Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November, 2010

Newsletter from Beth Owl’s Daughter
November,  2010             (919) 620-7525             http://www.owlsdaughter.com         Volume 3, Number 11
Gratitude and Priorities
Wow! It is with such happiness that I'm writing to you today!
I am still in the process of recovering from a data disaster, and so just being here, online, typing this newsletter for you feels like a huge magical gift!  
As you may know (especially if you follow my blog), on the Ides of November, my computer hard drive died and my external back-up failed.  So not only am I now sorting through 125 gigs of jumbled, scrambled, only partially readable retrieved data, I am also trying to catch back up to where I was earlier in the month before everything came to a screeching halt.
But time does not wait.  And I am given a powerful (albeit painful) opportunity to reconsider what really matters to me. Lots that I thought did, doesn't. 
However, I have discovered that what really does matter is my connection with my clients, my friends, my colleagues, and loved ones.  To the extent that my computer is a tool that makes this happen, is the exact extent to which I have been utterly distraught. 
And now that I am slowly coming back to some stability (knock wood!), I am given another learning opportunity. I get to re-discover what a pleasure it is to hear from you.  I guess I had taken for granted how wonderful it is to receive your comments, your questions, your announcements, your articles and your musings.
You, my friends and colleagues, comprise a unique, beautiful chorus that sings a music not heard by my ears, but that resonates in my heart. I am so thankful for how we can connect to one another the world over, and expand our understanding and blessings for each other.
Thank you.  And thank you again.
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 85 new subscribers (wow!) that have joined us this month. Thank you so much for signing up and for verifying your email.  I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or forward a copy of WINGS to them, too!  The more, the merrier! 
What I Wish I Had Known
When I Was Starting Out, Pt. 4

As you may know, a couple of weeks ago, I taught my intermediate Tarot class, "Reading for Others." In it, we discussed the practical and ethical considerations when we start offering to read the Tarot for friends, family, and perhaps even paying customers.
I love teaching this class, because I want to spare my students the difficulties I experienced when I was getting started.
Over the years, as I have guided my  students, I see a lot of the same issues coming up again and again. Maybe that's why I am having so much fun writing this series of columns.
As you may have already noticed, a lot of the issues that challenge new readers seem to be centered on boundaries.  Last month, I suggested several important considerations regarding reading for groups and parties, and how to set limits for your time and trouble.
Another boundary issue I had to learn the hard way was about letting go of my readings.
I believe I am a good reader, in part, because I genuinely love to help people. I care deeply about the journeys of my fellow walkers on this Earth and I hunger for your success and happiness almost as much as you do!
But that makes it easy for me to get too involved in peoples' "stuff."  And over time, I found that despite my best intentions, I was taking those concerns on. 
After readings, I would continue to mull over the person's situation.  I would think of new, better interpretations of the cards I could have given. I would chew on their problems, sometimes to the point of sleeplessness, still seeking solutions. 
Naturally, many of my clients loved this, and were only too eager to step into this opening that I was, myself, creating. If they wanted to call or email for a "quick" follow-up question or comment, I almost always had a ready response. 
This, of course, would often turn into a long re-hashing, sometimes (I am embarrassed to admit) almost another full reading.  All at no charge.

Now, I am definitely not all about the money.  But I am about the energy. 
And what I learned was that as long as I am holding the energy of someone else's problems and concerns, I am not fully available elsewhere. 
This is not a sustainable or wise way to take care of anyone, least of all myself.
And in the long run, it isn't helpful for the client. Of course, any trained professional counselor already knows this, but I had to find it out the hard way. Often, although well-intentioned, such prolonged conversations tend to postpone making changes or anyone actually taking action.
That's why for a long time, I was tending to attract clients that just wanted to talk, complain, and stay stuck.  I was actually helping them do exactly that!
So I now know that to best serve my client, other potential seekers, and my own sanity, I have to let go as soon as the session is over. 
Yes, I am only human, and there are many, many clients with whom I feel an emotional connection.  But I have to practice compassionate detachment when it comes to the matters being discussed in the reading.
Although it was hard at first, I had to learn the gentle, but firm art of cutting people off when the time is up. (I'm still not perfect on this, but am much, much better!)
One technique is that when there are still five or so minutes left, I start to gather up the cards that have been laid out. This is a subtle but powerful body language signal that our time together is ending. 
Then I might offer a "one for the road" card that could help them determine an important, immediate priority action to take, in order to resolve or shift their situation.
In most cases, this is enough, and all is well. 
But there are always a few readings that are.. well, excruciating.  The client is in desperate straits of some sort; they are in complicated, truly heartbreaking circumstances that could haunt your dreams. 
There is no way I would ever teach you how to be hard-hearted, or not care.  Because I never could and never will (or else it's time to put away my decks).
But, like all service-providers who have to deal with human heartbreak and pain, you must find ways to protect yourself, if you are to be effective and helpful.
If you are too sensitive to be in the presence of soul suffering, you might want to reconsider being a Tarot reader.  (Of course, if someone is so tough that such situations don't affect them, I would also question their ability to be of benefit to a client).
I think that good readers are somewhere in between. We're able to be in a full, compassionate, engaged presence during the reading. But we know how to  disengage and protect ourselves from allowing the energy to penetrate, especially after the reading is concluded.

