Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April, 2010

W I N G S 

Newsletter from Beth Owl’s Daughter

Early April, 2010             (919) 620-7525                Volume 3, Number 4

Exciting Journeys Ahead!
 I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Season of hope, renewal and rebirth.  Even as new life is unfolding all around our woods here in North Carolina, I am hatching some new directions in my services. 
One hint: This October, the creator of the gorgeous Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert, will be coming here to North Carolina.  Together, she and I will be offering a couple of, if I do say so, sumptuous workshops. Save the weekend of October 23rd!
I will have lots more to say about this and more, after I get back from my two (yes, two!) trips this month.
First, I am off to a retreat in the mountains with one of my very dearest magical teachers, Sage Goode. And then of course, at the end of the month, I'll be attending one of the biggest and most important Tarot events in the world  -- the annual Readers Studio
I can't wait to bring home lots of new ideas and insights to share with you! 
Wishing you delicious Spring blessings,
  -- Beth

 I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 18 new subscribers who have signed up since my last newsletter two weeks ago!  Thank you so much for joining us.  Please feel free to invite your friends or forward WINGS to them! 

A Special Message for My Clients(my regular column will be back next time!)
Ordinariness © Osho Zen Tarot
(Eight of Rainbows/Earth)
I had actually planned to write some more about the Tarot and children, but a dream came to me this week, just after that powerful Full Moon, and I am compelled to pre-empt our regularly scheduled program.
If you have had readings with me in the past, and if you have ever gotten this card, this message is important, urgent, and directly meant for you.  (If you haven't ever gotten this card with me, it's okay if you peek in and read this anyway; you could have it turn up in a reading with me sometime soon). 
This is a card of simplicity - a figure walks in a lovely pastoral setting, with a basket full of fruit and flowers. The trees nearby are in bloom, a froth of pink and white.  All is well. 
There is no drama, nothing unpleasant; everything is peaceful.  She or he has everything they need and they are surrounded in natural beauty. What could be more ordinary?  Except, the way that most of us live most of the time, what could be more rare?
Couldn't you use a gentle time out that looks like this?
But how often do we actually follow through and give this kind of experience to ourselves?  When was the last time you packed up a snack and went out for a picnic by yourself on a pretty spring day?
Years? So long you don't remember?  Never?
Top two excuses: 
  • I will, one of these days. Or just as soon as I finish (fill in the blank).  Translation: Never. 
  • I would love to, but it would not be fun by myself. Translation: I don't know how to relax and enjoy myself alone.  
No more excuses.  To each and every one of you who has ever gotten this card, or who might sometime, no matter what the original context was, I send you this message:
Now is the Springtime of your delight.  This is the moment you have longed for. Take some time in the next several days, as this beautiful Spring unfolds, and give yourself this gift of Ordinariness.  Find a meadow with trees blossoming in pink and white flowers, if you wish to get precise.  Wear a hat, carry a basket. 
Or not.
But go and find a soft, quiet, spacious place where you can be utterly at peace.  Nibble on something wholesome.  Relax and enjoy your surroundings.  Discover the extraordinary that is disguised as simplicity.  See what happens.  Let me know.

  Green Living
Take Back the Tap
World Water Day was March 22.  But every day is a new opportunity to commit to preserving this most precious resource.  And each of us can make a simple, but powerful choice right now, today, that will make a huge impact on the future of clean water.
Food and Water Watch is a non-profit organization working with grassroots organizations around the world to create an economically and environmentally viable future. They recommend that consumers stop buying bottled water and "Take Back the Tap."
Did you know that bottled water is thousands of times more expensive than tap water?  Compare $0.002 per gallon for most tap water to a range of $0.89 to $8.26 per gallon for bottled waters.
And bottled water hurts the environment.  It takes millions of barrels of oil to produce and ship plastic water bottles. Then, only 10 percent of them get recycled.  That means that 90 percent of them land in the garbage or our waterways.
Think that bottled water is safer than tap water?  Think again.  It isn't.  In fact, the federal government requires far more rigorous and frequent safety testing and monitoring of municipal drinking water.
So I am on board with this, but I have a true confession about what has held me back from making a full commitment. Until now!  I'll reveal all next time, so stay tuned!

New On the Wings Blog
We've been celebrating this season of beginnings and renewal, by energizing the Qi (life energy) of our homes with magic. Most recently, we've been examining the art of feng shui in the kitchen.  
March 20: Ostara Blessings: The first day of Spring is a magical day celebrated in cultures worldwide.  I share an overview of some of the magical lore of the Spring Equinox.
March 25: Inexpensive Kitchen Qi: Some quick, easy ways to improve the energy of the kitchen, which is the most important area of the home for wealth and health.
April 1: Kitchen Gods and Goddesses: Having a kitchen altar is an honored tradition in many cultures, including Chinese homes, which have worked with feng shui principles for thousands of years. In this article, we consider a few Deities who would be most welcome.
I hope you'll make stopping by my blog a regular habit.  You are always warmly welcome there!

