Welcome New Subscribers!
I want to send out a warm welcome to the 37 new subscribers that have joined us since the January issue went out. Thank you so much for checking out WINGS; it's great to have you here!
I hope you will be inspired to invite your friends, or please forward a copy to them, if you wish! The more, the merrier!
What Might the Hierophant Year Offer for Earth-Based Religions?
The Hierophant © The Gill Tarot
I had not planned to continue last month's article about The Hierophant,
but by "coincidence," I have recently found myself in a nearly
identical conversation at different times, with a number of people from very different backgrounds and perspectives.
The conversation is about whether or not the neo-Pagan, Craft, and New
Consciousness spiritual paths will survive into the future generations.
In other words, are these new religions with ancient roots sustainable?
These traditions are now being tested for the first time to see if they
will survive beyond the lifetimes of the original founders and those
who were directly taught by them.
With a wildly diverse number of beliefs, Gods and Goddesses, sacred
texts and forms, will our practices have relevance for those born in a
completely different context than the elders who established them?
I feel that this year of The Hierophant can respond to such issues.
After all, unlike the direct, ecstatic, divine revelations we experience through The High Priestess,
The Hierophant's gift is to make left-brained use of those encounters.
He helps us integrate, codify, and pass them on to those who might not
have participated in the originating Divine Download.
He enables us to apply our spiritual awakenings and transformations
into personal daily practice and being of service to others. He is the
container and foundation for spiritual community.
The Hierophant also offers guidance and is the bridge that ensures the ongoing integrity of the tradition. In her brilliant article about him, Celtic seer and scholar Caitlín Matthews notes that pontiff - a term for the Roman Catholic Pope whose image appears in many interpretations of The Hierophant - means "bridge."
Last weekend, the annual gathering of leaders and members of many Earth-based spiritual traditions met at Pantheacon. With a mind-boggling number of workshops, panel discussions, rituals, and other events, one situation presented, arguably, a defining moment of this year's four-day event.
It was, I think, a microcosm of what is happening in many traditions,
for as the torch from the founding elders is being passed (in this case,
Dianic founder Z. Budapest), controversies, disagreements, and powerful
dialogs are emerging.
This is only right, and it should be so, for it indicates a
living, vital spirituality that people care about deeply. But evolution
is not always comfortable. The issues are complex as we find our way
forward in ways that respect both the core of our spiritual paths and the changing needs of those who comprise them.
I believe there is much to be learned in this year of The Hierophant,
both in the context of the issues that were raised at Pantheacon, as
well as the many other matters that inevitably come up as our traditions
evolve and change across time, membership, and leadership.
The word hierophant means "Speaker of Mysteries." As such, he can be the translator we need, at what may in fact be a "make it or break it" time.
In this, his own year, may he enable us to find our commonality, to
make peace even when there is disagreement, and to work together. May he
be the way-shower for building bridges of solid, structural integrity
that honor our diversity, and connect our spiritual past and future.
If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I love, love, love birthdays!
As we close in on the Vernal Equinox and the beginning of the
astrological New Year, are you ready to celebrate your Solar Return in a
whole new way?
Networking Spotlight on...
The 2012 Readers Studio
April 27-29, 2012
(plus optional events on the 25-26).
If you have come to our Meetup, or hung out with me for any length of
time (either in person, in my classes, or on my website), sooner or
later, the topic of the annual Tarot Readers Studio is going to come up!
That's because it is the annual gathering of the Tarot tribes that I hope I will never, ever miss.
And it's not too late (yet!) for YOU to get on board!
Hosted by Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone, founders of the renowned Tarot School in NYC, the Readers Studio has become one of the largest, most celebrated gatherings of Tarot people in the world.
As the website notes, "Readers Studio is a magical place, a rich and
multi-layered community that comes together for three (or four, or maybe
five!) intense and enchanted days of sharing, teaching and learning,
socializing, and all things Tarot."
We're talking total Tarot immersion! It begins with early morning
breakfast round table discussions featuring the best and brightest of
Tarot, or else quiet, guided Tarot meditations to start your day.
The main part of the day is spent with the in-depth Tarot Masters Classes. This year's presenters are James Wanless, James Wells, and Shawn Nacol.
Add to all that the countless giveaways and door prizes; the readings
you can get with the rock stars of Tarot; the evening workshops,
late-night conversations, and practice readings, and so much more! It is
true Tarot Bliss!
