Hi, dear one...
It's been a couple of months since I sent out a WINGS newsletter, despite my best intentions to be more regular in my updates.
And many folks have been asking me if there are any upcoming classes and workshops, and why my calendar doesn't seem to have any dates posted for when they might schedule a reading.
If you've been wondering if everything is okay with me, I am sorry to say the answer is no.
I am writing today to let my friends, clients, colleagues, and supporters know that I have been diagnosed with cancer in both of my breasts.
Next week I will meet with my oncology team at Duke for the first time. Until then, that is really all I know, in terms of "stages" or even a timeline of what is going to happen.
But my primary doctor and radiologist both agree that it will be a double mastectomy, followed by "very aggressive" chemo and radiation. And they feel that once I've met with the team, things will move very quickly.
My Schedule and Services
Except for, perhaps, occasional blog posts and popping in on social media here and there, I am putting my public and business activities on hold, at least for now.
I hope I can keep up with my Tarot Card of the Week, which I have faithfully posted every Monday since 2003. But I am not making promises I cannot be sure I can keep.
I do not plan to be back at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh before Friday, Oct. 7. And personal readings are suspended for the time being as well.
Sadly, my husband and I have had to cancel our "trip of a lifetime" with RJ Stewart to Scotland in September. (It won't be the same, but John and I are committed to making up for it by this time next year!).
I am hoping that my scheduled Osher Lifelong Learning class, "Introduction to Tarot: Superstitious Silliness or Modern Wisdom" at NC State in October will still be possible.
Anyway, for now, I am hitting the "pause" button on my services, so I can give myself maximum recovery and healing time.
How You Can Help
I know this may be a shock to many of you. It was to me, too.
I also know that I am interconnected to a vast, powerful circle of very psychic, empathetic souls like you, many of whom have already felt a "disturbance in the Force." 
I am also very, very blessed to know that many of you reading this are healers, Priestesses, shamanic wisdom keepers, seers, and alternative practitioners. At some point soon, your knowledge and expertise may be of invaluable help to me in my journey.
As I have noted, I do not know right this moment when I will begin treatment, what that will entail (other than generally), nor what my abilities and needs will be during my process.
So I would ask that for now, your prayers, understanding, and good energy are what I need most.
The exception is if you are a provider of some sort that, as a matter of course, is experienced working with cancer patients. If that is the case, I might be interested in knowing more about your services.
Otherwise, I hope you will understand that, although well-meaning as it might be, advice, questions about specifics, sharing stories about your own or others' battles with cancer, etc. are not what I want at this time.
I have always been rather more sensitive than some people about things I feel are private, like my personal health issues, etc., so I would ask that you please honor this boundary.
Lastly, as you might imagine, my ability to respond to everyone is already hampered and will soon be severely curtailed. So if I don't or can't reply to you, please know I am receptive and grateful for every word nonetheless.
What I Believe
My mother died of breast cancer in August of 1997. I was one of her primary care-givers the last year or so of her life (along with my dad).
Thankfully, treatment of this disease has been a priority in our medical system, and my process will be very different from what she experienced 20 years ago. (It also helps that at Duke University, I am in some of the best care available).
I learned a lot by her side, and I have seen up close both what can be horrific, and what can be beautiful and life-affirming in this situation.
I do NOT believe "everything happens for a reason," or that this is somehow good for me, or the will of the Divine (so please, please -- no offense, but do not try to comfort me by saying such things).
I think that there is chaos and Mystery in the Multiverse, and lots that happens for no good reason at all.
But no matter what, we do have the power to remember we are always aligned with Source, and so can be guided by and co-create with the Divine Good.
I am determined to find the ways to do this, and I thank you for holding me in your thoughts as I begin this time of transformation and healing.
Because I believe with all my soul in Love's power to heal; in fact, it is the only thing that really can.
Thank you for all the many ways you have supported and encouraged me in the past, and for your gentle understanding and kindnesses in the days to come.
Blessings and love,

- Beth Owl's Daughter