Beautiful one!
Can you believe how fast this year has flown by? And now here we are once more, in the season of giving and giving thanks.
Although this has been a year with deep divisions, steep challenges, and
hardships for so many, there is great wisdom in the practice of pausing
and counting our blessings.
By changing that focus, at least in my experience, one may discover there are blessings
beyond count!
Little ones, like how the two Japanese maples next to our house have
waited until almost everyone else has finished showing off for the
Autumn, so they could explode in their very own blazing scarlet glory.
And then there are the really,
really big blessings, like still being here, and firmly on the road to recovery.
Most of all, I can't even begin to tell you how much YOU have meant to me in this past year.
Not only did you blow me away with your countless kindnesses and profound support for me during my illness, but also the
amazing ways so many of you have welcomed me as I slowly get my mojo back as a reader and teacher.
Thank you, too, for your patience as this process of finding my "new
normal" is a slow one that I can only take gently. The fact that so many
of you have written to say how well you understand this is a treasure
in itself.
For all the miracles that we have and still will create together, I can only say:
Thank you.
From my heart to yours, blessed be.