As you may know, ever since early February, 2009, my blog fans and I have been working our way through Julia Cameron's classic, The Artist's Way. Having just completed it this month, I've been taking a little breather and offering some encore posts from several years ago.
While I decide what's next, you might enjoy some of these offerings, both old and new, including..
Feb. 14: Happy Aphrodite's Day Instead of a day named for various martyrs, I declare
a day honoring the Goddess of love and delight. Isn't that what we really
want anyway?
Also on Feb. 14: Celebrating the Year of the Tiger. Astrological aspects of this
interesting Lunar New Year, as well as a few traditions.
Feb.18: Happy Birthday, Pisces! A brief overview in tribute of this sensitive, wise
Sun sign.
Feb. 24: Courting the Wild How to develop a personal practice of connecting with Nature and
the land near you.
I hope you'll make stopping by my blog a regular habit. You are always warmly welcome there!