Friday, October 15, 2010

October, 2010

Newsletter from Beth Owl’s Daughter
October,  2010             (919) 620-7525            Volume 3, Number 10
All Hallows and Autumn's Magic
Happy October!
I don't know about you, but this is my favorite time of the year.  Every day brings a new gift from Mother Earth - yesterday's green leaves turn overnight into crimson, cadmium, and tangerine.  Milkweed pods burst and their seeds drift in the breezes like faeries with parachutes. 
Exotic birds stop by for a brief visit and then are on their way to mysterious southern lands.  The goldfinches trade their brilliant yellow plumage for their more somber winter colors.  Asters flaunt their bright blues and purples, dancing nearby the goldenrods.  Orion the Hunter returns to our skies, just before dawn.

We humans, too, move with the primeval magic of this rich, beautiful time.  October is the month when the Ancestors draw near, and we are more receptive to old memories, story-telling, and perhaps even a gentle visitation or two from loved ones departed. It is a time when we have but only to open our eyes and see that all is hallowed. 
May your celebrations be blessed!
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 22 new subscribers that have joined us since the end of September. Thank you so much for signing up.  I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or forward a copy of WINGS to them, too!  The more, the merrier! 
What I Wish I Had Known
When I Was Starting Out, Pt. 3

Thank you to all the folks who wrote to me saying that you are enjoying this series and are eager for more!
When I picked up my first Tarot deck in 1972, there was very little guidance for us newbies. While times have changed and we are truly in a Renaissance of Tarot resources, I thought I would share a few practical tips I wish I had known when I was first starting out as a reader.
Although for decades I had been doing readings for friends, and then friends of friends (and then friends of friends of friends!!), it was not until 2001 that I felt certain I was being called to become a public, professional, full-time reader.
Having spent all those years pursuing more mainstream career goals turned out to be incredibly helpful.  Thanks to my business background, I fell completely in love with the idea of using all my "real world" skills to launch my own business. (With The Magician as my soul card, I am a born entrepreneur who does not like to take orders from a boss!)
So I jumped into every possible opportunity with both feet!  Psychic fairs, charity events, parties, driving to peoples' homes or meeting them in restaurants and coffeehouses, ("Have cards, will travel!"), you name it!
This was great experience, and I would not change much about those early days. But I don't operate quite the same way anymore. And if I was just starting out, there are a couple of things I would do differently. 
For instance, with only one or two very special exceptions, it didn't take long before I stopped offering Tarot home delivery. 
I never had any kind of dangerous or unsavory encounters (thanks to my Guides), but trying to give a serious Tarot reading on someone's sticky, cluttered kitchen table while the phone is ringing and the dog is barking and the kids are coming home from school in 10 minutes is just crazy.  It is not the way to tune in to Tarot wisdom.
And by the time I drive the 40-80 minutes it takes me to get to many of the neighborhoods in our area, it just isn't worth it -- even if I charge a premium for my drive time. 

The same has held true for parties, by and large.  Not only does it seem that location is unfailingly at least an hour away,  there have been only a handful of parties that I felt were in harmony with who I am as a reader. Truth is, I am just not cut out to be a spooky fortune-teller or the Halloween entertainment. 
So, I have learned that you need to carefully interview your potential client, just as seriously as they should interview you before hiring you.
By the way, if they don't ask you a lot of questions, be cautious - they may be very disorganized, or not taking your services seriously, which means there is a risk of a last-minute cancellation. This goes for both the folks who want to hire you for their soirée, and the ones that want you to make house calls.
If you're thinking about reading for parties, private clients at home, or special events, be organized and ready with your rates and policies. 
Think carefully about the prep time you'll need, the drive time, how many meaningful readings you can do in an hour, how many breaks you'll need, and what conditions you absolutely must have in terms of privacy, noise level, atmosphere, table size, lighting and so forth.
This is the time of year, too, when readers get a lot requests to donate their services for fund-raisers and charity events. I personally care a lot about giving back to the causes and community I care about and I am thrilled to be able to contribute when I can. 
But I have also learned there are limits. Just like we can't send off donations to every single charitable request, we can easily get swamped with requests to donate our services. 
So I recommend creating an annual "budget" for how much pro bono and donated work you are willing to offer.  Of course one of the beautiful things about being your own boss is that you can be flexible under certain circumstances. 
However, having set a limit will help you prioritize and protects you from over-giving. Plus it can give you an honest reason to say no, and may even encourage people to ask for you earlier next time.
As you can see, a lot of this advice really centers on having clear, strong boundaries.  Next month, I'll talk about another, very important boundary issue that I wish I hadn't learned the hard way.
And remember - if you have ever taken any of my introductory Tarot classes, you are eligible to sign up for my November class, Reading for Others. It covers many of these issues in much more depth. Details are in my Schedule section on the right.
Green Living
Hair Today, But What About Tomorrow?
Last month's article about safe sunscreens got a lot of interest. So this month, we'll take a look at another product we slather on regularly - shampoo.

