Thursday, May 13, 2010

May, 2010

Newsletter from Beth Owl’s Daughter

May, 2010             (919) 620-7525                Volume 3, Number 5

Moving Forward Again!
 After my travels in April, first to beautiful West Virginia on a spiritual retreat, and then heading off to NYC for the 2010 Tarot Readers Studio, it is really good to be back home in North Carolina. 
Taking my cues from the Mercury retrograde that just ended, I have been reviewing and revising some of the ways I can be of help to you in these pivotal times.
I am eager to let you know there are very good things ahead, including new services and exclusive offers, so be sure to regularly check my website schedule for the most up-to-date announcements.
But keep in mind that some of the most special goodies will only be shared with my faithful subscribers to WINGS!  That's you
Wishing you a Merry Month of May,
  -- Beth

 I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 62  (wow!) new subscribers who have signed up since my last newsletter in April.  Thank you so much for joining us.  Please feel free to invite your friends or forward WINGS to them! 

Tarot for the Next Generations
Children Tarot
© LeLe Luzzati

Why would I ever suggest that the Tarot could be child’s play? Because, with a gentle deck and a little loving guidance, it most certainly can be!

Just like the grown-ups do, maybe even more directly, children have the ability to connect to myth, ancient wisdom, symbols and Mystery.  The Tarot, of course, is a tool that does precisely this, and, moreover, helps apply that wisdom to real-life situations.

In their delightful book for adults and children, “Tarot Games*,” authors Cait Johnson and Maura D. Shaw note, “If children were shown how to empower themselves by trusting their inner voice, there would be a lot more adults who are happy and secure.”

The Circle Games that they suggest are “meaningful and heart-centered activities that you can share with children.  Parents who want to nurture and encourage their kids by helping them understand themselves will find that these games offer real insight.” 
In fact, adults love these activities, too, so even if you don’t have a kid handy, you might still have fun and get to know yourself and a friend in new, surprisingly meaningful ways.

Today, I am sharing one that is especially for younger children.  Next time, I'll offer a couple more of my favorites.

Build A House
Cait and Maura note that this is a wonderful game that helps little ones get familiar with the cards and is a fun, non-threatening way for them to express how they feel about their family and their sense of home.

Spread all the cards out face up.  The child then chooses eight cards they especially like. Using those cards, they make the outline of a house. This may be shaped in surprising ways.  Then, they choose more cards for the doors and windows.
Next they pick from the court cards the people who live in the house.  Have them place the people cards underneath the door and windows, so that when you “open” the window, the court card is looking out.

Encourage them to tell stories about these imaginary people. Listen gently.  If you are lucky, you might eventually be invited to join in and play, as if they are dolls.
* Tarot Games: 45 Playful Ways to Explore Tarot Cards Together
Cait Johnson and Maura D. Shaw
HarperSanFrancisco, ©1994 ISBN 0-06-250964-0.

  Green Living
Take Back the Tap, Part 2
As I wrote last time, the non-profit organization, Food & Water Watch is urging that consumers stop buying bottled water and "Take Back the Tap."
Not only is bottled water tons more expensive, it hurts the environment coming and going.  From manufacturing, to shipping and delivery (some of those trucks get only six miles to the gallon!), to the fact that only 10-20 percent of the plastic bottles get recycled, it's a serious problem. 
As I admitted last time, though, I had a dark secret that had held me back from giving up my bottled water habit.  Are you ready to find out what it was, and what I did about it? (Those who are particularly sensitive might want to only peek through their fingers)... 
My confession is that I love fizzy water.  My husband, cat and I live in the woods and are blessed with delicious well water. But I have a thing about sparkles, and so my shameful, rather expensive indulgence was buying seltzer water ... by the gallons! 
One day, though, I looked at our overflowing recycling bin and the guilt just overwhelmed me.  All that plastic!  And very unhealthy plastic, too! 
So, I went hunting for a good alternative, and I found one! (I promise this is not a paid endorsement, it just sounds like one.)
What I found was SodaStream. SodaStream is a do-it-yourself carbonation machine that enables you to make soda pop, seltzer and fizzy drinks of all kinds from your very own tap water.
SodaStream is non-electric and includes everything you need, including reusable, "good plastic" bottles, and CO2 cartridges that you simply exchange for new ones when they run out.
It's considered an "Active Green" product, meaning that consumers are actively reducing their carbon footprint every time they use it.  (This differs from "Passive Green" products, which use green-friendly production processes, but the products are not inherently helping us save on our daily footprint.)
Costing only 25¢ per liter, instead of around a dollar or more for bottled seltzer, I love everything about my SodaStream. Even our cat Sierra has made peace with the squeaky, honking noise it makes when you charge the water.
You can find the fancy models at Williams-Sonoma or other gourmet kitchen stores, but I ordered the least expensive model online and saved even more money by doing so.
And it works like a champ. We even took it on our April retreat and provided unlimited sparkling water for everyone there. So much easier than lugging all those bottles and then finding a way to recycle them!
So I hope you'll join me and kick the bottle habit!
Remember --
Every little bit makes a world of difference

