last Call: Learn to Read the Tarot
There is just no substitute for hands-on learning and practice!  And it's not every day you get a chance to work with a passionate, life-long, master Tarot practitioner? 
Don't miss out! With my other commitments, there are no guarantees about how often these classes will continue to be offered in the future.
Planting the Seed:
An Introduction to the Tarot
THIS Sunday, March 27, 2011
$50 *
At last check there were still a few seats available!

The Wisdom Journey:
Developing Your Tarot Skills
Saturday, April 9, 2011
11am-6pm $80*

Both will be at
Dancing Moon Books and Gifts, Raleigh

Curriculum details can be found here.
* Sign up for both classes and receive $10 off
Pre-registration is required and seating is limited, so call Dancing Moon today at
(919) 833-8081.
Join us for Tarot Night!
As you may know, we have left the previous online platform hosted by Meetup and are now settling in to our new, streamlined and more user-friendly website.
We are now Triangle Tarot and Friends and our online location is:
As we have each month for over eight years, we meet locally for Tarot Night every 3rd Wednesday in the Raleigh-Durham Triangle area of North Carolina. All levels are welcome!
We also welcome all our Tarot community friends from around the world to join us in cyberspace, and share your love of Tarot. 
We are currently working our way through Mary K. Greer's classic "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card."  Our member, Dana, will be guiding us through Chapter Five, the Numbers of the Tarot cards.We also spend time sharing our latest Tarot news, decks, and adventures.
There is no charge to join! If you want to come in person, space is LIMITED and RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please go here. Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
Especially for WINGS
Tools For Transition
As you may know, I am very excited about the series of private workshops I am offering this year. 
Because they are being held at my home, they are quite limited in size. So the announcements are not appearing on my regular website pages, or being advertised to the general public.
But already your response has been successful beyond my wildest imagination! Thanks to my invitation for people to email me if they wanted to be in the first dibs list, both the Develop Your Intuition course and my Guides and Allies class filled up right away. 
If you missed out, don't worry!  To meet the demands of my waiting list (and the folks who have told me they are eager to take it a second time!), I will I be offering them again soon! Meantime there are plenty of other choices coming up that I think you will enjoy.
Registration for these local classes at my home will be announced soon, in a separate email, so save these dates. And if you want to be on the early-bird dibs list, don't be shy -- email me

Working with the Magical Energies of Plants and Herbs Sunday, May 22 12:30-5:30pm. Registration will be announced soon.
Re-enchanting the World – Healing Our Alliances with Other Realms – Saturday, June 11 1-6pm. Registration coming soon.
Tools to Enhance and Deepen Your Daily Practice - Sunday, June 26 1-6pm. Details coming soon.
Advanced Psychic Skills – Protection, Divination and Self Care 12:30-6pm,  Saturday, July 9. Details coming soon.
More offerings (including those mentioned last month) are coming soon, and they're especially  for subscribers to WINGS, so watch your mail!
ps: you asked for it and I heard you!  Online versions are in development for non-local folks, too (look for these later this summer).
Owl MailI love how so many of you are sending me links to some of the healing ceremonies and events that are happening as we move through the intense times we are now in. I don't have space to include them all here, but I do enjoy hearing there are so many wonderful activities geared towards planetary awakening and compassionate awareness. So please keep sending them and I'll share when I can.
Speaking of which, thank you again to Terry, whose email inspired my whole column this month!
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Astrological Tidbits 
 Late March through Mid-April, 2011

After all the big drama that occurred on March 11 when Uranus changed signs into Aries, we could have hoped that March would have gone out like a lamb.

After all, on Saturday, March 26, Venus moves into her favorite sweet spot, Pisces, augmenting compassion in the collective awareness, and divinely mingling spirituality with intimacy.

But things take a challenging turn once more on Monday, March 28, when the Sun and Pluto form a difficult square. Then that afternoon, Jupiter makes an exact opposition to Saturn. These are huge, opposing forces of expansion and contraction.