In a recent article, author and Green Living Tips website owner Michael Bloch got to wondering what might be in his favorite "Professional Performance Formula, Vitamin E Moisture Rich Shampoo."

"After all," he writes, "this is the stuff we pour onto our heads and are drenched with, day in and day out, for decades.  And it all goes into our water systems and the environment."

Here were some of the ingredients and what he discovered about them:

. Sodium Laureth Sulfate - used in clinical testing as a primary skin irritant. Tests on lab animals indicate material may cause mutagenic effects.
. Cocamidopropyl Betaine - potential irritant and potentially contaminated with or breaking down into chemicals linked to cancer.
. Ammonium Chloride - Harmful if swallowed. May be harmful by inhalation. Skin, eye and respiratory irritant
. Propylene Glycol - allows other chemicals to penetrate into the skin, has been linked to some respiratory, skin or sense organ, immunotoxicity and neurotoxicity hazards
. Polyquaternium-10 - a mildly irritating toxic polymer
. Tetrasodium EDTA - allows other chemicals to penetrate into the skin
.Hexylene Glycol - neurotoxin, sensitizer and irritant
.Triethanolomine - may contain residual levels of nitrosamines, a carcinogen
. Methylchloroisothiazolinone -immune system toxin, lung sensitizer.
. Limonene - a hydrocarbon that poses potential risks to wildlife and the environment through water contamination. Carcinogen to some animals.

It wasn't all bad, though.  Some of the ingredients might be okay, depending on their extraction process. They included Citric Acid, Camellia Sensis Leaf Extract, Fennel,  Fruit Extract, Epilobium Angustifolium Extract, Sunflower Extract, Hazel Leaf Extract, and Sweet Almond Fruit Extract.

However, some of the ingredients had never even been assessed for safety by the Cosmetics Ingredient Review Board, including Geraniol, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Butylene Glycol, Linalool, and Hexyl Cinnamal.

Then, there was an ingredient simply called, “Fragrance,” that could be just about anything
And remember, although products or ingredients are labeled "natural," they can be just about anything!  In fact, everything in the natural world is comprised of chemical compounds. So while "natural" sounds innocuous and safe, it has no real meaning for the consumer. 
Michael also reminds us that all manufacturing in bulk "requires huge energy inputs and poses risks for the environment…

“And here’s a real kicker - like so many other products in our modern lives, many chemicals used in shampoos [are] derivatives of crude oil."

So, like him, you may be wondering if you really need that dubious chemical cocktail to wash your hair.

The answer is - no.  He suggests trying vegetable-based soap, including bar soaps. After experimenting for a while, he has decided that he prefers old-fashioned, liquid castile soap.

"I can't comment on 'body and bounce,'" he writes, "as my hair is short these days, but I haven’t lost any hair and it feels soft and looks clean. And the wonderful thing about liquid castile soap is that it has far more uses than just a hair and body wash!"

So what's in your shampoo?
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Thank you SO much to all of you  who "voted" to continue my series on "What I Wish I'd Known." This email in particular went into a little more detail.   
Hi Beth,I LOVED September's column in your newsletter.  It so resonated with me and starting my own biz. The discussion about the "invisible old guard" was just like a lightbulb moment for me. You articulated things I felt, but couldn't but makes sense of.  Awesome!
  - Julie S., Raleigh

Thanks, Julie!
I hadn't really thought about how it might apply to other entrepreneurs, but now that you mention it, I can see it!  I am sure that there is a lot of commonality for business owners from all backgrounds.
I so passionately support and admire people who start their own businesses, so I am especially happy it was helpful to you! 
If you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
jpegOn my Blog
will be back next month!
But meantime, I hope you'll stop by and visit, or subscribe by RSS or email.  It's where you can always find a "little bit of magic" every day!
Coming next month..
Some exciting holiday suggestions and a very special offer.. stay tuned!
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Saturday, Oct. 16
Saturday, Nov. 13
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!
* * * * *
Reading for Others - Intermediate Tarot Practice
Are you really ready to read the Tarot with friends or family? Have you been following my series of articles on "What I Wish I'd Known When I Was Starting Out" and wishing you could ask me lots of questions?  Are you considering going to the next level as a reader--maybe even going "pro?" 
Then this is the class for you!
Saturday, Nov. 20, 1-6pm
Dancing Moon Books & Gifts
Raleigh, NC   $65
Reading For Others, which is only offered every year or two, is open ONLY to those who have taken one or both of my prior introductory classes. 
We'll discuss how to safely, wisely and ethically read the Tarot for friends and family, as well as things to consider if you are thinking of becoming a paid reader.
Don't miss out!  Call Dancing Moon today to save your seat:
(919) 833-8081
For more details, including the specific topics we'll cover, please visit my website.
Last Chance! Don't miss this once in a Blue Moon opportunity!
There are still seats available to meet and learn with Joanna Powell Colbert, Priestess, teacher, creator of the Gaian Tarot and famed artist for SageWoman Magazine, Circle Sanctuary and PanGaia
The Gaian Tarot: Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves
With Joanna Powell Colbert and
Beth Owl’s Daughter
Saturday, October 23rd
11 AM – 5:30 PM

Dancing Moon Books and Gifts
1840 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC  27608
A full day of discovery and magic
What healing are you called to bring forth for your own life, as well as for the interconnected web of life?  How might your presence on the Earth be a blessing that touches all living beings?

