Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July, 2008 Volume 1, Number 1

Welcome to the premier issue of my new email newsletter!

Many of you have asked whatever happened to my "snail mail," paper newsletter that I used to publish quarterly.

In the last year, three components of big growth combined to make the old one more and more difficult to sustain: the increase in postal rates, the higher costs of paper and materials, and the happy explosion of my list of subscribers!

So welcome to the inaugural issue of my new,
improved newsletter!

I hope that you will agree that this is a more environmentally sensitive way for us to stay in touch, as well as giving you more flexibility about how you receive it.

Every month, I'll be sending you a fresh issue, full of Tarot news, of course! But I'll also include other articles I hope you will find interesting. Be on the lookout for book reviews, introductions to worthwhile people, places and ideas, helpful tips, seasonal subjects, and other topics to delight and inspire you.

Please know that your email is utterly
confidential and will never be shared without your knowledge or permission.

I know there is a lot of information competing for your time and attention. I am truly honored that you've chosen to include me in your day. I look forward to serving you in the months ahead!