Welcome New Subscribers!
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 47 new subscribers that have joined us since the end of July. Thank you so much for signing up and for taking the (new) extra
step of verifying your email. I hope you will be inspired to invite
your friends, or forward a copy of WINGS to them! The more, the
What I Wish I Had Known
When I Was Starting Out
Now that I have written a number of articles for people who are seeking
guidance from readers (like how to find a good one, and how to read the
signs that say “Grab your wallet and RUN!”), I thought I would share a
couple of tidbits for my friends who are (or aspire to be) readers.
This was inspired by a teleconference call I was on a couple of weeks ago. I am in a business marketing group with a number of seasoned, spirit-centered entrepreneurs like
myself. Several are truly brilliant readers (including, but not only Tarot), and from our discussion, I realized we had all learned a thing or two, mostly the hard way!
So here are some things I wish I had known when I was first
starting out. I hope they will save you (or someone you might know) a
lot of unnecessary wear and tear.
Number One:
Do not for one instant swallow the hogwash
that would suggest you should give your services away or offer them for a
pittance. I am embarrassed to tell you that I spent decades believing that because my readings were spiritual in nature, it would be some kind of karmic faux pas to sell them for .. eww! .. money!
There are two huge fallacies in that viewpoint: first, that the
exchange of money somehow taints good (or spiritual) things. Oh, this
is a can of worms that I could rant about for hours, especially since I bought into it for so long!
Lucky for you, I won’t. Suffice it to say, take a good, long, honest
look at your attitudes about the sacredness (or evils) of money.
Also just as wrong: Just because you offer a service, meaning that you serve peoples’ needs, there is no requirement that it be given away for free. Doctors, whose healing skills meet deep, desperate, life and death needs, are never expected to do their work for nothing.
You would not assume that your clergy, or dentist, or car mechanic, or teacher, or attorney would give their
time and ability away for nothing, just because the need might be
sincere or great. In fact, this is all the more reason to pay them well.
Number Two:
Similarly, beware of trades. When you are first starting out, it might
be tempting to barter and swap services. But what I have learned is
that there is what I call a “purple-collar ghetto.” This is an economic
strata that primarily consists of practitioners, healers, readers and
other alternative occupations.
Mostly well-meaning and often very spiritual, these folks are not functioning at a sustainable income level, so they need to swap their services for yours, and they expect you to cooperate.
If you want to make an actual living, I would caution you
about this trading and bartering mentality. The only exceptions are, in
my opinion, if you are just starting out and need the practice. Or if
what they offer is something you genuinely want, and would have gladly
paid for anyway.
And hey - if you would have paid for it anyway, well, why don't you? Why don't they pay you? Few people start out meaning to, but bartering and trading can easily end up having strings attached.
If you are feeling even vaguely pressured to do it because you think you ought to, or as a goodwill gesture, or to get referrals, etc. I suggest you think again. There are many other ways to build good relations with your associates that do not require you to work for free. And I know it is a cliché, but people put more value on what they pay for.
Want a few more ideas? Check back next month! And for a chance to
discuss this topic in depth, you might consider signing up for my class,
"Reading for Others," that I'll be teaching locally in November. Details are in my Schedule section. |
Green Living
What You Can Do about the Gulf Disaster, Part 3
The oil gusher in the Gulf seems to be plugged and it has faded from
the front page headlines. BP is running ads to reassure us that they
will stay and get everything back to normal, "whatever it takes." And
there are conflicting reports as to what the long-term effects of this
disaster will be.
But one thing we can all agree on is that this is yet
another wake-up call to change our fossil-fuel energy status-quo. In
addition to some of the other strategies listed in the June and July
WINGS issues, Sheryl Eisenberg at the Natural Resources Defense Council suggests that we need to
Change Our Habits
Today's norm is to live unconsciously and very wastefully. But you don'
t have to be a part of the problem. Be a part of the change that we
• Turn off lights when not in use.
• Wash full loads of dishes and laundry.
• Air dry both.
• Change your clothes before you change the thermostat.
• Unplug chargers and always-on appliances.
• Reuse and recycle. Get creative!
• Eat less meat.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.

