Welcome New Subscribers!
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 61 new subscribers that have joined us since the December issue went out. Thank you so much
for signing up. I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or
please do forward a copy of WINGS to them, too! The more, the
2011: The Year of the Emperor
As you may know from my classes or
the many articles on the subject that I have published, the numerology
of your birthday, or of a particular year, corresponds to the Tarot,
particularly the Major Arcana (the trumps). Using this system, we can
learn about some general traits and patterns that can be anticipated in a
given year.
This year, 2011, is 2+0+1+1 = 4. So we welcome the fourth Trump card of the Major Arcana. We welcome the Tarot Year of the Emperor.
Who Is the Emperor?
In Pamela Colman Smith’s rendering of the Emperor, we see the rams’ heads of the sign of Aries
carved on the throne and upon the shoulder of his robe. Aries is the
God of War, and it is the first sign of the zodiac, coming at the Vernal
Equinox, initiating the astrological new year. So the Emperor is
force, aggression, and the awakening of the life force in the Spring.
The Emperor does not look particularly happy, does he? But is he really a tyrant?
Yes, it’s true that under his cloak, he is still in his armor, ever
vigilant for battle. After all, emperors only get to be (and remain)
emperors by subjugating kingdoms.
But I believe there is more to him than the historic emperors like
Alexander, Caesar, Sun Tzu, or the modern-day combatant who climbs to
the top through war, scheming, conflict and domination.
I also see him as an Arthurian archetype – the visionary leader
who would unite the petty kings and warring factions in order to hold
the peace and build prosperity for all. He is “might for right” – with
all the weighty responsibility and worldly care that such a role brings.
Despite the severity of his countenance in the R-W-S deck, I believe that the Emperor is an idealist. But he more than the beautiful dreamer that is The Fool
(who he is connected to, through the numerology of the Major Arcana).
Like the quote by Henry David Thoreau, he has not only built his castles
in the air, his mission is to build the foundations beneath them.
What can we look for in an Emperor Year?
The Emperor represents establishing, building and doing. He uses force
if necessary to establish the rule of law. He makes the rules, forms,
structure, and institutions of worldly power. And he insists on
excellence, starting with himself.
Therefore, in an Emperor Year, the focus is very likely to be on
establishing authority, security, power, rules and top-down command, as
well as when and how to use physical force. We can expect that
corporate and political power structures and struggles will be even more
important than usual. Watch for consolidation of power and alliances
for a common goal.
We can only hope that under the influence of the Emperor, our leaders
will step up, with less hubris and more compassion and personal
responsibility. This is an opportunity for those at the forefront of
industry, finance and politics to make their decisions with an awareness
of the long lens of history, rather than the short-term gains for
themselves or their party.
The Emperor Year and You
On a personal basis, this is a great year to commit to the mastery of
your chosen profession. What worlds do you want to conquer? Are you
being challenged to step up as a leader, an innovator, or pioneer? Set
big goals and see how powerfully and quickly you can move towards them!
During an Emperor Year, you may be called into a role of greater
responsibility — at work, at school, or perhaps in your community or
family. Pay attention that you not turn bossy, or tyrannical.
Instead use your power gently, with
honesty and integrity. The wise Emperor knows exactly who he is and is
at home with the vast reach of his power. He rarely needs to “pull rank”
in order to get the job done.
Issues may also come up between you and others in authority.
Perhaps you will have to navigate your way through some bureaucratic
chain of command. Or you may have issues with the people you report to
at work or school.
You may find that it is increasingly
difficult to take orders, especially if you have questions about their
competence or the validity of their role as your superior.
What boundary issues do you need to resolve once and for all? And in
what ways is it time to get better organized? There are lessons to be
learned about how to use less emotion, more logic, “play the game,” and
make clear, firm decisions that create more stability in your life.
Lastly, the Emperor Year urges us to think about what we came into this
life to accomplish. What will you do in the days ahead to leave your
unique mark in the halls of time?
Use this time to set long-term, even lifetime goals and then begin building the foundation to make them happen.
