Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tips For Green Living

A Simple, Low-Stress Resource for Making Eco-Friendly Choices

I don't know about you, but I can sometimes relate to the commercial where the guy in the check-out line goes into a mental meltdown when asked "Paper or plastic?" When it comes to making eco-friendly choices, trying to weigh all the pros and cons can be crazy-making.

(And of course, by now you know that the right answer to that question is "I've brought my own reusable bags, thanks!")

Take fluorescent lightbulbs: they save energy, but they have toxic mercury gas, but they last six to eleven times longer, but they cost more, but that cost is offset by their longevity, but they put out hideous light, but there are new ones that are better, but..

See what I mean?

So where can we turn, especially if we don't want to make a career out of becoming environmental experts?

Actually, there are lots of terrific resources, but once again, TMI (too much information) can lead to brain collapse, at least for me!

But one very friendly, easy-to-navigate source for finding good, green-friendly choices, from kids' toys, to clothing, to dentists, to local restaurants, is on the Organic Consumers Association Directory.

Featuring a state by state listing of green businesses, you can find just about anyone locally that is offering goods or services with Mama Gaia as a priority.

They even offer a handy reference to your local legislators, in case you have a concern or comment about the laws being enacted (or rolled back) protecting the Earth and environmental guidelines.

For people whose awareness is being raised, particularly about consumer goods and the food on our tables, OCA is at the top of the list of the "good guys" on our side.

And they can help prevent the Green version of analysis paralysis, too!

Remember --
Every little bit you can do can make a world of difference.