Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July, 2010

Newsletter from Beth Owl’s Daughter
July,  2010             (919) 620-7525            Volume 3, Number 7
jpegHappy Second Anniversary to WINGS  jpeg
Well, the email version, anyway!  As some of my most faithful friends may know, I started sending out my WINGS newsletter in January, 2003 via the Postal Service. In 2008, the postage costs, the wear and tear of stapling, folding and stamping hundreds of letters by hand, and consideration for the environmental impact of all that paper finally hit home. So in July, 2008, the email, monthly version of WINGS was born.

From the very start (as the original 33 people could tell you), I have never intended my newsletter to primarily be a self-promotional gizmo.  Instead, while, yes, I do share updates and announcements about my own offerings, I have always wanted it to be a real newsletter - packed with all kinds useful information to inspire, enhance and uplift you.

Sort of what Wings are for, right?

As it happens, my email provider service, iContact, has just this month rolled out a new, vastly improved newsletter creation tool. What a sweet little bit of synchronicity for the WINGS birthday party! I hope you like some of the changes in the design this month.

Most of all, though, I send a huge thank you, to each and every one of you, now well over 1,000! Thank you for supporting my efforts, cheering me on, and letting me know that this matters to you!  It is a labor of love, for sure, and I am so honored to be invited into your world, month in and month out!

Happy Anniversary to us all!
Welcome New Subscribers! 
I'd like to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to the 148 new subscribers that have joined us since the June issue went out. Wow! Thank you so much for signing up.  Please feel free to invite your friends, or forward a copy of WINGS to them!  The more, the merrier! 

To Know Or Not To Know -
That Really Is A Question!

As you may remember from my series on how to get the most out of a Tarot consultation, the question sometimes comes up regarding whether you should tell your reader your question(s) before or even during your session.

It came up again recently in a discussion with some of my Tarot reader friends. It is definitely a controversial subject in Tarot land! And my Libra ascendant can always see both sides of the argument. Still, I feel rather strongly about it, and I thought you might be interested in my response.  Your mileage may vary, of course!

First, I must assure you that the person who posed the question is a completely honest, sincere, and quite talented reader. However, as I told them, if my reply seemed a bit cranky, it was only because I have seen far too many readers (not them!!) who ego trip on astonishing their querents with their amazing "accuracy" (whatever THAT is supposed to be!), like pulling rabbits out of a hat.

Personally, I believe not knowing the question is relevant only if someone is doing a purely intuitive reading.  If the reader is downloading channeled messages from the spirit world, Akashic records, angels, the Gods, etc., than I guess it is fine. As long as they make it clear that's what they're doing. But that is NOT Tarot.

In a Tarot reading, an insistence on not knowing the question seems like a waste of time.  It strikes me as being as silly as going to a doctor who would attempt a diagnosis without discussing your symptoms.

But the real problem is that it shuts down the querent's participation. This is fine if you want to be seen as a mind-reader with superpowers, or if the emphasis is on entertainment.

But it's a poor choice if your intention is to establish open, clear communication.  And let’s be honest, there are a lot of readers who, in their heart of hearts, and for all kinds of reasons, would really rather not create a meaningful dialogue with their client, or grant them equal or even superior control of the session.

In my experience, if a reader's desire is to be helpful, inspiring, or offer a path for transformation and/or healing, the seeker needs to be actively involved in their own process. Not focused on the dramatic tension of whether or not the reader will discover their secret issue.

Telling the querent not to share their concern (even if only at the start) sets the tone for one-way communication, and a passive experience from the seeker's point of view. The reading becomes more about the reader (accurate? not? astonishing? not? worth the fee?), instead of the seeker's issue and working with them to create their own strategies and solutions.

And when people need their psychic hits to be somehow "pure," well, this seems really antithetical to what Tarot is about, and how psychic ability and intuition function in the first place.

I think that the Tarot welcomes the conscious mind to be completely present, collaborating fully with our sixth-sensory awareness. It is a holistic system that, in my view, works best when there is harmony between left and right brain, if you want to put it in such terms.

