Spring Arrives
week, with the arrival of Spring at Equinox (or Autumn for my readers
south of the Equator), I am introducing a few changes here.
Instead of one big, lo-o-ong issue, once a month I've decided to pare WINGS down a wee bit, and send it out bi-monthly.
doing this, I'll be able to keep you more up-to-date on all the
exciting things that are percolating. And I can be more responsive to
your questions, comments and ideas!
may also notice at the top of the page that I have changed the archive
location for back issues. If you have any trouble finding it, let me
know, as this is new territory for me!
Meantime, I wish you all the wonder and renewal of this sweet turning of the year. May your Spring celebrations be joyful!
- Beth
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 18
new subscribers who have signed up since my last newsletter two weeks
ago! Thank you so much for joining us. Please feel free to invite your
friends or forward WINGS to them!
Tarot for the Next Generation(s)
The Hierophant © Inner Child Tarot
I got a lot of enthusiastic email in response to my first in a series
of articles about Tarot for kids! Thanks so much, everyone!
As I wrote last time, I think that children are natural intuitives. Well, actually, I think we all are, but for the most part, youngsters are still tuned in and haven't yet learned to ignore or even fear their sixth sense.
like any natural talent, it is best if it can be cultivated and
developed. I can't think of a better tool for such a thing than the
Tarot cards.
So how do
you go about finding a child-appropriate deck? In the last issue of
WINGS, I published a card from the "Hello Kitty" deck. While this might
be too childish for some kids, it could be just right for others.
(Actually, I was first introduced to it by a fully grown, heavy-duty serious Tarot reader. She brought it to the Raleigh-Durham Tarot Meetup because it was honestly her favorite reading deck!)
easiest thing to do is to consider the interests of the little girl or
boy you have in mind. For instance, there are a number of excellent
decks based on fairy tales. Some may seem a little babyish to 'tweens
(who tend to be hypersensitive about seeming immature), but others are
quite beautiful and gentle, without seeming childish. Other decks, like
the Tarot of the White Cats or the Baroque Bohemian Cats' Tarot
would appeal to cat lovers of all ages. Both of these, by the way, have
plenty of respect and credibility as excellent adult decks, too.
of kids these days are into anime, manga, and other Japanese-style
cartoons and comics. The good news is that there are lots of Tarot
decks with this kind of artwork.
But be careful. As cute and youthful as some manga and anime cartoon art may appear
to be, some may not be appropriate for young children if you are
concerned about nudity, violent images or sexual content. Look closely
at all the images in the deck if you can!
it helps to do a little homework about decks. Start asking your
favorite Tarot people, or browse around some of the really great online
Tarot discussion sites, particularly Aeclectic Tarot.
One of the many reasons to support your local independent metaphysical
store is that, unlike the online, or big chain stores, they have
knowledgeable (and encouraging!) staff members.
you consider the decks, you might want to check some of the cards that
are more likely to be scary for sensitive youngsters, such as Death, the
Devil, or the Ten of Swords. And if sexual content or anatomically
detailed nudity is a concern, be sure to have a look at The Lovers, the
Devil, and perhaps the Star.
Next time, I will share some more thoughts about giving kids a great start in the world of Tarot. As always, your comments are most welcome.
Green Living
will appear in the next issue of WINGS
New On the Wings Blog
Have you noticed? With Spring in the air, there are changes afoot, not only here in my newsletter, but on my blog as well.
While you can always find a little bit of magic every day, I have decided to step back a bit from my pace of a new post every single day. Yep -- I've been doing that since 2004!
It's time for me to focus more time on my new commitments (see my big news elsewhere in this issue!) as well as some other exciting changes I'm planning in my practice.
So after Equinox,
I will be cutting back my updates to only several times a week. But
you can always find loads of goodies throughout.
This month, among
other topics, we've been discussing how to use feng shui techniques to
spruce up your home and your energy, to prepare for Spring's growth!
March 2: The Template of the Self More
and more people are awakening to the fact that as we change our inner
reality, our outer reality follows suit. Even more interesting, though,
is how, by changing our outer reality, our inner experiences can change as well. This is the basis of creating sacred space in our homes through feng shui.
March 8: Tarot Card of the Week:
Instead of a traditional interpretation of the Three of Swords, I offer
a tribute in memory of a friend, B.T., whose unexpected death has left
our magical community stunned and bereft.
March 9: The Magic of a Welcoming
Doorway. In feng shui, the front door is the “mouth” of your home,
which, if not used, will cause the Qi to become malnourished, stagnant
and unhealthy.
I hope you'll make stopping by my blog a regular habit. You are always warmly welcome there!
Astrological Tidbits: Mid-March, 2010
Astrologer Lynn Hayes
offers insights into final days of March by explaining that on the 17th
Mercury enters Aries, the sign of initiation, and forms a trine to Mars
which is still at the zero point of Leo and still powerful. The mind is
energized, and this helps us to invigorate all other aspects of our
lives as well, even through an opposition of Mercury to Saturn on the
This opposition may
bring about a temporary setback, and a challenging square from Mercury
to Pluto on the 20th will intensify whatever situation we find ourselves
in. This is the time to get serious. Watch out for obsessive thinking
under this influence and try to get the most out of the passion and
intensity that Pluto offers.