Part of being able to do this comes from practicing scrupulous energetic hygiene.  As a sensitive, I easily pick up vibes, energetic signatures, patterns and "gunk" from the people around me.  So it is imperative to have good boundaries in a reading, as well as to know how to clear, cleanse, and restore my balance.
And then practice it without fail.
As with many practices, the bottom line for readers is, "First, do no harm."  But as you can see, beyond that, there is so much more to learn!  Isn't it marvelous to be on this journey of discovery together?
Green Living
Green Gifts Even the Grinch Could Love!

You are doing everything you can to help Mama Gaia.  You are committed to making our planet healthier and greener. You recycle religiously.  You teach your family to read the labels. You avoid the toxic stuff. You reuse, you reduce your consumption. You do your homework before you make purchases.
But let's admit it.  You and I have those one or two folks on our holiday list that drive us to despair.  No, maybe they are not so bad that they toss beer cans on the roadside (but somebody somewhere must have that guy in their family!).
Maybe they just don't think about it.  Maybe they think it's too much hassle.  Or perhaps they didn't get the memo that explains you don't have to be a hippie, liberal, arugula-eating tree-hugger to care about the environment.
Happily, there are eco-friendly gifts that could even win the hearts of those folks who think the only good green is Grinch green.
For instance, award-winning journalist Trish Riley offers The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Living.  Like the other books in the "Complete Idiot's Guide" series, the presentation is easy to read, overflowing with tips, and laid out in a clear, logical way.
Best of all, she presents the information in easy-to-swallow packaging. This is not a guilt-inducing diatribe, but a compendium of useful ways to start being a better citizen of our planet, whether you are an old hand at environmental awareness, or a hesitant beginner.
Or maybe your recipient is not that interested in reading books, but just wants to cut to the chase. Once again, Trish comes to the rescue with a starter kit for the budding environmentalist.
Her GoGreenGift bag is a gift you just might have to treat yourself to, as well as your lucky holiday recipients. With both a regular and deluxe version to suit your budget, they are jammed with helpful items that can make an important impact, one home at a time.
Still not convinced?  Well, even if your recipient is reluctant to "go green," everybody wants to save money.
So why not give them a gizmo that monitors how much electrical power is flowing out of their wallet?  There are several to choose from, and they aren't even expensive! Nothing wakes us up like seeing the cost to Mother Earth coming straight out of our own pockets!
Looking for more ideas?  There are tons of great resources for inspiration.  Here are a couple more:
While you're at it, remember to make your shopping dollars count.  Buy local and Fair Trade whenever possible.  Support your neighborhood merchants and independent retailers.
And if all else fails, you could always order the UK-published hit by Richard Hallows, "Diary of a Reluctant Green: Can You Save the Planet and Have A Life?"
Hopefully, your recipients will realize that the answer is not only YES, but there really is no life-affirming alternative.  
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
jpegNovember on my Blog

Despite major setbacks due to my hard drive crash, this month we managed to celebrate Diwali and finish the seasonal portion of the Prayer Beads (which will continue now that things are back to somewhat normal).  We also celebrated the New Scorpio Moon and the Full Taurus Moon
Of course, we've had plenty of magical poetry, Wordless Wednesdays, and the Tarot Card of the Week discussion every Monday. 

But maybe most importantly, we have begun our annual Advent/Solstice Sun Wheel prayer circle. As you may know from past years, each Sunday before Solstice, wherever you are, at sunset, you are invited to join us for a global ceremony of peace and blessings. All faiths and traditions are welcome!
You can find all the general information, including how to do it, what our intention is, and so forth here.  The specific daily instructions are posted on that Sunday's blog post.
I hope that you will join us for what is becoming a beautiful and much loved tradition.
And I hope you'll stop by my blog throughout the days ahead, or subscribe by RSS or email -  it's where you can always find a "little bit of magic" every day!
   My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Friday, Dec. 3
Saturday, Dec. 11
Finalize the lessons and gifts of  2010 and prepare for your coming New Year with a Tarot reading.
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!
And while you're there, why not delight those special folks on your shopping list with either a Tarot reading gift certificate, or a Tarot Soul Card Kit? Finish your holiday shopping easily and affordably with a unique gift that is a custom fit every time!
Can't Come to Raleigh in Person?  No problem! 
My Tarot Reading Gift Certificates and My Magical Tarot Soul Card Kits are available for online purchase, too!
If you are buying a reading as a gift from this link, simply indicate who it is for and any other pertinent information.  I'll take it from there!
And to buy a Tarot Soul Card Kit, go here. I need only the year, day and month of birth.  Let me know who you're sending it to and where, and I'll take care of the rest!
Tarot, Good Deeds, Feasting and Retail Therapy! What Could Be Better?

