Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving WINGS, 2015

Thanksgiving, Nov. 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving
Coming to you with overflowing gratitude!

As the last sweet Autumn days give way to the sparkle and shine of the Winter holidays, I wanted to make sure you know how very thankful I am for you.

So this will be an abbreviated issue of WINGS, in order for me to deliver it to you before the end of this magical day of celebrating and gratitude.

I hope that wherever you may be, you are enjoying peaceful abundance, Nature's bounty, and the love of your dear ones.

Thank you for welcoming me into your day.
May blessings flow.
Welcome To The Nest, New Subscribers!
Welcome to the nestHello and a very special thank you to the 108 new readers that have joined us and have been patiently waiting since the last time WINGS went out, in September.

I know your time is valuable, and so is your email real estate. So thank you for inviting me to visit with you. I hope you'll find WINGS interesting and fun.

(Of course, if you've forgotten why you signed up, or changed your mind (I hope that's not the case!!), thanks for checking me out, and maybe catch you another time. Just PLEASE don't mark me as "spam." )
This Month's Feature Article...
Hillary Clinton’s Tarot Profile for the 2016 Election
Hillary Clinton's profile

If you’ve been following my work for a while (and especially if you’re a member of my Birthday Club!), you know that I love to explore the Tarot birth cards.
Wait! You’re not up on Tarot birth cards???
The idea is that your date of birth determines a combination of Tarot cards that reflect your soul’s mission, your personality traits, and some of the most challenging life lessons that you’re dealing with in this incarnation...

So, I have especially enjoyed exploring the Tarot profiles of the major Presidential candidates, and in 2008 and 2012 I wrote a series of articles about the main ones.
Although the world has changed a lot since she ran for President in 2008, and so has she, Hillary Clinton’s profile is the same. This is from my original article, with a few updates that are relevant for this 2016 election cycle.

(Click here to read the entire article...)

It's Time!
It's Time! 

Let's Gather Together! 

Join Our Global Prayer Circle Wherever You Are ~
THIS Sunday, Nov. 29 and then every Sunday through Solstice and/or Christmas.

Our global Solstice Advent Sun Wheel celebration is heading into its 2nd decade, and still growing!

Wherever you live, whatever your time zone, every Sunday evening, starting on Nov. 29, hundreds (maybe thousands!) of us across the planet will be lighting candles on an Advent wreath. This is a practice that welcomes all faiths and philosophies with deepest respect.

Over the past 10 years, my readers have told me that it has become a deeply meaningful ceremony for them. Some have also noted that it feels like we are doing “The Wave,” except we are offering joyful, globe-circling prayers.

It's never too late to start (until the countdown is over!), since each week, we re-light each candle from the beginning. It's super simple, and you can't get it wrong.

You are needed!
PLEASE join us and add your blessings and prayers.

Go here for the directions!

Please share with everyone you know. The more, the merrier! 
Astrological Tidbits and my other features will be back next time. Plus, I will have a couple of interesting announcements to share, so stay tuned! 
Save the Dates for My Two-Part Introduction to the Tarot
Save the Dates
Tarot Without Tears: 
Part One - Planting the Seed, 1-6pm Sunday, April 10, 2016
Part Two - The Wisdom Journey, 11-6pm Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh
Registration begins in January and will be announced on my website.
Wishing you a peaceful, beautiful beginning to the Holiday Season, dear one.

As the magic of the season ignites wonder and renewal, may all your days be merry and bright.

Blessings to you and your loved ones,

Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
Predict your future by creating it. 
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