Happy August!
I can't believe it's been eight months since we last said hello!
On one level, it feels like it's been a hundred years, filled with difficult physical and emotional challenges.
But on the other hand, the time has sped by. 2017, our universal Wheel of Fortune Year, is now well over half-way through.
How's your year been going? Many of you have told me you, too, are facing incredible stress, navigating your way through unprecedented times.
But, at least for me, what's passed is past, and I am deeply immersed in the gratitude of the now.
Here in the hot, muggy woods of North Carolina, the cicadas are singing from every tree, and our hummingbird feeders are running dry about every other day.
The Crone-phase of the Full Moon smiles through the steamy haze as we celebrate the time of the first harvests, and the waning of the Summer light.
I am mindful, too, of all our friends below the equator who have been making their Imbolc vows and dedications. For those of us moving towards Autumn, and you who are feeling the stirrings of Springtime beckoning, I send you blessings.
Oh, and also -- thanks for sticking around.
WINGS is back and I plan for it to get better than ever for you.
Thanks for inviting me into your world.
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Welcome To The Nest, New Subscribers!
 Hello and a very special thank you to the many readers that have joined us since the last time WINGS went out in January.
Wow, you've had a long wait, and I hope you will still be delighted to see this pop into your in mailbox.
Please be reassured, I never share your information with anyone else. Your privacy and enjoyment here are of the highest priority. Just so you know!
Besides, I appreciate that your time is valuable, and so is your email
real estate. So thank you for inviting me to visit with you. I hope
you'll find WINGS interesting and fun.
(Of course, if you've forgotten why you signed up, or changed your mind (I hope that's not the case!!), thanks for checking me out, and maybe I'll see you some other time. Just PLEASE don't mark me as "spam." )
A Final (I hope!) Update on My Health
For new WINGS
subscribers just now joining us who might not know, exactly one year
ago, I was diagnosed with Stage 3-B breast cancer. That's a rather
advanced stage, and unfortunately one of the cancers (there were
multiple kinds) was an aggressive, difficult one.
So for a year, I have been undergoing everything they could throw at me:
chemotherapy first, then two total mastectomies, and then six weeks of
daily radiation.
Pretty tough. But ....
The crisis treatments are now finished! I am now on a maintenance,
preventative regimen which I am utterly determined will be all I need
for the rest of a long and happy life.
Your prayers, good wishes, Reiki, and magical juju have been an
incredible miracle for me, and I have no words to express how grateful I
am. And your continued meditations and prayers are most welcome,
whatever your path or beliefs may be.
It has taken all my focus to simply make it one day at a time. I am
learning vastly important lessons about trust, surrender, and gratitude
for what is.
Speaking of which, I can't even begin to thank every person who has sent
thoughtful suggestions, cards, gifts, calls, and love on my behalf. My
thankfulness is beyond measure. May your kindnesses be returned to you
many, many times over.
News! News! News!
My Tarot Readings Are Back
Dancing Moon Books and Gifts
Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017
Saturday, Sept. 16
Saturday, Oct. 21
Hour and half-hour appointments available from 12:00pm – 6:00pm
I am so happy to tell you that I am resuming my readings at Dancing Moon Books.
These are the ONLY readings I am currently offering and I would love to see you. Especially since I'm sure you must be overdue for your regular intuitive Tarot check-up.
Let's meet over the cards,
welcoming our Spirit Allies and Teachers as we discuss relationships,
your life mission, financial and career concerns, spiritual guidance,
and whatever else you'd like to explore.
Call the store between 11am-7pm, Tues-Sat. or 1-6 on Sundays, to reserve our time together: (919) 833-8081
Some of you may know that I will be teaching my introductory Tarot classes, Tarot Without Tears, starting this Sunday, Aug. 13. To my shock, Part One
filled up in only 2 days, and there is currently a waiting list of
seven people. And there is only one seat left for Part Two (which
REQUIRES a basic familiarity with the Tarot).
Because of the high demand, I am sure I will be offering them again
soon, so be on the lookout. I love teaching people how powerful and
personal the Tarot can be, so I will be looking forward to encoring
these at my earliest opportunity. And thank you for this wonderful
Last, if you are wondering what I am
doing instead of teaching classes and giving readings, one of the
messages I received during my illness is that I must
reassess my priorities. I have talked for a long time about the books I
want to write, but this was a wake-up call that NOW is the time. So I
may not be as available as in the past, but please know you are never
far from my thoughts. Especially since I am writing these for YOU.
Thank you so much!
Fiery Changes Ahead in August
Unless you have been visiting another far, faraway galaxy somewhere, you
know by now that August is going to be a very busy astronomical (and
astrological) month.
Not only was there a Lunar eclipse on the Aug. 7 Full Moon, but it will be followed by what is being called, The American Eclipse -- a very rare total solar eclipse that streaks from coast to coast across the United States, Aug. 21.
And as if that's not enough, we begin a Mercury retrograde Aug. 12.
But wait -- there is MORE.
Some of the world's most insightful astrologers have had a lot to say
about this fiery sky, and it's been challenging to narrow it all down
for you.
But I have certainly tried.
So dive in and discover what this extremely important threshold time is offering -- Click here.
Faith, Hope, and Charity

Last year, after my website redesign, one of the things that changed was
that I no longer had a page full of links and recommendations for some
of my favorite people and organizations.
But I feel that weaving our interconnected web of support and inspiration is an important component of my path.
I had hoped to highlight someone new in each issue of WINGS, but after only one article, I got my diagnosis and everything came to a screeching halt.
Happily though, I am very tenacious (my Cancer Sun sign, no doubt!) so I
am now resuming this as a regular feature, highlighting an individual,
or group, or service that I think you might like to know more about.
I hope you will be inspired to learn more, support their work, and share with your friends.
Pop over here to find out all about this month's especially beautiful organization.

you again for your ongoing support and good thoughts, especially as I
now come into this period of adjusting to survivorship, and picking up
the threads of my life.
It's true, I will never be who I was before. But in every step of this
journey, there has been treasure to be discovered: people who are living
in the heart of loving-kindness every day; sacred messages from my
Inner Contacts, Guardians, Guides, and Allies; astonishing miracles
hidden in plain view for those who have eyes to see.
And I have to say -- it's so good to be back visiting with
you again.
As we celebrate the juiciest bounty of the late Summer, I wish you merry days ahead.
Blessings and love,
- Beth Owl's Daughter