And one of the most fantastic, unique qualities of the Tarot is that it is the only form of the divination arts I know of that invites the querent's collaboration and participation.

When there is trust and open communication, the reader can offer gentle guidance while allowing the Tarot to become a co-creative tool for the seeker. In this way, the querent can personally, in real time, discover and engage with their own power.

As I have written in past articles, and as most of today's leading Tarot experts would agree, knowing the seeker's questions and concerns up front is not only acceptable, it is crucial to offering the most coherent, significant experience for the client.
Green Living
What You Can Do about the Gulf Disaster, Part 2

As I write this, the threat of tropical storm Bonnie has abated, the BP ships are sailing back into position, and the gusher a mile deep seems to have been successfully capped, at least for now.

But as anyone can understand, the real disaster is still unfolding. What will become of the Gulf shores, the complex biosphere of this life-giving ocean, and the wider webs of life it feeds?  No one really knows.

But we do know that we, you and I, are the ones who drive the markets that make BP, and Exxon, and all of them, wealthy.  So we have a lot of power to demand with our dollars that there must be a shift to a more sustainable future.

Last month, I shared some ways that Sheryl Eisenberg at the Natural Resources Defense Council suggests we can be personally involved in creating a cleaner, more healthy future for our beloved Gaia. Here are three more important ones.  I'll have her final, easy but powerful recommendations next time!

  • Get energy-efficient equipment. The difference between conventional products and energy-efficient ones can be quite staggering. For instance, an incandescent bulb uses four times as much energy to produce a given quantity of light as a compact fluorescent bulb—and 10 times as much as an LED.

    Yes, the energy-efficient alternatives cost more to buy, but they also cost less to operate. Besides, becoming the change you want to see in the world includes paying more for a cleaner, safer future. So, shop for Energy Star appliances and factor fuel economy into your choice of car.
  • Go local—and not just with food. It's simple: goods need to be transported to market. The shorter the distance, the less energy required. Therefore, look for products made close to home. Support your local merchants, artisans, and products.
  • Buy less stuff. It takes energy to produce and deliver goods. Think twice before you throw things away or purchase items you do not need. If possible, repair before you replace!
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference.

Do You Believe in Magic?

According to many wisdom traditions, Summer is the time that relates to the element of Fire.  Fire is about passion, creativity, the life-force, energy, transformation and magic.

What does magic mean to you?

Authors Dion Fortune and Starhawk describe magic as being “the art of changing consciousness at will.”   In his classic book, Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner, Scott Cunningham defines it as, “The projection of natural energies to produce needed results.”  On the other hand, psychiatry has a dim view of “magical thinking,”  calling it the opposite of critical analysis, and therefore undesirable.

Yet even the most linear thinker must certainly have moments when the inexplicable and sublime intrude on his assumptions:  falling in love, miraculous healing, being swept away by great music, a life-altering premonition --  there are so many possibilities.

Magic is certainly about change.  Changing water into wine, pulling rabbits out of hats. AbracadabraPresto! Shazam!

But then, is magic only what is extraordinary? Sometimes, the small, everyday things --the tiny fist of a newborn, the roar of the ocean, the smell of the air before it rains -- are what can be the most magical.

In fact, in my experience, magic most often comes when we simply pay extraordinary attention, with great care. When we open ourselves to the profound appreciation and joy of living, we are centered in the place where magic can happen.

Changing our busy, distracted, superficial experience of the world around us to a slow, full opening of all our senses, we can shape reality in new ways.  In a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages that are calculated to either seduce us with imagined neediness, or overcome us with a sense of helplessness, we all need a little more magic.

I hope that this Summer, you are finding powerful new ways to connect to the magic that flows around and through us, would we but open our hearts to receive it.

July on my Blog
On my blog in the month of July, I have been offering a sampling of Tarot analyses, poetry, "Wordless Wednesdays," and tributes to the Summer Moon, the Solar Eclipse, the Dalai Lama, and America the Beautiful, just to mention a few!