New On the Wings Blog
After blogging every day since June, 2004, I have decided to cut back so that I can focus on other writing that I am called to. But don't worry - there are still lots of updates, including...
April 30: The lore of Beltane and Beltane Eve: Whether you call it May Eve, Walpurgisnacht, or Beltane Eve, it is one of the most magical holidays on Earth, when the veils between humans and the Otherworlds are thinnest.
May 4 and May 16 : Suggestions for Prayers and Spellwork: For a rapid, safe end to the BP oil disaster and for the healing of our Mother Earth and Her sacred waters.
May 13: Blessings of the Taurus New Moon: Honoring Venus and Aphrodite, as well as learning to more deeply appreciate the beautiful abundance in our lives. 
And of course, every Monday, I pull a Tarot Card of the Week and post my interpretations. So I hope you'll make stopping by my blog a regular habit.  Your participation is always warmly welcome there!

Have you missed any previous issues?   I am now archiving them on a new, improved WINGS Newsletter blog location!

You’re receiving this newsletter because you subscribed, or because you’re a friend, acquaintance, or client of mine. Thank you for being here; you can trust that I will never share your information with anyone. 
However, if you’d rather not be on the list, you can click the link at the bottom to opt out.

To make sure you get all my updates, please be sure my email is in your approved "white list" or in your email address book:

Highlight of the Month: 
Robert Austin~ Crystal Bowl Sound Healer and Energy Sound Healing
I am thrilled to tell you that from now through the end of May, the extraordinary healer and musician, Robert Austin, is back in the central North Carolina area.  With his Crystal Bowls and Tibetan Singing Bowls, his workshops and concerts are nothing less than life-altering.   
I cannot recommend Robert highly enough.  His gentle energy, his extraordinary talent, and his wise teachings will open your heart in the deepest, most amazing ways.  When Robert plays, miracles happen.
He will be holding private healing sessions as well as classes and musical healing concerts at a number of locations.  Visit here to see his calendar.
Please do not miss this very special opportunity.

    Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Presents:
An Evening with Beth Owl's Daughter
Thursday, June 3
7:15pm Peace Hall
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
3313 Wade Avenue, Raleigh
I am so pleased to invite you to my 90-minute presentation on how to use the Tarot to develop your own intuitive gifts.
With a minimum of training, I believe we can use the Tarot to speak directly to our subtle awareness and gain direct access to extraordinary knowledge; knowledge that we need if we are to thrive in these pivotal times. 
By the end of the evening, you will have a solid foundation, enabling you to access your intuition in a reliable, trustworthy manner, using the tool of the Tarot.  Admission is $10. Door prize: I am donating a free copy of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, plus Mary K. Greer's book, Tarot for Yourself.
For additional details, including directions, please go here.
* * * * * * *
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Friday, June 4
Saturday, June 12
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!

The Raleigh-Durham Tarot Meetup

We are continuing our explorations of numerology of the Tarot cards. In May, we will examine the Sevens. Come join us! It’s free!  We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month.  For details, go here.

