“I have been younger in October
than in all the months of spring...” -- W. S. Merwin
Blessed October!
Oh, how I love this month, don't you?
It is truly my favorite o
f the year (although I am a bit partial to
July, too, since it features several birthdays and anniversaries of
great importance to me).
Our Laurel Hill woods still show some green, but there is an
unmistakable changeover everywhere, and the smouldering reds of dogwoods
and lemony yellows of the tulip poplars are well under way.
As I sit on my front porch and look out across the treetops, I can
almost see the transformations as they are happening, like a brightly
colored cloak descending across the forest. Each day brings a new
surprise, as one by one, our oaks, maples, hickories, and sourwoods join
the brilliant parade.
The harbingers of the swirling leaves silhouetted against the brilliant
skies, and the restless gatherings of birds preparing to depart whisper
that there is change in the wind.
We are now on the threshold of the ancient Celtic festival that once marked the beginning of Winter and the end of the year.
Known as
(which later became All Hallows Eve) this final harvest is celebrated
on or around October 31. The precise cross-quarter day (the exact
half-way point between Equinox and Solstice) is November 6-7, depending
on your time zone.
It's a time for honoring and visiting with our beloved dead. It is also a powerful time for divination and soul-flight.
We also grieve for and give recognition to all the men, women, and
children who have perished as a result of being called Witches.
Unfortunately, these kinds of persecutions continue to this day in many
parts of the world.
On a happier note, though, our friends in the lands below the Equator are preparing for the other big threshold holiday --
While for us, the Samhain gateways between the living and the Ancestors
are opening wide, in the Southern Hemisphere, this is when the veils
that separate the human world from the ancient races of the Shining Folk
part, and Life's merriest enchantments are savored.
So at this most magical time, when we count our blessings and honor our traditions with gentle, true hearts, I want to thank
you for letting me be a part of your day.
Blessings and love,
Welcome To The Nest, New Subscribers!
 Hello and a big winged wave to the 37 new readers that have joined us since WINGS last went out, back in August.
Thank you for your patience while I am still getting my mojo back. I
hope you are as glad to see this pop into your inbox as I am to be here
with you.
Please be reassured, I will never share your
information with anyone else. Plus, as you may have discovered while
waiting (and waiting!) for this newsletter, I will not bombard you with
stuff. Your privacy and enjoyment here are of the highest priority. Just
so you know!
Besides, I appreciate that your time is valuable, and so is your email
real estate. So thank you for inviting me to visit with you. I hope
you'll find WINGS interesting and fun.
(Of course, if you've forgotten why you signed up, or changed your mind (I hope that's not the case!!), thanks for checking me out, and maybe I'll see you some other time. Just PLEASE don't mark me as "spam.")
News and Notes
Meet With Me for a Reading
Friday, Nov. 3 (this is an unusual weekday visit!)
Saturday, Dec. 16
Hour and half-hour appointments available, starting at 12:00pm, ending by 6:00pm
What a pleasure it has been to meet with you again for my Tarot readings at Dancing Moon Books.
I have been deeply moved by your outpouring of support! I can barely
express what a profound gift it has been for me to see your beautiful
faces again. Thank you with all my heart.
As you may know, these are the ONLY sessions I am currently offering and I would love to see you. Let's
meet over the cards, welcoming our Spirit Allies and Teachers as we
discuss relationships, your life mission, financial and career concerns,
spiritual guidance, and whatever else you'd like to explore.
To reserve our time together, please call the store between 11am-7pm, Tues-Sat. or 1-6 on Sundays, : (919) 833-8081.
However, I am disappointed to tell you, there has been --
Alas, I will NOT be a reader at the upcoming Dancing Moon psychic fair.
(No one told me about it, and, unfortunately, by the time the oversight
was discovered, it was already too late for me to make other
arrangements. Plus, I want to reassure you that my absence is not due to a health setback.)
Instead, though, I would warmly welcome you on Friday, November 3, for a more quiet, private, and personal reading.
Deep in the heart of this All-Hallows, Samhain season, it's an ideal
time for divination and seership. Please make an appointment at the
store by calling (919) 833-8081.
Tarot Classes
As you may know, my Tarot Without Tears classes filled up almost instantly this Summer and Fall. What a beautiful affirmation and honor! Thank you so much.
So you can count on me to offer them again next year, especially for the folks who were left on the waiting list.
Meantime, for those of you who have been asking -- including our Meetup members, as well as the brilliant folks who just finished my intro classes -- I am delighted to tell you the years-long wait is over:
Art by Ciro Marchetti, used with permission
If you have taken my Tarot Without Tears
classes... If you've been wondering -- what's the best way to get
started offering my skills to friends, family, and others... If you've
thought maybe you might want to start your own Tarot services .. This is for YOU.
I am passionate about helping new readers avoid trouble and develop outstanding skills. I want you to be able to serve with confidence and become a successful ambassador of Tarot.
That's why I created this class!
soon as your friends discover that you can read the Tarot, they will
begin asking for readings. But as you know, the Tarot is not a toy, and
its power can be startling.
If you want to be of service with your Tarot readings, this is how to create a lifetime-strong foundation.
Learn how to be a respected reader and a more skillful communicator, how to protect your (and their) boundaries, and avoid potentially harmful rookie mistakes.
Reading for other people is not for everyone, but if you feel called to
be of service in this powerful, generous way, I will help you learn how
to do so with integrity and skill.
If you are eligible (please see the "fine print" below), don't wait. The class is already half-filled.
Fine Print: Only those who have completed one or both parts of my Tarot
Without Tears courses can sign up for this. Sorry, no exceptions.
A Tarot Spread for Working With the Ancestors:
Our ancestors can be thought of as both those we are connected to by
blood and genetic heritage, as well as those who are our ancestors of
Ancestors of spirit include teachers of spiritual lineage, people we
admire or by whom we may feel mentored (even though they are no longer
among the living), or even historic figures that we aspire to emulate.
Those from whom we are descended by blood need not be known to us; they
may be quite ancient indeed, but yet have a message for us during this
liminal time.
May your reading be blessed.
Here's To Better Times
It's been a bumpy ride for so long, I am not sure we even know what smooth sailing is anymore.
And I don't think any astrologers, historians, political scientists, or
casual observers would suggest that life is suddenly going to be
rainbows and unicorns in the days ahead. Just ask anyone in Puerto Rico.
However, there is some astrological good news, for a change. (Continue here...)
Faith, Hope, and Charity
I believe that helping to weave the web of support and inspiration is an important component of my path. So in each issue of WINGS, I highlight an individual, or group, or service that I think you might like to know more about.
I hope you will be inspired to learn more, support their work, and share with your friends.
Click here
to find out all about my suggestions for this month. One is local to my
area, and one is nationally known. Countless souls depend on these
programs, yet both face tremendous challenges ahead.
As Rainer Maria Rilke said, "Love is this: that two solitudes border, protect, and salute one another."
In times that are filled with unprecedented change, many of which are
difficult, may we each be the believing witness to one another, giving
solace when needed, as well as support and inspiration for reaching a
little higher.
With all my heart and boundless gratitude, as this year deepens into its
closing months, I salute you.
Blessings and love,
- Beth Owl's Daughter