Astrologer Ralfee Finn
writes, “The Sun enters Aries on March 20, the Vernal Equinox, and in
the Northern Hemisphere, that means it's spring and we are out of the
hibernation cave and into life. A Sun/Mars trine amplifies this seasonal
emergence—Sun, in Aries, and Mars, in Leo—a fiery combination that is
certain to spark creative fires. Allow this passionate energy to ignite
your enthusiasm for life. The winter doldrums are done. Yes, Saturn
opposes the Sun in Aries, but that's not enough to dampen a spring
“A Sun/Uranus conjunction, in Pisces, in combination with Jupiter (also
Pisces, but not part of the conjunction), provides the internal pull of
the week. Pisces, highly sensitive and susceptible to suggestion, tends
to live in the imaginal realms (which is probably why some people assume
that every Pisces is psychic). When Uranus and the Sun, both vital,
active and creative forces, share the same space, they stimulate nervous
systems. And even though this conjunction won't last for long—not even
for the entire week—it lasts long enough to provide inspiration and
vision about the coming year.
“You may not be able to see the entire picture, but the fire created by
the Sun/Mars trine will generate enough light for glimpses. Use these
"flash forwards" to contemplate what it is you want to create during the
coming growing season. Don't be afraid to dream big—Jupiter is also in
Pisces, and by the end of April, as Jupiter begins its conjunction with
Uranus, the world is going to open wide with possibilities."
And astrologer Molly Cliborne
tells us that in the week following the Equinox, "The Sun carries the
light from Saturn to Pluto, re-invoking the tension of the square,
especially on Thursday afternoon and evening. Easy does it— listen more
than you talk on this day, and choose your battles carefully."
But she reassures
us that the final weekend of March "is easygoing, good for gatherings
and creative work, as the Moon waxes to Full in social Libra, and Venus
and Mercury both approach a sextile to dreamy Neptune.
"This energy lends
itself better to broad brush strokes than to detailed work, although the
weekend’s Virgo Moon may have us looking for that ever-elusive
perfection. Know when to call it good enough and move on!"
Register Today - Seats are filling up fast!
Tarot Classes at Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh
Call (919) 833-8081 today!
Planting the Seed: An Introduction to the Tarot
Saturday, March 27, 11am-3:30pm
The Wisdom Journey: Developing Your Tarot
Skills Saturday, April 17, 11:30am - 5:30pm
Discover how fun and easy it is to learn to read the Tarot.
For details, please go here!
To ensure lots of personal attention, space is limited and
pre-registration is required.
* * * * * * *
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh
Friday, April 2
Friday, April 30 (May Eve!)
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome when possible. Better yet, call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit today!
Broadcast Appearances:
I will be joining the fabulous astrologer Kate McElroy on Marj Hahne's fascinating, thought-provoking interview show, "Coffee Folk." It will be broadcast in celebration of the Spring Equinox on Sunday, March 14 at 7pm Eastern time. You can listen in by going here. You will need to subscribe and follow the log-in directions, but I promise it will be worth it!
Other Big News:
I am deeply honored to have been elected to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Cherry Hill Seminary.
Cherry Hill provides
quality higher education and practical training in Pagan ministry. We
are the first and only graduate-level education for Pagan ministry in
the world.
Cherry Hill Seminary offers online distance-learning
classes, regional workshops and intensive retreats. We also offer
several certificate programs, as well as short courses which are open to
the public (called Foundations).
In the days ahead, I'll be sharing lots of great information about how you can be a part of the success of this historic educational program.
Thanks to everyone for all the mail I got after the Feb. issue of WINGS!
I got a lot of mail like this:
wanted you to know that I LOVE getting your WINGS newsletter. I have a
three yr old daughter now and I just started showing her tarot cards
recently, so your article about the tarot and children is so great,
because I have been thinking about how to approach this. I look forward
to hearing more. thank you for the great information!
-- A., NC
You are so welcome! And believe me -- you are not alone. By the way, I welcome any specific questions anyone might have!
other big topic was in response to my announcement about discontinuing
the Birthday Club, due to a number of factors. I was overwhelmed with your generous and enthusiastic suggestions. Here is one example that, honestly, brought tears to my eyes (and you know who you are, you!):
Dearest Beth,
these years you have given your heart 30-40 times a month. In my book
that is congratulations and you can now go on to doing the same thing,
only charge for it. I am happy to pay for your tarot profiles for
family and friends and I think people would love to pay for a birthday
card. It's cheaper than a reading, and you get a much loved old
fashioned idea of something arriving in the mail that is wonderful and
it's all about them.
-- C., NC
actually has given me a lot to think about, and so stay tuned. I may
have an announcement very soon in response to all of your
encouragement! Thank you everyone!
If you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
this newsletter because you subscribed, or because you’re a
friend, acquaintance, or client of mine. Thank you for being here; you
can trust that I will never share your information with anyone.
However, if you’d rather not be
on the
list, you can click the link at the
bottom to unsubscribe.
To make sure you get all my updates, please be sure my email is in your
approved "white
list" or your email address book:
Let’s stay in touch!
If you seek inspiration as
well as practical wisdom, I can help. I connect visionaries, leaders,
and creatives to their heart-centered power and wisdom. You can predict
your future by creating it.
Please phone me at (919) 620-7525 to make an appointment (in person, or by phone).
Thanks for including me as a part of your day. May Springtime's magic bring renewal and exciting new growth in your life!
-- Beth