In August, I'll be celebrating the first harvests of late Summer in a variety of ways, including sharing some ideas for cultivating a gratitude practice.  I hope you'll stop by and visit, where you can always find a "little bit of magic" every day!

The first orders have been pouring in, and the excitement is growing!  In case you missed it, I am delighted to announce the first ever ..

Tarot Soul Card Kit

Did you know?  There is a Tarot card that illuminates your deep identity.  This is your Soul Card, and, like your Sun sign in astrology, it's based on your birth date.

Drawing on my extensive knowledge of the Tarot as well as the energetics, lore and magic of the Plant Allies, I have formulated nine unique herbal mixtures; one for each the Soul Cards of the Major Arcana. The result is a hand-blended kit that will help you --

* discover and deepen your personal relationship with your Soul Card.
* enhance your connection with your Soul Card through the wisdom and gentle  guidance of the Plant Allies.
* go deeper into your experience of the Tarot.

Each kit includes a brief overview of your Soul Card, a bundle of the finest, hand-blended herbs and botanicals whose energies specifically resonate with your Soul Card, and a charged candle with suggested meditations and uses.

The Deluxe version also includes a stone or crystal chosen for its ability to even further enhance your connection with your card’s energy.

For all the details, including how to learn what your Soul Card is, go here!

Hint: They make terrific gifts! All you need to know is your recipient's month, day and year of birth.
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Friday, August 6
Saturday, August 14
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, ending by 6:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment? Call (919) 833-8081 to schedule your visit!
* * * * *
I mentioned in June's newsletter that I would be announcing my Fall Tarot class schedule. I have not firmed the dates up just yet, so please check my online schedule for the latest news!
However - I have begun a program of private classes, called Tools for Transition.  Each class targets specific skills that can help participants develop their abilities to step up and fully, joyfully participate in the Great Turning, as Joanna Macy describes our transitional times.
These workshops are intimate, highly experiential, and many require ample space for quiet reflection, being in Nature and so forth. Therefore, I am offering them exclusively from the privacy of my home in northern Durham county. Space is extremely limited and they will not be on my public website schedule.  They are by invitation only.
As a subscriber to my newsletter, you can be included in these offerings. If you would like more information, or want to be added to my list, please visit here.
In June, we started a brief "Summer break" from our formal programs of working through the numbers of the Tarot.  Our final "recess" will be in August as we have an encore Tarot art session. 

We'll be making pendants and all sorts of other Tarot art goodies. So if you missed out on the fun in July, and you're ready for lots more creativity with the cards, please join us Aug. 18. Very friendly and free! For time and location details, go here.
Now Taking Reservations
Dancing Moon Books Presents...

Sonia    Choquette

Saturday, October 9, 2010
10am - 5pm

At the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh, 3313 Wade Ave.
Only $125 (before Sept. 3)
$150 after Sept. 3 or at the door.
Group rates available, too!

If you have ever taken my classes, you know that Sonia is one of my heroes, a living example of the power of Love and our Six-Sensory awareness in action.

Brilliant, funny, and deeply empowering, this all-day workshop is an extremely rare chance to meet and learn from the best of the best!

Trust me -- you will NOT want to take a chance on getting your tickets at the door.  I am sure this will sell out ahead of time.

For additional information, please call the good folks at Dancing Moon who are presenting this once-in-a-lifetime gift to our community!
(919) 833-8081.

Dear Beth:
Thank you for your articles in the "Green Living" section.  My heart has been so heavy in light of the Gulf oil disaster - I feel like I can actually hear the cries of the birds, fish, and other creatures who are dying. 
It is helpful to know that there are daily choices we can make that contribute to a long-term solution, even if they are only baby-steps for now.  I look forward to learning more tips every month!
   -- H. D., via email
You are so welcome, H. I don't want to sugarcoat any of the serious issues we are now facing, but focusing on solutions is the way forward, I believe. I also feel that proactive choices not only empower us, but truly do make a difference.
Thanks so much for sharing your feelings with us. I know you are not alone!

