(Yes, there is a Hello Kitty Tarot)
From time to time, I am asked if kids can learn to read the Tarot, or if they even should. And if so, how can they get started? (Of course, if you'd like to know how you can get started, please see my announcement in the column to the left).
Today, and in my next couple of articles, I will address some of these questions.
First, though, fair warning: I am a bit of an evangelist for the Tarot. Shocking, right?
Well, I think the Tarot is maybe the most fantastic tool commonly available for developing wisdom and personal insight.
The basics are fairly easy to learn, the cards are not generally expensive, and Tarot doesn't require any particular spiritual preference or complicated esoteric knowledge (although the more of that you care to bring to it, the more fascinating it can be!).
Best of all, we live in a golden age of Tarot, when it is not hard to find excellent teachers and instructional material (nearly unheard of when I was first learning). And decks come in thousands of varieties and are very easy to find - something not true just a few decades ago.
So yes, I think that as soon as children are curious, and certainly when they are old enough to understand the concept of symbolism, Tarot can be a wonderful wisdom tool for them as they grow up.
The daughter of Marie White (brilliant creator of the acclaimed Mary-El Tarot), created a deck of her own when she was only four years old. Granted, little Sophie perhaps had an unusual exposure to the Tarot, thanks to her mommy's passion and talent.
But when I first met her, at age seven, she was as fluent in the Tarot as many who are three times her age. As Marie explains, Sophie had a natural knack for the Tarot, perhaps because she was allowed to explore it freely, without fear or prejudice.
I believe that there is something so universally appealing and understandable about the Tarot, that even little children can "get it."
In addition, I believe that staggering numbers of youngsters today are deeply gifted, natural intuitives. Not a week goes by without a parent or grandparent confiding to me their concerns, even awe, over a child who is displaying clear signs of powerful clairvoyance, clairsentience,
and other psychic skills.
No, you don't have to be "psychic" to read the Tarot. But I have become convinced that our kids may be the first wave of a new phenomenon in human evolution. Some have labeled them "Indigo" or "Crystal" children.
I am not qualified to comment on those specific theories. But based on my own experience, if you are an adult attempting to nurture one of these amazing, but challenging children, I can't imagine a better tool than a well-chosen Tarot deck. It can help you cultivate your kids' gifts in
incredibly positive and empowering ways.
Next time, I will share some ideas about how to do that, including picking out a deck. As always, your comments are most welcome. You can email me at the address posted on the left.