Once again, the Wheel of the Year has turned beyond the balancing point between the dark and the light.
It seems a good time to remember that we are still making our way through the Tarot year of Justice, based on the numerology of 2+0+0+9=11.
Balance, fairness, and regaining our equilibrium are all key aspects in a Justice year. I think we could all use a little more of that nowadays, don't you?
With Justice as our teacher, then, it seems very important for us to balance our accounts, settling up what may be owed (both fiscally and spiritually), and bringing any unfinished business to a conclusion. This is when we will now see our "harvest" -- the result of this year's labors and plans.
If there are still loose ends, the ancient calendar gives us about six more weeks before the final harvest, when the growing and gathering time ceases, and we are attuned instead to the season of giving.
May all your harvests bring you joyful celebration and deep sustenance to carry you through the days ahead.
- Beth