It's time for our Semi-annual Swap-meet Meetup Yuletide Extravaganza! Join us for our Solstice Celebration! Eat, drink, and be merry the whole night through!
Party and dine with us as we buy, sell, trade, and giveaway decks, books, Tarot bags, jewelry, and other magical delights.

And while we're at it - we're giving back to those less fortunate. We will be sharing our abundance by collecting Toys for Tots and donations for the NC Food Bank. We might even do a few readings for each other!
Our group is very fun, friendly and free, but space for this is LIMITED and RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, go here.
Astrological Tidbits 
... will be back in December. 
But for now, a quick heads up that from Dec. 10 - Dec. 29 will be a Mercury Retrograde. And the New Moon on Sunday, Dec. 5 is Sagittarius, traditionally considered one of the happiest and most harmonious Dark Moons of the year. 
Astrologer Dan Furst notes, "Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, lord of wealth and hearty pleasures, so the first half of December has been throughout the Northern hemisphere the time for enterprises of all kinds to celebrate the profits and achievements of the year, and gather the clans for feasts of love and friendship."
So may it be!  
I got lots of wonderful responses to my newsletter last month, especially my article about the shampoos, as well as the observance of All Hallows.
However, I am so sorry to say that my emails were the hardest hit in the data disaster, so I regret I cannot publish your lovely notes that I received. Please forgive me and keep those notes coming!
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Looking for a more fun, meaningful holiday celebration that everyone can enjoy? Wish you could have a lot more magic, a lot less commercialism?
(And how about step-by-step instructions while we're at it?)
jpegWhy not start a tradition that celebrates the strong, beautiful, female Lightbringer - Lucia?
A Crown of Candles is the gorgeous culmination of Joanna Powell Colbert's many years putting together these treasured celebrations with friends and family.
Now you, too, can host this beautiful Winter Holiday celebration. She shares the myths and stories behind this lovely old tradition. And she's got you covered from the early planning, to shopping and invitations, to all the fabulous recipes.  It's easy and fun when all the steps are laid out in this sumptuously  beautiful new book. Order yours TODAY!

Click here for all the ordering details.
And by the way...
Do you ever get tired of the same tired old holiday music over and over and over?
I sure do! 
That's why I just fell in love with the gorgeous new CD by Julianne Marx and Craig Olson - Midwinter Moon
Composed especially for folks who don’t much care for the mainstream, commercialized or overly-religious traditions, yet still want a magical celebration, it's a jazzy, bluesy, acoustic melange of beauty and meaningfulness.
And right now, it's on sale, with wonderful extras, all for crazy cheap!
Go here to order it and lighten your spirits this year in wonderful new ways!
Coming In the December Newsletter ---
I will be announcing my full series of classes, "Tools for Transition."  This series of workshops is available only on a very limited basis, since it is at my home in Durham. 
An overview can be found by visiting this page.  More details will be announced once the dates have been set.
I am in the process of also working out the details for making these classes available online, so if you are "geographically challenged," don't give up! 
By the way, if you feel you might want to be on my private invitation list, send me an email and let me know.
I will not be making these publicly available, but only offer them to my "peeps," like you.
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping leaders, visionaries and innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.

Please phone me at (919) 620-7525 to make an appointment (in person, or by phone). Or visit my website to set up your appointment time.
Thank you again for making me a part of your day.
May thankfulness and the joyful acknowledgement of all we are given warm our hearts, not just on one holiday, but the whole year through.
Blessings to you and yours,
Have you missed any previous issues?   I am now archiving them in the WINGS Newsletter blog.

You’re receiving this newsletter because you subscribed, or because you’re a friend, acquaintance, or client of mine. Thank you for being here; you can rest assured that I will protect your privacy.

To make sure you get all my updates, please be sure my email is in your approved "white list" or in your email address book: zenrose@nc.rr.com
However, if you’d rather not be on the list, you can click the link at the bottom to opt out.