Everyone is there to learn, no matter what experience level. As the Amberstones note, "It's where even accomplished Tarot luminaries come to drink from a deep river of Tarot wisdom.
"You'll experience a warm, heartfelt welcome and acceptance because here you are understood. You are accepted into a community of people like you, who value and appreciate the beauty, mystery and wisdom that is Tarot."
The unofficial start is on Wednesday, April 25, when a charter bus full
of Tarot revelers heads into Manhattan for touring. Then on Thursday
evening, the optional workshop by our brilliant hosts Ruth Ann and Wald
will take an in-depth look at The Court Cards.
And that's all before the official start on Friday morning,
ending Sunday afternoon! It is a whirlwind of study groups,
celebrations, shopping at the fabulous Merchant Faire, and countless
passionate, serendipitous conversations with the most generous,
brilliant Tarot people on the planet! Priceless!
They sum it up best when the Amberstones tell us, "Whether you are a
veteran practitioner or just past getting your feet wet, you are home."
I personally invite YOU to join us for laughter, learning, and building friendships you will treasure forever.
For more details and enrollment info, please go here.
Green Living:
Better Living Through Houseplants, Part 1
This is the time of year when cabin fever has set in for many of us. We
long for the bright greens of Spring, but the Winter hangs on and the
weather can be fickle. In most places, not much is growing or blooming
So it's only natural you might want to add a houseplant or two to your
home. Doing so not only can improve your spirit's serenity, it can make
your home a healthier place!
In the late 1980s, there was a study by NASA and the Associated
Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) that was originally intended to
find ways to purify the air for the Space Station. But it also proved to
have implications for those of us still bound to Mama Earth.
They discovered that common houseplants such as bamboo palms and spider
plants not only make indoor spaces more attractive, they also help to
purify the air!
Newer homes and buildings, designed for energy efficiency, are often
tightly sealed to avoid energy loss from heating and air conditioning
systems. But the trade-off has been that the many synthetic building
materials used in modern construction produce unhealthy pollutants that
remain trapped in our homes and offices.
NASA/ALCA discovered that many houseplants cleanse harmful elements
such as trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air.
These plants are mostly tropical. They have evolved to be
ultra-efficient at capturing light. They must also be very efficient in
processing the gasses necessary for photosynthesis. Because of this, it
turns out they are able to absorb other gases, including potentially harmful ones.
In the study NASA and ALCA tested primarily for three chemicals:
Formaldehyde, Benzene, and Trichloroethylene. Formaldehyde is used in
many building materials including particle board and foam insulation.
Additionally, many cleaning products contain this chemical. Benzene is a
common solvent found in oils and paints. Trichloroethylene is used in
paints, adhesives, inks, and varnishes.
While NASA found that some of the plants were better than others for
absorbing these common pollutants, all of the plants had properties that
were useful in improving overall indoor air quality.
NASA also noted that some plants are better than others in treating certain chemicals.
More next month!
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference!
New on my blog this year
I have added a new weekly feature in honor of the Lady of Ten Thousand Names. Every Sunday this year is Goddess Sunday.
Join us as we explore the many facets of the Divine Feminine as She has
made Herself known to people across time and geography.
And remember, in addition to my various other posts, other regular features include my Tarot Card of the Week on Mondays, Wordless Wednesdays, and on Saturdays, I highlight the inspiration of other visionaries and artists.

Did You Answer Last Month's Survey?
You may recall that I invited you to take a short questionnaire about your Soul Card of the Tarot.
Full disclosure of my not-so-hidden agenda: I am on a mission to see to
it that people know their Tarot Soul Card the same way they know their
astrological Sun Sign!
The results were interesting. I had expected that more people would
take the survey if they already knew their Soul Card, and while it was
close, that wasn't the case. More folks did NOT know, but found out via the survey!
There were more Empress Soul Card people that answered, although they did not know it before they filled out the questionnaire.
However, judging by my completely unscientific survey, if you are an Emperor, or The Lovers, chances are you already know it!
Every one of those Soul card folks already correctly knew their Soul card, thank you very much!
The fewest who knew to start with were the Chariot people. But they went on to have the biggest jump in numbers, after they figured out what they were.
Lastly, I was a bit surprised that the fewest responses came from the Strength people. But perhaps they were all just too busy with heroic Strength-y deeds to take the survey!