August on my Blog
On my blog in the month of August, we've celebrated the ancient harvest festival of Lughnassadh, and observed with sorrow the crossing over of one of the great visionaries and leaders of the Pagan world, Isaac Bonewits.
We have also begun a more long-term topic in observance of the harvest
season. I am sharing my own gratitude practice in the form of prayer
beads - my "Blessed Beads." We've been discussing how to make your own beads, as well as the importance of following the wisdom of our ancestors and giving thanks for the bounty we enjoy.
I hope you'll stop by and visit, where you can always find a "little bit of magic" every day! |
Astrological Tidbits: September and the After-effects of the Cardinal Drama
As astrologer Pat Paquette of "Real Astrologers" notes, the week of Aug. 30-Sept. 5 is relatively quiet, thankfully. Oh, yeah, except for Friday the 3rd, when the Moon in Cancer
squares Jupiter, opposes Pluto, and squares Saturn, all within a few
hours. This means we’ll temporarily experience a cardinal cross. Having
already been through one of the biggest ones in recorded history, I
guess we will survive this quickie.
Of course we are still in a pesky Mercury retrograde until Sept. 12. But as Ralfee Finn at StarIQ
writes, "compared to the unrelenting intensity of Saturn/Uranus, the
communication and travel snafus of a [Mercury] retrograde won't seem
quite as overwhelming..." His advice is to just relax into it.
Speaking of retrogrades, the day after Mercury retro ends, Pluto
shifts gears, too. The dark planet of revolution and transformation
has been back-pedaling since early April, but on Sept. 14 it stations
direct and goes ever deeper into its Capricorn journey.
Robert Wilkinson writes, "Pluto goes direct at 3oCapricorn.
From there Pluto re-traces ground it covered between November 2009 and
now, getting ready to move into unknown zones in January 2011. The skill
set we're learning during this retrograde will be tested between September and December 2010.
"As Jupiter and Uranus finish their
stay in late Pisces, finish up whatever needs finishing, since December
2010 and January 2011 is a time to finalize some practical things in order to seek entrance to a beyond that's already been shown to us in seed forms during this year.
Lance Ferguson adds that we would be wise to "use Jupiter’s beneficence by rebelling towards something new:
Join a class, start a project—add something to your life that you have
wanted to attempt for some time. Take a chance and experiment in the
weeks ahead as this lovely conjunction escorts us...through early Jan.
Then, astrologer Leo Knighton Tallarico notes that we will have "a more than usual meaningful Autumn Equinox- late on September 23. And shortly thereafter is a Libra/Aries Full Moon-
merely 5 hours later. That equinox/full moon brings back the emphasis
on early cardinal signs again, letting us know again we are entering
even bigger new seasons of life."
Finally, I offer Ralfee Finn the last word as the actual alignments of the Cardinal Drama fade, and we now must face its aftermath. He writes:
"The direst consequence of all is a pernicious polarization that seems
to have infected almost every aspect of life. It's broadcast daily
through the hate-mongering talk shows bent on exploiting fear and
ignorance. It's apparent in Congress, as week after week, stubborn
ideology overrides efforts toward a common good and decency.
"Division is more alluring than unity. Blame, more attractive than
practical solutions to unprecedented problems. When so much negativity
crowds the ethers, it's hard to believe in anything or anyone. This is
the worst consequence of all - losing hope that we will ever again be
able to work together, despite our differences, to find solutions to our
very real problems.
"If we are to move forward through the next several years, which by the
way, from an astrological perspective are more intense than what we've
just been through, we will need to find ways to heal the poison of this
polarization. The world changes one heart at a time. If we all continue
to work for positive, compassionate, and inclusive change, we will
eventually restore our sanity."
May it be so. |
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Friday, Sept. 3
Saturday, Sept. 11
Friday, Oct. 1
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!
* * * * *
Fall Tarot Classes
Planting the Seed - An Introduction to the Tarot
Sunday, Sept. 12, 1-5:30pm
$50 *
A half-day overview of what Tarot is (and isn't), how to pick a deck,
understanding the organization of the Tarot (Major and Minor Arcana,
The Wisdom Journey - Developing Your Tarot Skills
Saturday, Oct. 2, 11:30am - 6pm
$80 *
This all-day immersion in Tarot will have you reading with confidence and without feeling so dependent on books and memorizing!