Using the Tarot and other guidance, you will have the opportunity to look deeply into your spirit's connection to our Mother Earth.
You will learn to do "wisdom readings" that will help you discover your unique place in the interconnectedness of All, and thus move into a more abundant, flourishing, right relationship with our sacred Mama Gaia, the Earth.
Learn the background of how and why the Gaian Tarot is so fundamentally different from other Tarot decks, and discover how it may be a powerful step forward in the evolution of the Tarot.
No previous Tarot experience is necessary. However, if you have one, bring any Tarot deck with you. Or if possible, bring your pre-release collector's edition of the Gaian Tarot.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to study with Joanna (and yours truly!) so that you can deepen your own wisdom and love for our Mama Gaia and the Tarot.
In October, we have a very special evening planned. We're giving a hearty Southern welcome to Raleigh-Durham Tarot Meetup friend, Joanna Powell Colbert! 
She will be answering your questions about her art, her Gaian Tarot, and the exciting new directions she will be announcing in the days ahead.
At this time, enrollment is full, but you can be added to our waiting list by going here.
jpegNetworking Spotlight On..
Bailey and Willow Tea
With cooler weather here at last, it's time to savor Beth Budd's wonderful variety of beautiful teas. On Saturday, Oct. 16, from 2-5pm, she'll be hosting a tea tasting at Dancing Moon Books that will feature a variety of apple teas, including
  • City Harvest - Organic Jasmine, apple and green tea
  • Genesis - Organic Apple, mango and green tea
  • Monk's Mead - Apple Mango and chamomile (organic / no caffeine)
  • Apple Apricot Medley - (fruit tea, no caffeine)
  • Ambrosia - Apple, chocolate, vanilla, mango, organic rooibos (no  caffeine and only trace amounts of dairy and sugar)
  • Chaucer's Cup - Apple and Spices (organic)
She has also gotten a huge new stock of Wellness teas to make sure you sail through the cool days ahead in serenity and vibrant health!  Stop by or visit her website today!
Astrological Tidbits 
October 2010
 Intensity more or less...   
After all the drama of the Cardinal Climax this summer, astrologer Lynn Hayes reassures us that, "October brings a welcome relief from the planetary intensity of the summer."
This is great news, but things are not altogether dull in the cosmos! For instance, Venus turned retrograde back on Oct. 8 and will be that way until mid-November. 
Astrologer Lara Owen notes that this will be "highlighting old relationships and friendships, bringing people from the past back into focus, and also sometimes reactivating old creative projects.
"It’s a good time for inner work on relating but perhaps not so hot for confrontation and decisions. Obviously, you must do what you gotta do, but if there’s a question about now or later, I’d wait."
While the week of Oct. 10 is rather quiet, on the 16th the Sun conjoins Mercury. Lynn explains that "This is a wonderful day or two for writing or anything relating to business ventures."
Things get more lively, though the following week, when Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio on October 20th and communication becomes more emotional and more powerful.
Compounding this, on the 22nd, we experience a rare second Aries Full Moon. Rhea Wolf explains, "We get another chance to check in with the sources of our power, passion and instincts.

"The days before and after a Full Moon are very emotionally charged, and with Aries we can expect intense passion and power to fuel our actions and encounters with others during this time. What this Full Moon wants is for us to honor the impulse without burning bridges, burning out or burning up in anger...

"It's a good time to examine the inner-warrior - that part of us that wants to take action on behalf of a cause, idea or person we care about."
The very next day, the Sun moves into the sign of Scorpio. Jeff Jawer in StarIQ writes, "Scorpio is the mid-fall sign (mid-spring in Sydney) that concentrates and intensifies emotions. It is the consummation phase of relationships that follows airy Libra with the fusion of fixed water that joins two together more deeply or squeezes the life out of their union."
And last but not least, Jeff notes that on Oct. 27th, "Rambunctious Mars moves into the sign of Sagittarius, and "fires arrows of joyous enthusiasm or self-righteous proselytizing that can inspire adventure or incite debate...
"Moving bodies with sports, outdoor activities and travel are desirable ways to release the exuberant energy of this active planet in a highly mobile mutable fire sign."
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping leaders, visionaries and innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.

Please visit my website to make an appointment (in person, or by phone). Or email me.
jpegThank you again for making me a part of your day. May this hallowed time offer you the magical gifts of truest love, deepest wisdom and eternal wonder.
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