Thanks again to all who participated!
And don't worry -- you can be sure you'll be hearing lots more from me about the Soul Cards and your Tarot profile.
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at
Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Twice each month:
Friday, March 2
Saturday, March 17
Hour or half-hour appointments begin
at 11:30 am, and end at 6 pm. I try to accommodate walk-ins, but I tend
to get booked up. So I suggest you schedule in advance by calling (919) 833-8081.
It's Not Too Late to Sign Up - But Time is Quickly Running Out...
Tarot Without Tears
It takes only a few hours to
build the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment and guidance. I can get
you up and reading right away!
There are only a few seats left! Don't miss out on these fun, empowering classes:
Planting the Seed: An Introduction to the Tarot
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Dancing Moon Books, 1840 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh 1-6pm $50 *
The Wisdom Journey: Developing Your Tarot Skills
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Dancing Moon Books, 1840 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh 11am-6:30pm $80 *
(* preregister for both and get $10 off).
Reading for Others: Intermediate Tarot Practice
Saturday, April 21, 2012 (Note: this date has changed since originally announced).
1pm - 6:30pm
Dancing Moon Books and Gifts, Raleigh $65
Prerequisite: Planting the Seed and/or The Wisdom Journey.
More details can be found here.
Call Dancing Moon Tues-Sundays to register! (919) 833-8081.
Local, long distance; beginners, seasoned pros -- Everybody is welcome!
Now celebrating our ninth year together, our Triangle Tarot and Friends Meetup
group is both a local gathering once a month, and also host to Tarot
Friends online, around the world. All skill levels are warmly welcome!
We are continuing our studies of Mary Greer's terrific 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card. At our March 14 Meetup,
our presenter, Christina will be exploring the ways that a card's
meaning can be modified by additional influences - the elements within
the card itself, its position in a spread, whether it is reversed or
not, and much more!
Be sure to bring your decks, show & tell items, announcements, and a friendly smile.
Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please sign up (free!) by going here.
Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
Astrological Tidbits
Balancing Acts at Equinox...
As February ends, astrologer Molly Hall notes that since 2012 is Leap Year, Feb. 29 is being called a day out of time.
there a sense that there's more crazy happening around us?" she asks.
"For more integrating the mystical awareness into the daily routine, we
have a Mars Virgo (in Retrograde) in opposition to Mercury. The messenger Mercury is in Pisces, for a chance to see with forgiving eyes."
She offers a challenge,
asking us, "Could this knowing help break a bad habit, or cut you loose
from the blame game with someone? Now and up to the Virgo Full Moon (March 8th), there's some mutable madness, and no
change is too small to matter. The little leaps and habits broken show
us we've got the ability to change, and that's empowering."
On March 5, lovely Venus moves from aggressive Aries into Taurus. This is one of her two home signs, the other being Libra. Jeff Jawer
suggests that Taurus is her sensual side (while Libra focuses on
relationships). Taurus is sexy, wealthy, beautiful, and loves all the
earthly pleasures.
tells us, "Ideally, this is a time to bring love, money and values (all
Venus issues) down to earth where they can be dealt with directly and
The very next day, March 6, we have one of the most fortunate configurations in quite a while. We will have a Grand Trine of Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, trine Pluto in Capricorn, and trine Mars in Virgo.
Judy Joyce explains, "From March 6 to 16,
positive energies that are used for the highest and best good now will
bring very successful results. This planetary energy pattern will only
be in effect for about ten days. We won’t be forced to act. There could
be a tendency for complacency. Do something positive! Take advantage of
this time to actively improve your life. Something to keep in mind: be
careful what you ask for because you are likely to get it."
Lara Owen
agrees, noting, "In the first half of the year there is the potential
for wealth creation and for some practical solutions to improve the
global financial situation, with several trines in earth signs involving
Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, and a spectacular grand trine between the three planets [exact] on March 14 at 9 degrees (lucky and opportunity-rich especially for those born around April 29/30, September 2/3 and December 30/31)."
If that wasn't enough excitement, in the midst of this period, we will also celebrate the Full Moon in Virgo (Sun in Pisces) on March 8.
Jeff Jawer writes, "The pragmatic and sometimes picky Virgo Moon's opposition to the Sun in limitless Pisces makes it hard to buckle down and deal with details we'd rather ignore. Acerbic Mars in Virgo reinforces
the lunar inclination to find fault instead of going with the flow."
