It has been a busy Springtime for me, how about you? Honestly, I can't quite believe it is already almost time for Summer Solstice!
Picking up where we left off last time ...
I had just finished launching my website redesign (thanks for everyone's thoughtful feedback!), when it was time for the Spring 2016 sessions of my introductory
Tarot Without Tears classes in Raleigh.
After Part One, I quickly switched hats from teacher to student, because the next weekend, my favorite magical mentors were coming to town. I
love working with
RJ Stewart and Anastacia Nutt, and their new class,
"The Living World of Faery: The Way We Live Now," was one of their best yet.
The glitter and glamour from that magical workshop had barely begun to settle when it was time to hit the road for my annual trip to
The Readers Studio, in New York City.
One of the biggest, most brilliant gatherings of Tarot people on the planet, the Readers Studio is a feast for the senses, for the intellect, and for heart connections.
My evening class on the
Plant Spirit Birth Card Magic was well attended by a very savvy, talented group.The exchange of information and experiences had the room crackling with good Green energy!
My other personal highlight at Readers Studio was the privilege of priestessing the May Eve/Beltane celebration. Our devoutly rowdy crowd of over 50 raised a shimmering Cone of Power that showered sparkles of love fire across several galaxies and dimensions. If you noticed a happy shiver in the Axis Mundi around 10pm (EDT), April 30, that was probably us!
Since then, I have been catching up on my readings, my local classes, Springtime magick, and looking ahead to Summer's juicy possibilities.
While it's been fun, it also feels terrific to slow down a little, and catch up with
May this season of light and growth (here in the Northern Hemisphere) be filled with promises sweetly fulfilled!