If you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Thanks!
Astrological Tidbits: The Climax of the Cardinal Drama

As I write this, we are in the final throes of the Saturn/Uranus opposition, a two-year showdown between the power of the new, innovation and rebelliousness, vs. old, conservative, tried and true methodology.

"Saturn opposing Uranus," as Robert Wilkinson writes, "is a cosmic clash between titans of authority. This is the final spin of the centrifuge that has been flinging us away from some people and circumstances, and flinging us toward other people and circumstances.

"This," he writes, "is leaving us in a purified state so we can move cleanly and clearly into the new archetype of Being, symbolized by Saturn.

"Stay focused on your individuality as it has been shaped by your experience, and do not yield your autonomy to another's coercions, challenges, or bullying. For some it may be necessary to retreat or go into an introverted state. At times it's the height of wisdom to withdraw so as not to waste energy with intransigent or argumentative people."

But that's not all. It's just the beginning!

Astrologer Lara Owen warns that on July 29/30, "Mars moves into Libra and immediately opposes Uranus and conjuncts Saturn, setting off [more of] the energies of the opposition. This is an indicator of frustration with attendant possibilities of violence and aggression.

"People around you may be on a short fuse so allow for this. If you feel short-tempered yourself remember to breathe... Talk about what is bothering you without descending into victimhood and making it all other people’s fault. Set your own limits before they get imposed from outside."

Then, renowned astrologer Dan Furst notes that we are headed into "a T-Cross on July 30, in the fiery dog days, of six planets -- the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto -- all forming a very "difficult" and "stressful" set of 90° squares and 180° oppositions in the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra and Capricorn."

Following hot on the heels of this momentous event, we find ourselves smack-dab in the middle of a Grand Cross on August 6.

This involves seven planets as Venus joins the T-cross alignment, and the Moon moves into Cancer.  Dan cautions us not to respond with fear and paranoia, even if that is what is being shoved into our faces. Look carefully behind attempts to frighten you or coerce you in the name of security.  Or, very likely, distract you from the real stories.

It doesn't let up in August, though. Lance Ferguson adds, "Serious complications as Saturn squares Pluto again in the third week of August. And caution lights stay on for the rest of the month because Mercury again turns Retrograde on Aug 20 to Sept 12. Delays, misunderstandings, powerful winds and weather are all more likely during Mercury Rx. Keep that in mind when you make plans for the Labor Day weekend—keep it simple, and keep an eye on the weather."

Lest this all sound too grim, Robert Wilkinson reminds us, "We've found our heart expression and trained for over two years. We have been purified by a Divine Centrifuge each time Saturn opposed Uranus. We have been freed of dense gross aggregates, and are now glimpsing a new way to freedom and true individuality.

"Get ready for one last season of finishing up what needs to be ended. Use compassion, forgiveness, and closure rituals that enable you to move on.

"Get ready, as the wild ride has just begun, and 'new worlds are a-borning, as the old one dies...' "

Dan Furst sums it up beautifully. "How best to play this priceless opportunity.. by remembering that Sunday August 1 is the great feast of Lughnasad, -- below the equator, it's Imbolc -- when we consume away in fire ceremonies the old opinions and assumptions that burn slowly because they are as dense and heavy as they are false.

"We feast on Earth's abundance, and the new bread and wine. We sing and remember that our glass, our tankard, or stein, or soul, is more than half full if we will only see it so. Keep Holding That Frequency."

Let’s stay in touch!

I specialize in helping leaders, visionaries and innovators thrive while integrating career, creativity and spirituality. If you seek inspiration as well as practical wisdom, I will show you how to predict your future by creating it.

Please phone me at (919) 620-7525 to make an appointment (in person, or by phone). Or visit my website to set up your appointment time.

Thank you again for making me a part of your day. May Summer's sweet ripening bring deep delight to you, body and soul!
-- Beth
Have you missed any previous issues?   I am now archiving them in the WINGS Newsletter blog.

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