Friday, February 25, 2011

February, 2011

On the Threshold of the Dawn
Are you ready to say goodbye to Winter?
I sure am!  And that's saying something, because I truly have come to love Winter for a thousand reasons. 
But, ever since Candlemas/Imbolc/Brighid/Groundhog Day, I find I am waking up right along with the earlier sunrises -- or maybe it's those chickadees outside my window who are courting their little hearts out! And I want to just jump out of bed and get going. I am ready to slough off all the excess baggage, de-clutter my house, spruce up everything to sparkling, teach and travel and plant a Spring garden! All at once, of course!
Of course, the sudden warm winds can be fickle and lead us to premature folly.  Winter hasn't really let go quite yet. But I can feel the dawning of a new season, a fresh new beginning, and hope rising like the burgundy sap in the tips of our redbuds. Can't you?
What sunny hopes are stirring in your soul? What potential is calling to you, what Springtime is getting ready to dawn for you?
May the warmth and wonder of rebirth fill your world!
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 29 new subscribers that have joined us since the January issue went out. Thank you so much for signing up.  I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please do forward a copy of WINGS to them, too!  The more, the merrier! 
A WINGS Subscriber Asks...
A few weeks ago, I received this inquiry from one of my readers:

Thank you for your newsletter and your website, which I usually go to a couple times a week.

I would like to know what you think about the reverse cards.  I am teaching myself about the Tarot cards.  In the book I am reading, the author feels it's important to read them with the appropriate interpretation.  Up to this point, I've kept my cards upright.  I am fascinated with the cards and would like to learn more about them, just for personal use.  I use the Robin Wood deck.

Thank you for any suggestions you can offer me.
   - Sharon in L.A.
Thank you for writing to me, Sharon!  It is nice to meet you!

I would agree with your author that it's vital to read the cards correctly.  But our Tarot community is a bit divided as to whether this means that you need to interpret based on what direction the card is pulled from the deck.

When I first started teaching myself the Tarot, the only author on the market, Eden Gray, made it sound as if reading reversals was just as fundamental to properly working with the Tarot as, say, shuffling the deck!

So I did this without question for decades!

But one day, I got into a great discussion with a wonderful local Tarot reader I know, and she just laughed and said, "Reversals? I NEVER bother."   I was shocked, because I was so "by the book!"

But then it dawned on me that she was really on to something (at least for me!). 
I was often preoccupied with trying to keep track of whether a card was reversed to me or to the querent.  And what direction does one read a "jumper" - those cards that "happen" to fall out while shuffling (and which I think are very significant)?

I have concluded that for me, it feels contrived to add layers of meaning to the cards simply from what direction they are lined up as you pull them.  I feel that the Tarot cards are so rich, complex, and filled with both light and shadow, there is no need to add artificial nuance to them.

I stopped reading reversals back around 1992 and I have never looked back! I am not ANTI-reversals, but I don't use them or even teach them, either (and speaking of teaching, be sure to check out an important announcement in the right column!)
Of course, that's just me.  Others, including one of the world's greatest Tarot authorities, Mary K. Greer, who has written a whole book about reversals, feel that they are very important.  And having done it for years and years, I understand their viewpoint.

Bottom line - listen to your inner guidance.  After all, that is really the final authority when reading the Tarot. 
As I tell my students, as you begin to work with the cards and go more deeply into them, you will discover that they become old, very dear friends.

You and they will develop your own private conversations that, on the surface mostly agree with what the books tell you, but on a deeper level, will be unique and intimate to your own history and experiences together.
If you love the idea of reversals, and that feels like the opening of a new dimension to your friendship with the cards, then go for it.

By the way, I love the Robin Wood deck, too.  It is one of my old favorites, and so I hope you are very much enjoying working with it!
Thanks for this great question, and for giving me permission to share it here with my readers!
I love hearing from folks, and will answer either briefly in my Owl Mail section, or if a longer discussion is called for, right here in my monthly column. 
Green Living
Easy Ways to Live Cleaner and Greener in 2011, Part 2
Last month, I shared some of the top eco-friendly changes you can make right now, for big results by this time next year.  Here are a few more!
* Use less paper. One way to accomplish this is to use both sides of the paper. If one side is still clean, put it back in the printer or fax. Second, only print out materials or emails if you absolutely must have a hard copy of the item. Lastly, use “Print Preview” before printing. You may not need the entire document printed or realize that the last page doesn’t contain anything of value.

* Car pool, bike, walk or take public transportation at least once a week. According to the American Public Transportation Association, public transportation use saves 1.4 billion gallons of gasoline each year, and can reduce household expenses by $6,200. Plus you’ll get a day off from road rage.

* Call the catalog companies that mail you stuff and ask to be taken off their mailing lists. You can stop receiving junk mail using a free service like Catalog Choice
Another organization that can stop the flow of junk mail to your house or office is According to their website, the average American adult receives 41 lbs of junk mail a year and junk mail produces more C02 than 9 million cars annually.
* Rethink recyclables. Just because you can recycle something doesn't mean you get a free pass. We can get complacent, thinking, “This is recyclable so it’s okay to buy and toss it into the recycling bin when I’m done.”