If you must offer feedback, make sure it is constructive.
In January, Mars went retrograde, followed by Saturn on Feb. 7. Now from March 12 through April 4, we add on a Mercury retrograde. How will we ever get ahead?
remember that retrogrades are an opportunity to look at things from a
right-brain prospective. Our logical, linear left is just not going to be functioning at forge-ahead levels, and this is usually exactly what we most need!
Give yourself lots of extra time and patience for travel snafus, miscommunication, and possible technology breakdowns and bugs.
Astrologer Rhea Wolf also suggests that we take this retrograde time to see what is true for us.
compasses are shifting a bit. What used to be North may now look like
South. In your relationships, in your work, in your family dynamics, in
the art and craft of living – what just isn't working? It might be time
to gravitate toward a new core. And you're the only one who can decide what kind of core works best for you."
The very next day, March 13, we have yet another trine ramping up. Marina Partridge at Darkstar Astrology tells us, "Jupiter trine Pluto
on March 13 is the third and final in [this] series of trines. The
previous two were in July and October 2011. At its best, Jupiter trine
Pluto is large scale positive transformation of belief systems, religion
and financial systems. But it can also be greed and immorality.
the trines of 2011, the stock markets were temporarily propped up by
money being taken away from public spending and from taxpayers to feed
the banks. Jupiter trine Pluto is big growth, but the philosophical
probing of this trine has us wondering if the economic growth that is
required for capitalism to work is really sustainable."
Paola Emma adds, "Amongst all the present planetary influences, until June 2012, Jupiter in Taurus
will be a stabilizing factor. At the end of this season the third and
last pass of the harmonious aspect between Jupiter and Pluto (March 13,
2012) could suggest some radical solutions, legislation and bills to
find creative ways out of the general mess; practical and austere means
to harmonize our natural needs for expansion and growth, our human
arrogance and ambition (Jupiter) with the real ecological needs of the Planet, her dwindling resources, her desperate plight for regeneration and rebirth."
On March 19, you would hope we'd get at least some balance and stability, as the Sun moves into Aries, and we celebrate Equinox, when day and night are equal in length.
Not especially, Judy admonishes. Instead, from Equinox through the end of the month, she advises we can expect "a flare-up of fiery energies."
writes, "The first moment of spring in the Northern Hemisphere (and of
fall below the equator) marks the beginning of the zodiac and the
rambunctious sign Aries. We're warming up with excitement and feeling the urge for new experiences."
With this upsurge of power, the March 22 New Moon in Aries promises radical new beginnings, with Sun, Moon, and Mercury conjunct Uranus and squaring Pluto.
Jeff advises, "Revolutionary Uranus'
conjunction with the Sun incites restlessness as well as
rebelliousness. The challenge is to use this shockwave of energy to free
ourselves and create a more exciting tomorrow, instead of battling
against the demons of the past.
"It's risky to be a pioneer, but innovation is the key to a better future for us all."
Indeed, may we all find the courage to make a better future for every living being.
And may the stars shine brightly for you in the days ahead!
I was sorry
that I did not receive any responses to help D.S. with her question last
month about the role intuition can play in healing or managing ADD.
But it's not too late. Do you know of any studies? If not, perhaps you
might like to share your own anecdotal stories. Do you see ways that
using our intuitive gifts can alleviate (or worsen?) the challenges of
attention deficit symptoms?
Please share your thoughts! Or if you have a different topic on your mind, don't hesitate to share here!
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Just email me! Thanks!
Will I Be Seeing You?
I will be visiting at the Sacred Space Conference again this year in Maryland March 8-11.
It is a wonderful annual gathering of magickal folk. Will you
be there? I hope so! (It's not too late to register!) I am not a
speaker, but I am proud to be a sponsor, so please do look for me and
say hello!
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists, and innovators thrive
in changing times. If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid
tools for living an extraordinary life, my classes, workshops, and
personal sessions will help you predict your future by creating it.
Now, it's easier than ever to make an appointment with me! For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" the time with your PayPal payment.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
For further information, you can also visit my website or call (919) 620-7525.
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision.
As the month of February melts away and the blustery changes of March
begin to knock on our doors, may the guest upon the threshold be only
the sweetest of awakenings.
May each of your days be filled with Grace.
~ Beth