By the way, this is an excerpt from the three part article I posted on my blog in honor of the Year of the Emperor. An expanded version, with additional meditations and information not included on my blog was available as a part of the Emperor Year and Soul Card kit. Some of you have asked, and YES, a few kits are still available. Order yours here.
Make sure you note in the instructions you would like the Emperor Year materials. First come, first served; when they're gone, they're gone! - Beth
Green Living
Easy Ways to Live Cleaner and Greener in 2011
Even though the first month of 2011
is history, you can still commit to making small choices that have big
payoffs for the environment. These are some of the top eco-friendly
changes you can make right now, for big results by this time next year.
1. Wash and rinse your clothes with cold water. According to the U.S.
Department of Energy, “about 90% of the energy used for washing clothes
is for heating the water.” Using cold water will keep your energy bill and carbon emissions down.
2. Bring your own reusable bags when you go shopping. Many grocery
stores now offer a discount for using a reusable bag. If you forget to
bring your bags, be honest about whether you really need one for your purchase, and skip it if possible.
3. Use revolving doors instead of swing doors when possible. According
to an MIT study “a single person walking through a revolving door in
February [in a cold climate] saves enough energy to light a 60-watt
light bulb for 23 minutes.”
Similar results can be seen in warm climates during the summer months. This is a tiny change in behavior that, over the course of a lifetime, could make a huge difference.
4. Buy your food locally whenever possible. Each pound of local food
you purchase prevents a quarter pound of C02 emissions that are
generated from the transport.
5. Kick the water bottle habit. According to Wikipedia, Americans buy
28 billion water bottles a year. Use a reusable water bottle and tap
water to “drink green.” By using a refillable cup, either for water,
coffee, juice or soda, you cut down on oil need to manufacture plastic
and save space in landfills. And don't forget, as I wrote last May, if you're like me and you love your sparkling water, you can buy your own fizzy-maker and save big money, too!
Want more ideas? Next month, I'll
share the other top five tips for making 2011 a healthier year for
Mother Earth and all Her children!
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
January on my Blog
The First House rules matters of the
core Self: Self-awareness, self-discovery, how we project ourselves to
the world, and our unique authenticity.
In February, we will take on the issues of the Second House, which include possessions, values, and our material side.
As you know, I want my blog to be a place where your
voice and views are welcome. So I hope you'll stop by, or subscribe by
RSS or email - and share this journey with us. It's where you can
always find a "little bit of magic every day!"
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists and innovators thrive
while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek
inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.
Looking for a convenient appointment time? Now, it's incredibly easy! For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" with your PayPal payment. Or if you wish to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
Of course you can also visit my website or phone me at (919) 620-7525.
Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books, 1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Friday, February 4
Saturday, February 19
North Carolina, February brings the first hints of Springtime. What
seeds will you be sowing in the season of awakening and growth? Let's
discuss over tea and Tarot at Dancing Moon!
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!
Raleigh-Durham Triangle Tarot
Enthusiasts and Friends
Our Tarot Journey Continues!
In January, a packed crowd at the Raleigh-Durham Tarot Meetup began working our way through Mary K. Greer's classic "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card."
On February 16, we will take the next step, learning about what Mary Greer calls the most important aspect of reading a Tarot card!
Our group is very friendly and there is no charge to join, but space is LIMITED and RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, go here. Join us for fun, laughter and learning!
Coming soon: We will be moving from the current Meetup.com website format to a more creative and user-friendly platform. This only affects our online location. As
we faithfully have for eight years, we will still continue to meet
every 3rd Wednesday at our regular venue. Please stay tuned for
Exclusive invitation
for WINGS subscribers only
Tools For Transition:
Develop Your Intuition
Save these Dates!
Sunday, March 6 - Part One
Sunday, March 13 - Part Two
My Tools for Transition classes are in the final stages of preparation. We will get started with my Develop Your Intuition course. I will be sending out the full details in a separate mailing in the next 10 days.
Astrological Tidbits
January/February, 2011
As we say goodbye to January and welcome February, we are under the influence of some real planetary powerhouses.
Jupiter entered the sign of Aries on January 22 and will stay there until June 4.