According to some studies, on average, less than 70% of all recyclables actually get recycled. In some areas, the track record is better, but in others, only about 50% gets recycled.

Worse, some towns still do not recycle, or only recycle a very limited bit - aluminum cans only, or only plastic # 1 and #2.  You can help to change this.  Get involved!

Of course, between throwing it out to the landfill (or incinerator) and recycling, recycling is obviously the better choice. And between buying a recycled or virgin item, always buy recycled. As the demand for recycled products increases, the prices will get cheaper too.
So buy recycled when you can. And skip the throw-aways, even if they are, theoretically, recyclable.
Coming next month -- Vampires!
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
jpegFebruary on my Blog
February kicked off with my participation for the fourth year in the annual Poetry Cyber Slam for Brighid, where poetry is celebrated around the globe in the name of the Goddess of Poetry and Art. 
We also are continuing our discussion based loosely on the themes of the Houses of the astrological birth chart. The Second House deals with possessions, values, and our material side. 
Instead of a day that gives homage to various celibate martyrs named Valentine, I once again declared Feb. 14 to be in honor of the Goddess Aphrodite.  She represents what we know we really want our holiday to be about: a celebration of passionate, delicious, sensual, spiritual, divinely human love.
And, as if by Her blessing, a couple of days later, I "happened" to find a beautiful video trailer of a new documentary film about Aphrodite's modern day priestesses in Cyprus.
Of course, there's always lots more going on than I can post here.  I mainly try to keep it a lively, interactive place, where your voice and views are welcome. So I hope you'll stop by, or subscribe by RSS or email -  and share this journey with us.
It's where you can always find a "little bit of magic every day!"
Networking Spotlight on:
     Mac Mate
Lots of folks have written to ask if I have ever recovered from the disastrous computer crash I went through in November.  The answer is yes and no.
Some things are gone forever, or are so muddled I can't figure out where or what they are. It is still occasionally painful to realize all I lost, like the most recently updated handouts for my Tarot classes that I'll be teaching next month.
But I have to share with you that what I did salvage, including my sanity, was all thanks to Mr. Graham Latter, of MacMate. If you are a Mac user, you are probably not used to needing much professional assistance. But when or if you ever do, I can't say enough about his extraordinary service.
He responded immediately to my call, providing quick damage assessment and loss control. With both on-site and remote support, his assistance was efficient, no-nonsense, and highly professional.
(Like, he sifted through countless files of Tarot and Witchy stuff, surrounded by all my altars and magical
doodads, with me in emotional meltdown, without batting an eye!)
His thorough troubleshooting, patient attention to the details, and proactive support were impressive. Not only did he manage the massive project of against-the-odds data recovery, he initiated a much more robust backup system for me. 
He also offered countless tips along the way, making me a more savvy user. And maybe best of all, he scrupulously followed-up, helping me restore and restructure my Mac so that it is now a far more effective, secure, and productive system.
If you ever need any help with an upgrade, data recovery, a tune-up, workflow ideas, syncing your mobile devices, setting up parental controls, troubleshooting, application management.. or his dozens of other services, Graham is Apple-certified, yet VERY reasonably priced.
His number is 919-649-6779 and you need not be local.  His services are available through remote log-in. MacMate is an all-round fantastic resource for all your Mac needs.  Tell him Beth sent you!
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and  innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.

Looking for a convenient appointment time?  Now, it's incredibly easy!  For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" with your PayPal payment. Or if you wish to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
Of course you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525. 
Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision. 
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Friday, March 4: New Moon, Pisces Stellium
Saturday, March 19: Full Moon, within one day of Spring Equinox/Ostara

In exquisite timing, come join me in March at the Moon, during one of the most powerful portals of the year.  What seeds will you plant?  What magical awakenings are calling to you?

Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment?
Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!
Tarot Classes Now Enrolling
There is just no substitute for hands-on learning and practice!  And it's not every day you get a chance to work with a passionate, life-long, master Tarot practitioner? 
Don't miss out! With my new scheduling commitments (see article below), there are no guarantees about how often these classes will continue to be offered in the future.
Planting the Seed:
An Introduction to the Tarot
Sunday, March 27, 2011
$50 *

The Wisdom Journey:
Developing Your Tarot Skills
Saturday, April 9, 2011
11am-6pm $80*