Astrological Tidbits
Will appear in the next issue of WINGS.
But please do be advised that we've got a Mercury retrograde coming up.  It begins on Sunday, April 18 at around 6am (Eastern time). The retrograde can begin to affect us prior to the day it actually stations, so you might want to start backing up your tech files now.

Also: Mark Your Calendar!  The extraordinary astrologer, Dan Furst, is making an encore appearance in Raleigh the weekend of April 23-25.  I am heartsick that this conflicts with my trip to the Readers Studio.  But don't you miss him!  
This is a rare opportunity for you to meet with one of the best astrologers living today.  He travels to the U.S. rarely, and with the T-cross and Grand Cross challenges coming up, who knows when you will have such a chance again? For details, call (919) 833-8081.

This Could Be
Your Final Opportunity!

Register Today!
Learn How to Read the Tarot
at Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh
Call (919) 833-8081 today!

Saturday, April 17, 11:30am - 5:30pm
No previous experience or classes  necessary (but it helps to already have a deck and a general idea of the Tarot's suits and structure).

Discover how fun and easy it is to learn to read the Tarot. For details, please go here!
By the way, by taking my classes, you are added to the intimate circle of folks who are welcomed to my more private, exclusive events, which are not made available to the public.
* * * * * * * 
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh
Friday, April 30 (May Eve!)
Friday, May 7
Saturday, May 15
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome when possible. Better yet, call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit today!
____ Also ____
Save These Dates:
Thursday, May 6 Please join me for the annual Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Psychic Fair. This is the premier local event for meeting with our area's very best healers, readers, aura photography and more!  Readings start at 6:30, but the line to sign up can start much earlier, since it's  first come, first served, at $25/20 minutes.
Then, I hope you'll join me on Thursday, June 3 at Spiritual Frontiers, as I am the featured speaker!  I will be giving a 90-minute presentation on how to use the Tarot to develop your own intuitive gifts.
By the end of the evening, you will have a foundation established so that you can access your intuition in a reliable, trustworthy manner, using the intuitive tool of the Tarot.
For details on both, including times, address and directions, please go here.  Hope I'll be seeing you soon.
The enthusiastic feedback continues, both from my clients who want to discuss it in person, as well as through email.
Specifically regarding the Hello Kitty Tarot, Kari wrote to say this:
"I went to look for the Hello Kitty Deck and I was quite surprised that they are out of print and going on Ebay for $117!! WOW!!! I've got the Inner Child card deck for my daughter and she LOVES THEM....she is 7 years old! :)  And I might add very intuitive when it comes to reading them."

Gosh, Kari!  I did not realize they were so pricey! I did a little hunting around, too, and it looks like $117 is not a bad price, if it's the color version.  But that's a lot for a beginner deck for a child. 
When I am at the Tarot Readers Studio in April, I will ask Jeannette Roth and Dan Pelletier, owners of the fabulous Tarot Garden, if they have any tips for you! 
Maybe it would be better to just go with the standard Rider-Waite-Smith deck like Willow in the U.K. did:
"I bought my son his first Tarot deck when he was about eight years old, and I made a little felt bag embroidered with a pentagram for the cards to go in.  He had no  trouble 'reading' the cards and he was very proud to own his own  deck. 
"He's in his twenties now and although he is a confirmed atheist he still treasures his mini Rider-Waite deck.  I believe that children have an innate ability to read, and it is very sad that as we grow older it, for the most part, gets knocked out of us."
I love that you introduced your son to "the real thing" from the beginning.  Based on some discussions in the Internet Tarot groups I'm a member of, some parents would not be as bold!

However, looking back on my own choice some years ago to give my niece a more "fluffy" deck for her 12th birthday, I wish I had talked to you first. I wimped out, frankly, and I think she would have appreciated the R-W-S more. So thanks for your encouragement, Willow!
If you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!

Have you missed any previous issues?   I am now archiving them on a new, improved WINGS Newsletter blog location!

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Let’s stay in touch!

I specialize in helping leaders, visionaries and innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as  practical wisdom, I will show you how predict your future by creating it.
Please phone me at (919) 620-7525 to make an appointment (in person, or by phone).

Thank you again for making me a part of your day. May your sweetest Springtime wishes take flight and come true!
                -- Beth