Pre-register for both and you'll receive a $10 discount!
Reading for Others - Intermediate Tarot Practice
Saturday, Nov. 20, 1-6pm
This class, only offered every year or two, is
open ONLY to those who have taken one or both of the prior classes.
We'll discuss how to safely, wisely and ethically read the Tarot for
friends and family, as well as things to consider if you are thinking
of becoming a paid reader.
All three classes are at
Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh. Space is limited and pre-registration is
required. Don't miss out! Call Dancing Moon today to save your seat:
(919) 833-8081
For more details, including specific topics we'll cover, please visit my website.
* * * * *
But Wait! There's More!
As I mentioned last month, I have begun a program of private classes, called Tools for Transition. Each class targets specific skills that can help participants develop their intuitive abilities and subtle wisdom.
These workshops are intimate, highly experiential, and many require
ample space for quiet reflection and spending time in Nature. So I am
offering them exclusively from the privacy of my home in northern Durham
I am currently evaluating ways to offer them to the "geographically challenged," either as video seminars, or phone classes.
But for now, they are local. Naturally, space is very limited, so they are not on my public website schedule.
As a subscriber to my newsletter, you are included in these offerings. If you would like to sign up for the Labor Day workshop, or learn more please visit here.
Be Sure to Save These Dates
October 23 and 24: Two (count 'em!) workshops featuring Joanna Powell Colbert, creator of the acclaimed Gaian Tarot!
The Saturday workshop will be an all-day class at Dancing Moon Books,
in Raleigh. Joanna will be discussing her deck in depth, offering
fresh new ways of understanding the Tarot, and the deep spirituality of
Mama Gaia - the sacred Earth.
On Sunday, we will both be teaching a very special, intimate workshop
on the magic of the Gaian Tarot and the Green Allies. This class will be
held here at Laurel Hill, my home in northern Durham County for a
limited number of participants.
Look for LOTS more details, including how to sign up, next month! |
August, we continued our "Summer break" with an encore Tarot art
session. We made Tarot charms, pendants and other beautiful goodies.
On September 15,
we'll resume our program of studying the numbers of the Tarot. This
month, join us for a presentation on the enigmatic Eights of the Tarot.
What do they have in common? How are they different from each other?
And much more!
Very fun, friendly and free! For time and location details, go here. |
I've had lots of congratulatory notes since the July edition, celebrating the email WINGS' 2nd Anniversary!
Thanks everybody! I so appreciate that you take the time to read it, and even reply with your good wishes!
In addition, these notes were in response to a couple of the features from last month...
Hi Beth,
As usual, you've hit the nail on the head. I'm always astonished how
many querents try to make a tarot reading into a mind reading party
trick instead of a collaborative healing experience.
One tarot reader friend responds when confronted with these situations,
"If you don't tell me your question now, you'll probably ask it later
when we'll be out of time. Why not cut to the chase?"
As always, a wonderful newsletter!
Kris Waldherr,
Tarot creator, including The Goddess Tarot
Prolific author, including Doomed Queens
How lovely to hear from you, Kris! And thanks so much. I love that your friend gets right to the point in this way!
Dear Beth,
I saw your announcement last month about your Tarot Soul Card kit and got myself one. I just wanted to make sure I thanked you! I love it and think is brilliant. When are you going to write more about the herbs and stone you've included in it?
L.W., St. Louis, MO
Thanks for asking, L.W.! I am working on it and expect to offer this to y'all next month! Stay tuned!
If you’d like
to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love
to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I
reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Don't Forget:
Dancing Moon Books Presents...

Sonia Choquette
Saturday, October 9, 2010
10am - 5pm
At the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh, 3313 Wade Ave.
Only $125 (before Sept. 3)
$150 after Sept. 3 or at the door.
Group rates available, too!
Tickets are going fast, and the price break ends Friday the 3rd!
For additional information, please call the good folks at Dancing Moon who are presenting this once-in-a-lifetime gift to our community!
(919) 833-8081. |
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping leaders, visionaries and innovators thrive
while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek
inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.
Please phone me at (919) 620-7525 to make an appointment (in person, or by phone). Or visit my website to set up your appointment time.