Soul Mates, Part Two
Soul Mates © Benjamin Shiff
As you would not be surprised to learn, the topic of love is far and away the most popular subject for Tarot readings.
And specifically, the term I hear coming up again and again is - soul mates!
What do you believe about "soul mates?"
Have you met yours? Is there only one for you?
As I wrote in Part One
last month, I believe that the idea of soul mates is valid, especially
since I have always strongly felt the energies of past lifetimes in
myself and others. But...
What If You Meet Your Soul Mate and It's All Wrong?
I have seen this many times with my clients. A soul connection can come
out nowhere, and it may bring an intensity that only sweeping epics or
Shakespearean drama can compare to.
I have seen clients preparing to, or even well along the path of,
ditching their marriages, homes, jobs, children, and other commitments
because of the incredible "rightness" that meeting a past lifetime lover
can have.
People may even destroy their formerly contented lives to be with
totally inappropriate, even dysfunctional and dangerous personalities,
all because of the incredible power of a soul-to-soul connection.
In fact, I believe that some of the world's most tragic love stories across the centuries may be rooted in soul encounters.
If only those unfortunates might have had access to the knowledge of
other spiritual, cultural, and wisdom traditions that were familiar with
such possibilities!
Thanks in large part to my dear Hindu clients, I have learned a lot
about soul encounters: when we meet people for the first time in this lifetime and we know we know them, and they us.
Time for Some Myth-Busting
First, I seriously doubt anyone has one and only one soul mate for all eternity. Why would we even think this? Personally, I think it is a bit of our notorious Western egocentricity that feeds such a myth.
Second, what does it really mean when we have that profound heart connection that crosses the threshold of lifetimes?
We assume that such a powerful response must be rooted in sexuality, so certainly this is a lover, a former romantic partner with whom we are destined to connect, again and again.
But my friends who come from cultures where reincarnation has been a central belief for thousands of years know that all the people that have been special to us over the eons will resonate in our hearts.
And get ready, folks. Because once we open to the validity of these experiences, we will be having them more and more!
But before you decide that familiar glint in someone's eye, that rush of déjà vu, and that bone-deep knowing must mean this is the lover you have longed for all your life, think again.
It could be that this is your mother, your child, your neighbor, your
father-in-law, your beloved cat.. from other lifetimes. Maybe all of the
Check back next month for Myth Number Three - the biggest and most dangerous one of all!