Astrologer Ralfee Finn writes, "Aries
doesn't have the best astrological reputation, and is often criticized
for its impatience and impulsivity. 'Aries likes to start but fails to
finish,' common wisdom says, and maybe there is some truth to that
astrological cliché.
"But I like to think of Aries as the impulse to move.
It is the pure fire of ambition seeking to realize its will through
action. When that urge for individuation combines with Jupiter,
all sorts of accomplishments are possible. Be prepared for lots of
people, including yourself, to be motivated to pursue new goals.
"Jupiter signifies religion as well as law and justice,
and as that spiritual bent merges with the forthright perspective of
Aries, you may find yourself exploring different belief systems. What's
more, because Aries symbolizes the warrior archetype, Jupiter's journey is certain to inspire the inclination to take a stand for what you believe in."
Sounds a lot like what is already happening in world events, doesn't it?
Mediating some of this expansive intensity, Saturn began a retrograde phase on January 26 that lasts until June 12.
Astrologer Lynn Hayes tells us, "Where Saturn tells us where we’re not good enough and that we have to do more, always more, Jupiter
has faith that everything will turn out just fine. Jupiter wants to be
optimistic and trust that good things are possible, and Saturn won’t
let us relax because even if everything is going well, disaster could be right around the corner...
"We need Jupiter’s faith to keep us going, even when the light appears to have dimmed. We need Saturn’s perseverance and retreat into isolation so that we may emerge with our skills enhanced and our resolve strengthened."
Meantime, the week of January 30 through Feb. 6 is a pivotal
one. It marks the cross-quarter holiday (Candlemas, Imbolc and Brigid
are several names for it) that is the halfway point between Winter
Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) and Spring Equinox. It is also
the week of the New Moon in Aquarius, when the Lunar New Year is celebrated in many Asian cultures around the world.
Lara Owen notes that this is a "combustible New Moon conjunct Mars." She explains, "The Aquarius New Moon is Feb 2 in the States at 21:30 Eastern, 18:30 Pacific. At this New Moon, Sun, Moon and Mars
are all conjunct, so it’s a super fiery New Moon. We can use this
energy to kickstart new initiatives, set goals, and move forward
Jamie at Darkstar astrology
notes that "Mars is the planet of war, aggression and sexuality. It
gets the adrenalin running, in fact in medical astrology, Mars rules the
adrenal glands." Not only does February start with this aggressive New Moon conjunct Mars, but, he notes, "A couple of weeks later, there is a Full Moon on a very Mars-like star called Regulus.
"Following this, Mars is at it again, aggravating communications with a conjunction to Mercury and Neptune. The last week of February sees a challenging aspect between Jupiter and Pluto, putting a strain on growth and optimism and forcing changes in spiritual and philosophical beliefs.
"Pluto can be extreme in forcing changes here, but there are
some very positive aspects and fixed star influences which give hope
that higher ideals and humanity will prevail.
Lance Ferguson
also warns about this square, noting we should start to be cautious as
early as the week of Feb. 7, as the energy starts to build up towards
that exact Jupiter Pluto square on Feb. 25.
"This is a potentially dangerous square," he writes, "as optimistic Jupiter in Aries inspires us to go too far, too fast and to lose traction.
"Pluto squares tend to ignite extreme situations and events which can
lead to difficult financial pressures, losses and the end of matters
that once seemed promising."
He makes it pretty clear. "This is not a good
time to gamble or risk exposure. Nor to travel, start legal
proceedings, or take on extra debt or obligation - all ruled by Jupiter.
Moderation in all things is the key as this square approaches."
was moved to tears by the beautiful holiday wishes and blessings so
many of you sent in response to my "love letter" last month. Right after
my newsletter went out, I found myself at a rather low ebb during the
holidays, having come down with a rotten cold. Your loving words were a
healing balm for my soul. Thank you SO much!
In addition, responding to my Green Living article, Joyce C. suggested this awesome website for eco-friendly office supplies. You all already know
I am a sucker for pencils, notebooks, pens, and other items that recall
"back to school." So Joyce, I have to say, thanks but also .. this is
VERY dangerous for me!
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Thank you again for making me a part of your day.
May the year ahead bring you a fresh, fabulous new beginning.
Brightest blessings to you and yours,