Other News: 
Now it's easier than ever to book an appointment with me!  I have a new, private and secure appointment scheduler.  Now, you can choose the time that suits you best and I will be notified right away. 
No more telephone tag and emails going back and forth. Once I have received your payment, that time is locked in and all yours!  You can find the links where you purchase my readings from my website.

But wait! That's not all!
May 25 is World Tarot Day!
In celebration of this auspicious annual event, I will once again this year offer a one-card email reading at no charge, to the first TEN people who send me a question. The catch: This offer is only good for emails time-stamped between 12:01a.m. and 11:59pm, Eastern time, on May 25.  Best of luck to all!

Alas!  The Owl Mail dwindled down this past month, since most of you knew I was out of town.  At least I hope that's why. 
If you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you (I respond to every email). Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!

 Astrological Tidbits:
The Countdown to the Cardinal Drama
After a relatively quiet April (other than some challenging retrograde energies), the curtain rises on the huge drama of our times. In May, we begin to really experience the big challenges that lead to the crosses and squares coming this summer.
As Lynn Hayes writes, "Well, folks, we’re getting down to it – the planetary drama that has  been much discussed over the past few years is finally upon us.  Our challenge is to be alert and aware of the impending explosion into consciousness of  a new awareness and experience, without devolving into fear as change begins to spin our world around."
She explains that this drama actually got going when Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn in 2008. Astrologers everywhere had been warning that this transition would herald revolutionary changes in our financial structures and the institutions that we base our security upon. And so it has, and continues to, for this transit will not be finished until 2024.
"The second event leading up to the Cardinal Drama," she continues, "was the opposition between Uranus (that which changes) and Saturn (that which remains the same), an opposition which is still underway through the summer.

"Over the next few weeks we’ll see the intensity begin to increase as the pure energy of life continues to accelerate.  This might feel like a carnival ride – thrilling for many, but frightening for some.  The intensity of the consciousness change that is at work here can completely transform us as individuals and as communities."
Meantime, Venus, the planet of love, changes signs on the 19th from intellectual Gemini to watery, emotional Cancer. You can expect this to be a tender time, and you may be the recipient of vivid dreams and premonitions. Guard that your emotional sensitivities don't carry you away. 
And at long last, after a very immature, tantrum-prone period, as of May 15, Mars has left its long period of retrograde. Hopefully, this means that the ruler of action and anger can at least be direct when expressing himself. However, he remains in Leo, where this combination can fuel energy that is very aggressive, proud, and can tend towards the grandiose.
The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on May 20, sharpening our mental focus. And when the "shadow period" of the Mercury retrograde ends around the 28th, we can finally get some real traction moving forward with travel, technology and business plans.

Lynn writes, "On the 21st we may experience a heightened emotional sensitivity that is difficult to process when the Sun squares Chiron, but that lasts only a day or two."

However, she warns that "the tension between Jupiter and Saturn peaks on May 23rd, and Venus (relating) is opposite Pluto (power) that day. Watch for possible power struggles and conflict ... especially where this clash [is] between moving forward and holding back."
She continues, "During the last week or two of May we have two planets preparing to change direction: Saturn and Neptune...Saturn seeks to hold us back, and Neptune is all about achieving a higher state of consciousness so there is a lot of energy right now."
Happily, the Full Moon (with the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius when the Sun is in Gemini) is fairly quiet. Because the big stuff really gets going at month's end. 
As Dan Furst writes, "The most important planet ingress of the year begins May 28, as Uranus enters Aries. [It will detour via retrograde back again into Pisces on Aug. 14, but return again in March 2010 where he will stay until 2018. - B.] 
"But even though he will be in Aries for only 2½ months this year until he returns to this sign 'for good' from 2011 to 2018, he will be right where he belongs in the early Aries slot to effect maximum stress, innovation and revolutionary change amid the six other planets who work with and against him two months from now in the Crosses of 2010."
So get ready.  This summer is going to be one for the ages.

Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping leaders, visionaries and innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how predict your future by creating it.
Please phone me at (919) 620-7525 to make an appointment (in person, or by phone). Or visit my website to set up your appointment time.

Thank you again for making me a part of your day. May your days be radiant and blessed.
                -- Beth