Both will be at
Dancing Moon Books and Gifts, Raleigh

Details can be found here.
Pre-registration is required.  Sign up for both classes and receive $10 off!  Seating is limited, so call Dancing Moon today at
(919) 833-8081.
Triangle Tarot and Friends
Our Tarot Journeys Continue!
In February, we moved from the increasingly unstable and confusing to our new, streamlined and more user-friendly website. Join us!
We are now Triangle Tarot and Friends and our online location is:
We have a new name, but are the same fun, brilliant, adventurous Tarot aficionados that have been growing and learning from one another since February, 2003!
As we faithfully have for eight years, our local members continue to meet every 3rd Wednesday at our regular venue in the Raleigh-Durham Triangle area of North Carolina. 
But with our new online service, I'd like to especially invite all our Tarot community friends from around the world to join us in cyberspace, and share your love of Tarot.  ALL levels are welcome!
As you may know, we are currently working our way through Mary K. Greer's classic "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card."  In February, we had another overflow crowd for our member, Majka's, fantastic presentation. 
In March, our own Michael will be guiding us through Chapters 3 and 4.
There is no charge to join! If you want to come in person, space is LIMITED and RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, go here. Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
Exclusive Invitation
for WINGS Subscribers Only
Tools For Transition
As I wrote last month, my first two Tools for Transition classes have been announced. These workshops are quite limited in size, since they are being held privately at my home.
Thanks to my prior invitation for people to email me if they wanted to be in the first dibs list, the Develop Your Intuition course filled up before I could actually include it here. 
But don't despair!  Not only will I be offering these again, there are plenty of other juicy workshops coming up, so save the dates
Cultivating a Deeper Relationship with Your Guides and AlliesSunday, May 15, 2011 (enroll now - only four three seats are left as of Feb. 22).
Working with the Magical Energies of Plants and Herbs – Sunday, May 22. Details are coming soon.
Re-enchanting the World – Healing Our Alliances with Other Realms – Saturday, June 11, more info coming soon.
Other classes over the summer will have dates announced starting next month. They include:
Tools to Enhance and Deepen Your Daily Practice
Advanced Psychic Skills – Protection and Divination
Aligning with The Wheel of the Year
And a number of advanced Tarot topics, including – Working With Your Soul Card; Tarot for Fiction Writers; Tarot in Ritual and Magick, and more.
If any of this sounds like your cup of tea, and you live in the Raleigh-Durham area, don't wait! Based on the crazy wonderful response to my first classes, you will want to email me and get the early-bird invitations, before the general announcements go out here!
Several folks responded to my comment last month about making New Year's resolutions and their hopes and dreams for the new year.  Thank you SO much for your feedback and for sharing your visions and journeys. 
And thank you again to Sharon, whose email inspired my whole column this month!
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Astrological Tidbits 
 February/Early March, 2011

Jupiter's dance with Aries continues to shake things up.  And the Jupiter/Pluto faceoff that I wrote about last month is coming to a potentially explosive climax.
Astrologer Lynn Hayes notes, "Between February 19th and 25th or so, Mercury, Mars and Neptune all combine to form a cocktail of what can potentially be a confusing mix. 
"Mars wants to move forward, Mercury is always changing, but Neptune shrouds both planets with a mist that can make it difficult to make any plans."

Also during this last week of February, the square between Jupiter and Pluto comes to a final showdown that Lynn describes as "a square that may begin to create dissonance and conflict in our personal lives as well as on the global stage...

"These two planets don't combine well," she warns, "and generally bring about some type of power conflict" 
However, Molly Cliborne adds, "Jupiter-Pluto transits bring light and movement to stuck places, enabling major positive changes. It isn’t easy, but it can bring deep insights that free you from obligations that block your evolution.
"It’s a good time for a healing treatment or retreat, especially with someone you already know and trust. When you feel irritated with others, that’s the time to pay attention. Looking deeply into yourself is tough work, but it pays good dividends."
Happily, things soon begin to clear.  Lance Ferguson writes, "The first two weeks of March are the best for important business and travel as a series of positive aspects line up one after another." 
Be sure to take advantage of this, for things will be shifting afterwards.  Again!
Meantime, on the March 4 New Moon, we are treated to a Pisces stellium: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Uranus will all be in Pisces.
Cerena Childress writes, "Mars with Mercury and the Sun in Pisces will ignite the dream in a very personal sense…Innovative words and unique, yet Universal ways of personal expression, will cause others to follow in their own special ways, a symphony of Beings."
Hot on the heels of the New Moon, Friday, March 11 ushers in what will be a once-in-a-lifetime shift for most of us.
Lance writes, "A tremendous shift of energy Mercury and Uranus both enter fire sign Aries. The last time this happened was April 17, 1927!
Yes," he writes, "Mercury enters Aries once a year, but Uranus travels through the sign of the Ram only once every 84 years.
"A new era begins March 11th as Uranus will excite and inspire the courageous and the impatient elements in our psyche during his seven-year stay in Mars-ruled Aries. New machines, new wars, new challenges will appear and the pace will pick up in the months ahead."
Just make sure you take some time to back up your important data, travel plans and get your taxes done before Mercury goes retrograde on March 30.
Thank you again for making me a part of your day.
May Winter's departing bring the bright dawning of your happiest possibilities!
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