Happy New Year, Luscious One!
Can you believe we are already seventeen years into the new millennium? Seems like just yesterday we were partying like it was 1999.
So much has changed since then, for good and, yeah, not so great. But I couldn't help but think of you, as I hung my new calendar on the wall, and looked ahead in my PlannerPad© to the months yet unwritten.
As you may know, using the numerology of the date, I like to explore what the Tarot has to say about the changing years. Thus, 2017 is the year of the Wheel of Fortune, since 2+0+1+7 = 10, which is the 10th card in the Major Arcana. (Because 10 is a number that falls within the Majors, I do not further reduce it to 1).
If you want to know more, I have written a two-part article about what may lie ahead in this year of pivotal change, surprises, and fated events.
In Part One, I give an overview of what trends and events might be expected in a Wheel year.
Then, in Part Two, thanks in part to a nudge from Tarot expert Mary K. Greer about the relationships of the cards that she calls "Constellations," I did a reading for the upcoming year that utilizes the other two cards in the Wheel's constellation.
I also incorporate a circular layout to see what is approaching, what is at its crest, what is now waning, and what is in dormancy, waiting to return another time.
There are a few surprises, and a few cards that, while not entirely unexpected, still resonate with seriousness and destiny. Please drop byand see what you think.
In any case, I hope this year brings you all the kindness that the Graces can offer: exquisite delights, happy adventures, deeply good health, and joyful, prosperous well being of every kind.
And in the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson, let us
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Thanks for welcoming me into your day!
Welcome To The Nest, New Subscribers!
 Hello and a very special thank you to the new readers that have joined us since the last time WINGS went out in November.
Please be reassured, I never share your information with anyone else. Your privacy and enjoyment here are of the highest priority. Just so you know!
Besides, I appreciate that your time is valuable, and so is your email real estate. So thank you for inviting me to visit with you. I hope you'll find WINGS interesting and fun.
(Of course, if you've forgotten why you signed up, or changed your mind (I hopethat's not the case!!), thanks for checking me out, and maybe catch you another time. Just PLEASE don't mark me as "spam." )
A Quick Update on My Health
For new WINGS subscribers just now tuning in who might not know, in late July last year, I was diagnosed with Stage 3-B breast cancer.
Just wanted to let you all know that this week, I have officially finished the chemotherapy I've been undergoing since Sept. 1. Yay!
I now get a few weeks' recovery break, and then on Feb. 7, I will have a double mastectomy. Your prayers, good wishes, Reiki, and magical juju on my behalf are most welcome, whatever your path or beliefs may be.
Yes, I knew this surgery was coming, but now that I'm on the threshold... well, you can imagine! I admit I am kind of scared.
But I am also inspired by all the friends, colleagues, and cancer survivors who have reached out to me with so much kindness and support. All will be well, I am sure of it.
After a healing period, I will then begin daily radiation therapy for some six weeks (my certainty about the timing is a little fuzzy at this point, more will be revealed as we get closer to the time).
I am so glad that up until now, I have been able to continue posting my Card of the Week on my blog, as well as other occasional tidbits.
But as you can see, for the next half-year or so, I will remain unable to offer my classes, readings, and other personal services. My Birthday Club memberships currently enrolled are winding down, and I am not able to offer renewals or new memberships, alas!
It is taking all my focus to simply make it one day at a time. I am learning vastly important lessons about trust, surrender, and gratitude for what is.
Speaking of which, I can't even begin to thank every person who has sent prayers, cards, gifts, calls, and love on my behalf. My thankfulness is beyond measure. With all my heart... |
And if you would like to help...
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 2:00pm – 4:00pm Dancing Moon Books, 1840 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh Cost: $20 for 20 min readings, $1.00 raffle tickets
I am humbled beyond words to let you know that my dear friends at Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh's premiere metaphysical book and gift shop, have organized a benefit on my behalf.
As you may know, I have been offering my Tarot readings and classes at Dancing Moon for decades. I consider owner Cherry Lea, manager Bev Bockover, and the other staff and friends there to be family of my heart.
So I was knocked over when assistant manager Kristen Peters told me they were planning a mini-psychic fair with all proceeds going to a fundraiser for me.
Even as I was writing this, this very afternoon, I learned we have a mind-blowing bill coming up that will not be covered by our insurance. And with the uncertainty facing the Affordable Care Act (upon which I am completely dependent), as well as the staggering adjunct expenses it doesn't completely cover, I can't even express what a huge gift this is for me.
But it's a gift for you, too! If you can make it, Dancing Moon is featuring some of my dear friends and some of the best readers on their roster (all of which are carefully vetted by the owners).
Here are all the juicy details:
Join Dancing Moon and friends for a mini Psychic Fair and raffle on Saturday, January 21st from 2:00 - 4:00pm!
This is a fundraiser for Beth Owl's Daughter, a beloved friend and reader for the store for decades. ALL proceeds from the readings and the raffles will go to Beth who is in the fight of her life battling breast cancer.
The money generated will help immensely with the great medical expenses that have come and have yet to come for Beth, as she undergoes surgery and other treatments.
Readers participating in this event:
Dr. John Wessels - Master Palmist, Astrologer, Jungian Psychologist, and gift Psychic Diana Henderson - Angelic Communicator and Channel Bill Bryan - Kabbalah Tarot Card Reader Diane Brandon - Clairvoyant, Intuitive and Dream Interpretation Dr. Deborah Richmond Foulkes - Certified Medium
Tickets are $20 for 20-min readings. No advanced ticket sales. Tickets will be sold at the door, beginning at 1:30pm. CASH ONLY!
Also -- Raffle Items:
- One hour Reiki Energy Session with Sharri Gaines a $75 value
- Half hour of Raindrop Reiki with Kristen Peters a $50 value
- One hour Psychic Session with Cherie Lassiter a $95 value
- One hour Akashic Record Readings with Rebecca Ann Helgesen a $110 value
And many more!
Raffle tickets are $1.00 each. No limit. CASH ONLY!
No RSVP necessary, but if you'd like to make it known you're going, click here.
PLEASE be sure to tell your friends!
I love all the Dancing Moon Psychic Fairs and I hate to miss out on this one -- they are SO much fun, and with this outstanding group of practitioners, you are guaranteed a fascinating, enlightening time!
By the way, I know a lot of you are planning to be at the Women's March in Washington, D.C. on the 21st. (Believe me -- I am there in my heart!!!). Kristen has said that if you would like to make a donation at another time, they will set up a box for you to do so. And I thank you for thinking of me, and carrying my support as you stand up for women!
And all of you who can make it have my unending gratitude! Thank you so much!
Although once again, this is a somewhat abbreviated issue of WINGS, it's been a treat to stop by and say hello to you today.
Yes, it's true I am in an extended "time out" period, but ideas and plans are simmering in my cauldron, and I can't wait to get on my feet again and share them with you.
In the meantime, I wish you and your loved ones a most magical, blessed New Year.
May Ralph Waldo Emerson's words be a guiding light for us all:
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." |
Blessings and love,
- Beth Owl's Daughter