Jeff Jawer tells us that the opportunity hidden in this face-off is that we can make some important decisions around career and education. "Jupiter in impatient Aries motivates activity right now while Saturn in accommodating Libra understands the necessity of diplomacy and compromise.

"The bottom line is that major growth requires both personal initiative and supportive allies. The challenge is knowing when to follow individual instincts and when to slow down and consider the advice of others."

Lance Ferguson also cautions, "Moods will be less than charitable … Your reaction to events now creates the outcome. Take a positive view today—the glass is half full—and you’ll be rewarded down the line, but probably not today…Stick to routine and don’t schedule anything difficult—people and situations may not be as advertised."

Hot on the heels of all that, Mercury goes retrograde on Wednesday, March 30.  As you know, Mercury retro periods can play havoc with technology, travel and communication. Slowing down, refining past work and activities (rather than initiating new plans or commitments) is the way to turn potential trouble into an asset. The messenger planet goes direct again April 23.

Early April brings a whole new level of intensity. 
Lance writes, "Fools will rush in where angels fear to tread in April as a massive surge of Aries energy fills the heavens.

"The Moon and Mars both enter Aries to join the Sun, Uranus, Jupiter and Retrograde Mercury in a giant 6-planet cluster, a stellium, on April 2–4."

He continues, "Caution lights are up the first three days of the month as Mars and Uranus form an extremely dangerous conjunction during this New Moon in 13º Aries. Explosions, fires, violence, breakdowns and problems with terrorists and rebels, Uranians, are all fueled by hasty Mars charging into aggressive Aries."

The ongoing challenge of the Mercury retrograde doesn't help, except to remind us to take it easy, double check schedules and travel plans, and pack lots of patience.

New Moon in Aries comes April 3rd, and astrologer Rhea Wolf writes, "This New Moon is said to be the most powerful of the whole year, so be sure to take the time to create your own wish list of things you’d like to accomplish in the year ahead.  We have the opportunity to forge a new path, to summon our strength and power in service to our desire and will."  For some outstanding advice for ritual and setting intentions during this magical moment, visit here.

As if all that wasn't enough (and we're not even a week into April yet), Dan Furst points out the April 9 Aries-Libra opposition and Cardinal Sign alignment. "The kind of very hot combination in cardinal signs that dominated mid-2010 comes again now…This alignment represents the last gasp of the great cardinal planet cluster that has been in effect since the spring of 2010. What we can expect now, as both government (Jupiter) and established religion (Saturn) are getting out of the way, is that the momentum toward compassionate change and the awakening of spiritual consciousness will accelerate…

"Many people who were intimidated into silence until now are emboldened by safety in numbers. Like the character who unmasks himself at the climactic moment of the play, the shadow spiritualists declare themselves now. The cracks appear in the dam. The importance of this moment cannot be overestimated."

Lance agrees, pulling no punches and rather grimly warns us, "Mars in explosive Aries conjuncts Uranus on the 3rd, squares dangerous Pluto on the 11th, and opposes frustrating Saturn on the 18th.

"These three extremely hot and dangerous pockets of energy are worth noting. Pay extra attention to the kids and critters on these days as accidents, fights and criminal mischief will make the headlines. Simplify your plans on these days and give yourself extra time in traffic. Mars in Aries speeds. Speed kills."

There is lots more coming down the pike this Spring, so take it easy, slow down, and use this powerful energy with wisdom and compassion.
As you and I welcome the renewal of Spring, we also know that it isn't all sunny days and sweet flowering.
Springtime also brings tempestuous storms, unexpected freezes, and winds of change that are not always gentle.
Yet we know that it always balances out, and warmer days eventually melt away even the coldest of times.
May the seeds you plant this Springtime bring you abundant balance and soulful nurturing. Blessings to you,
Have you missed any previous issues?   I am now archiving them in the WINGS Newsletter blog.

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