Friday, August 31, 2012

August, 2012

  Volume 4, Number 8
Summer's End

"Labor Day differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country. All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man's prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation."
~ Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor.
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, was started by the American Labor Movement. Originally created in response to the outcry of employees who'd had enough of being cruelly exploited in degrading, dangerous working conditions, it is an annual tribute to the hands, hearts, and tenacity of those who built our country. It is a holiday just for you, and me, and all whose labor ensures we are a prosperous, thriving people.
So we enjoy our time off for barbecues, late visits to beaches and lakes, and various festivals and fairs. It's also the end to Summer vacations and breaks, signaling back-to-school for students, and the appearance of Halloween candy in grocery aisles everywhere. (Hopefully, no Christmas sales quite yet, but one never knows anymore).
It's hard to relinquish the gifts of Summer, like those fat tomatoes still warm from the sunshine; our afternoon thunderstorms and steamy sunsets; shorts and flip-flops; and of course, blueberries, peaches, and corn, oh my!
But lately, a sweet, dewy coolness hangs heavy in the mornings, promising change is in the wind. The spiders are working overtime, building and re-building webs so disturbingly large at our back door that I have taken to putting a sticky note on the knob at night, to remind me to beware opening it first thing in the morning. 
Sunset is coming earlier each day. Dogwoods, sumac, and sycamores are showing some color and acorns are once again banging on our roof and cars.
As we cross this subtle threshold from languid Summer to the bustling days of Autumn, I hope that if this Labor Day is a holiday for you, you will give yourself the gift of celebrating your inspired, industrious self.
Welcome New Subscribers! 

Sending a big thank you to our 32 new subscribers who have been waiting to get your first issue of WINGS.  It's so lovely to have you here.
I hope you'll love it. Maybe you'll even be inspired to invite your friends, or forward a copy to them, if you wish!  Please do (there's a link at the bottom to make it easy).  The more, the merrier! 
Soul Mates, Part Three
Soul Mates © Benjamin Shiff
Last month, I told you about two of the three myths I have been unraveling, regarding the popular notion of soul mates.
As I have said, yes I am certain we have soul connections with loved ones that cross the boundaries of life and death. 
But I have seen a lot of people get into big trouble fast because of various misguided ideas about how such experiences should be interpreted. (Popular culture and Hollywood haven't helped!)
First, where do we get the kooky idea that someone is "ours" forever?  Second, why do we assume that a past-lifetime encounter that stirs up strong emotions must automatically be interpreted as being sexual?
But here's the kicker, and if only some of my hurt, befuddled clients could have known this, it might have saved them (and sometimes their marriages) a lot of pain.
Myth Number Three
Even if you do encounter a lover from another lifetime, what rule says you are "supposed" to hook up again (and again, and again)?
The shadow side of past life knowledge is that we can forget to be completely engaged in this one, and this is so true with running across past lovers.
I have had clients who were told by other readers that Mr. Poisonous Abuser is a soul mate, so they will never escape him, nor should they try. Instead, they need to "work it out."
(Oh, how these kinds of things hurt me to my soul!)
They believe this, because Mr. P.A. evokes powerful memories, and (besides the black eye and stalking) a kind of rightness that is very difficult to ignore. In fact, yes, he might very well be a past lover.
But stay with him? Why??  Better to say, "Hey, how's it going? Catch you next time, maybe," and get away.
Even if your current partner is "new" in this life, and doesn't incite that knock-out flood of ancient memories, does that make him or her less of a soul partner for you now
In fact, your job here may be to receive precisely the lessons, challenges, and blessings of your current relationship (especially if it is otherwise good). And that person may be the soul mate you will find again next time.
As our population grows, there more of us from across time and lifetimes, all here at the same time. The chances of running into people from our past lives have jumped exponentially.
Also affecting this increased exposure is how ordinary it has become to travel vast distances, and meet people around the world on the Internet.
And finally, as I mentioned last month, the more receptive we are to this idea in the first place, the more likely it is that we will recognize it when it happens.
Like other cultures who have become accustomed to such meetings over the centuries, I hope we, too, will eventually recognize they are not a unique, cosmic, drop-everything-and-run-off-with-somebody kind of signal.
Meeting someone who you have known in a past lifetime is juicy, wonderful, and a great gift of reassurance that death is not as final as we've been led to believe.
But when people come to me for a reading and ask me if they will ever meet their soul mate, I know it's likely they will meet many
In fact, perhaps they already have, only it's not anyone from before this current birth.
Local and Long Distance! Beginners and Seasoned pros! Everybody is welcome!
Looking for a good vibe Tarot tribe? Our Triangle Tarot and Friends Meetup group is both a local gathering once a month, and also host to hundreds of Tarot friends online, from around the world.
In September, we continue with Mary K. Greer's 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card. Our next chapter - Drawing - is one which many have declared to be one of the most fun and illuminating chapters.  If you're new or haven't come for a while, no worries. We'll be glad to get you caught up - it's easy.  
Be sure to bring your decks, past study notes,  show & tell items, announcements, and a friendly smile. Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please sign up (free!) by going here. Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
Green Living:
More Eco-Friendly Back-to-School Supplies
One of my most popular Green Living columns was when I listed a number of "green" school supplies.
This time of year is second only to the Christmas holidays for retail consumption. That's why it is so important to vote with our wallets and make the most environmentally friendly choices we can.
Here are some suggestions I have seen consistently good reviews for:
The Seven Year Pen: Reduce waste (an estimated 100 million pens are discarded every day) by not having to buy another pen for seven years. Plus, they have a variety of very cool designs!
Paints and art supplies: Both Clementine Art and Glob get high marks for excellent products, non-toxic ingredients, and environmentally sound manufacturing.
Notebooks and Paper: I like the Sustainable Earth spiral notebooks from Staples that are made from 80% recycled sugarcane products, and I and share them with my Tarot class students. In addition, there are terrific choices from New Leaf Paper (100% recycled consumer waste and chlorine-free processing), as well as the innovative Rock Paper Notebooks, made from ground up limestone and "the greenest and strongest paper on Earth."
Earthwrite Recycled Pencils: I know I suggested these in my previous article, but they are so inexpensive and readily available, they're worth mentioning again. Made by PaperMate, a 48-pack goes for about $7.89 at Office Depot and other supply stores.
I could write a whole column about the cool lunch kits and alternatives that are available!  Maybe I will if you are interested! Meantime...
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference!
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists, and innovators thrive in changing times. If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid tools for living an extraordinary life, my classes, workshops, and personal sessions will help you predict your future by creating it.
You can check my availability for a phone appointment by dropping by here and then "locking in" the time with your PayPal payment.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my schedule here.   For further information, you can also visit my website
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision. 
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at
Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Twice each month:
Friday, Sept. 7
Saturday, Sept. 27

Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, and end at 6 pm. I try to accommodate walk-ins, but I tend to get booked up. So I suggest you schedule in advance by calling (919) 833-8081.
Sign Up Now - Classes Start
Next Week

Learn to Read the Tarot in Two Simple Steps
Step One: Sunday, Sept. 9: Planting the Seed - An Introduction to Working with the Tarot
1 - 5:45pm - Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh
There is nothing like hands-on guidance from an internationally-respected pro. In these lively, hands-on workshops, I'll show you how a pack of cards from feudal Italy can be THE most powerful wisdom tool for our modern times.

Learn by doing - and be confident that you are developing superior skills that will enable you to read the cards with confidence and wisdom. $50 *
This is the perfect preparation for the October class...
Step Two: Saturday, Oct. 20: The Wisdom Journey
11am - 6pm, Dancing Moon Books, Raleigh
If you’re ready to move beyond the basic introductions, and interpret the cards in ways you can actually use, this is the class for you! By the end of the day, you’ll be reading the Tarot.  This is Tarot without tears - fun, easy, and profoundly useful! $80
Call Dancing Moon Books (Tues-Sunday) to register:
(919) 833-8081
* Save $10 by enrolling in both classes. *
Want more details? Visit here.
Astrological Tidbits
Transitioning from Sunny Summer to Autumn's Darker Moods
From Sept. 1-15, things are fairly harmonious and this would be a good time to get organized and work towards your most important goals.
Mercury moves into compatible Virgo, which is good for business, communications and balancing your own budget.  And Venus is in Leo starting on the 6th, so look for expansive social, romantic, and creative opportunities.

Especially enjoy the 8th. Cynthia Novak notes, "It’s a Lucky Day!  The Moon crosses Jupiter early this morning and it feels good to be alive.  The Sun and Mercury want to talk and laugh and enjoy the company of people.  Pick up the phone or just leave yours behind when you venture out in the world today."

But around the 14th, Judy Joyce notes that the energies begin to shift towards more pragmatic matters. "Even though we will be able to feel the fluctuating energies and the building pressure, things should be relatively calm Sept 11-15 compared to later in the month."

The New Moon on the 15th, she writes, will be in the "industrious, trustworthy, natural, earthy and health oriented sign of Virgo. This will be a good time to discuss and plant seeds that are both practical and helpful to others. It will also be a favorable time to initiate more efficient and organized work methods."

The changing energies get more somber, though, and Judy warns, "For the rest of the month we will be in a major transformative phase. Events are apt to be stimulating and unpredictable."

Of the Autumn Equinox that arrives at 10:49am (Eastern time) Saturday the 22nd, Cynthia writes, "This is a rather moody day.  That might be an understatement.  If you are ready to make a shift or break free from a path of stress or fear, this is a great day."

Then we come to the biggie - the second of the Uranus-Pluto squares that will trigger the biggest challenges of our lifetimes.

Richard Nolle writes, "The Uranus-Pluto square is back in a big way in September: returning to exact alignment again on the 19th, just a day after Pluto’s direct station, only a few days after the New Moon on the 16th, and less than a week before Mars crosses over the degree of the November 13 solar eclipse

"Each and every one of us… will see that tell of the Uranus-Pluto square in the geopolitical news of the day throughout September – perhaps most dramatically around the Mars passage over the eclipse degree on the 24th. More riots, more revolutionary uprisings, more 'fires, crashes, clashes and explosions.' A good time to hunker down in a safe place, all else being equal."

Last but by far not the least, astrologer Jessica Adams has written a fascinating article about the parallels between current astrology for September, 2012 and 1939, with the current revival of the old motto of Keep Calm and Carry On.

"As all astrologers and most astrology readers know, Pluto is in Capricorn, the sign of big business, and he is square Uranus, the planet of rebellion and radical change, on Wednesday 19th September.  So this World War Two economy flashback is taking place against the biggest change for global corporations in around 240 years.

"What can we learn from the old Scorpio-Taurus patterns of the Second World War? This:
    Stop shopping.
    Mend your possessions.
    Grow your own food.
    Find values above materialism to be happy.
    Ask yourself about the ethical price tag of any wealth.

"These are the values that got the world through the 1940s. And this is what astrology does – it reminds us of the past, so that we can assist the future."
Brilliantly said, Jessica.
Until next time...
May the stars shine brightly for you.
As the Summer of 2012 melts away into the beauty and mystery of Autumn, I wish you a happy, safe Labor Day holiday, and peaceful harvests.