Wednesday, April 10, 2013

First New Moon of Spring

First New Moon of Spring, 2013         Volume 5,  Number 2
Blessings of the Aries New Moon!
Does it seem to you like Winter took Her sweet time saying goodbye this year? It does to me, and I am not alone, since there were people who were threatening to sue Punxsutawney Phil for being so disappointingly wrong in his prediction this year.
But over the years, I have learned that Winter is a friend after all, and I can honestly say I relished nearly every minute of our visit together.
However, I am now ready to embrace lovely Spring and say goodbye to any late frosts that might threaten the blossoming time we've all been waiting for.
Strawberries are now finding their way to our Farmer's Market, the earliest Narcissus flowers have melted away, with my pansies, periwinkle, and late daffodils now taking the spotlight. The green tips of our daylilies and daisies have cleared the leafy mulch in my beds, and just this week, our goldfinches have donned their brilliant yellow plumage, now filling the barely blossoming redbuds with their merry chatter.
This New Moon feels portentous as it offers us a final chance for a fresh new start this year. The Aries New Moon blends the new beginnings of the astrological year with the traditional invitation within all New Moons to make a wish, plant a seed, and grow.   On it, we can make a wish that sets the intention for the coming season of growth and plenty. 
So now that the first three months of 2013 are behind us, what brand new start shall we wish for?  Do we need one last New Year's do-over? Here is our chance.
May all our brightest desires come beautifully to pass in the ways that most invigorate and inspire us for the greater good of all.
Welcome New Subscribers!

Sending a big hello and thank you to our 138 new subscribers (a new record!) who are getting your first current issue of WINGS.   Thank you to everyone who's been patiently waiting all year for me to get this off to you.
I am thrilled to have y'all here! WINGS is truly a labor of love, and I hope you'll find it valuable and fun!
Maybe you'll even be inspired to invite your friends, or forward a copy to them, if you wish!  Please do (there's a link at the bottom to make it easy).  The more, the merrier! 
The Elements of the Tarot:
The Swords of Spring

Ace of Swords

In the Tarot, the four suits of the Minor Arcana relate to the elements, which are considered the fundamental components of existence. 
The framework of reducing all things to these basic structures has been in practice since very ancient days, from Babylon to Japan, to the medieval European alchemists, and right up to modern times.
The elements were taught in ancient India, Egypt, and Greece, and are still the foundation for Chinese feng shui, many of the Western magical traditions, and are the inspiration for modern science's periodic table of the elements and the four states of matter.
In European magical traditions, there are four elements, consisting of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. A fifth Element may also be referenced, indicating the non-material worlds, and having to do with aether, spirit, or quintessence.
Each element has a corresponding time of year, season, magical tool, and so forth, depending on the traditional practices of the particular group.
In most systems, the Tarot suit of the Swords relates to the element of Air.  Air usually represents the direction of East, of the sunrise, and Springtime.  Air is the element of the logical mind, knowledge, thought, stories and poetry, attitudes, communication, and making decisions.

The Sword suit in the Tarot tends to be more unhappy than the others.  In most traditional decks (the popular Rider/Waite/Smith deck and others inspired by it), the colors are somber and many of the cards portray conflict.  Pictures of violence, sorrow, anger, and fear dominate the Swords.

Yet, like the darker parts of our own lives, the shadows are often necessary and may contain a gift. 
Before Arthur was recognized as the rightful king of England, he had to come to terms with the sword in the stone, and Excalibur, his gift from the Lady of the Lake.  Galahad could not begin his quest for the Holy Grail until Merlin gave him his magical blade.

Before we can begin our own sacred journeys, we must learn the art of the Sword -- to weather the storms, to defend that which is right, to know and speak our truth.

In a society where we are constantly bombarded with information (but precious little wisdom), we've all seen the effects of having too many sides to an issue, too many opinions and options--until real understanding becomes so muddled, no truth seems possible.  Is it any wonder that some people would rather just not think at all?

Although that can be tempting, it is a destructive choice.  Instead, the Swords are a reminder that thoughts and words are powerful.  They give us our ability to communicate, imagine, share knowledge, make choices, and to cut through the confusions, deceptions and doubts that sometimes baffle us.

This particularly tempestuous Spring, remember that you can focus the great potential of your consciousness. 
By wisely wielding the Sword of your intelligence, you can aid in the healing of our troubled planet.
Green Living:
Here's to New Beginnings
With this New Moon of Aries, we have a new beginning for a new year. So instead of my usual DIY advice for Green Living, let us make a prayer and a pledge. These beautiful words were written by Joanna Macy, who I will be featuring in an upcoming issue.
Prayer to Future Beings
You live inside us, beings of the future.

In the spiral ribbons of our cells, you are here.  In our rage for the burning forests, the poisoned fields, the oil-drowned seals, you are here. 
You beat in our hearts through late-night meetings.  You accompany us to clear-cuts and toxic dumps and the halls of the lawmakers.  It is you who drive our dogged labors to save what is left.

O you who will walk this Earth when we are gone, stir us awake.  Behold through our eyes the beauty of this world.  Let us feel your breath in our lungs, your cry in our throat.  Let us see you in the poor, the homeless, the sick.  Haunt us with your hunger, hound us with your claims, that we may honour the life that links us.

You have as yet no faces we can see, no names we can say.  But we need only hold you in our mind, and you teach us patience. 
You attune us to measures of time where healing can happen, where soil and souls can mend.  You reveal courage within us we had not suspected, love we had not owned.

O you who come after, help us remember: we are your ancestors.  Fill us with gladness for the work that must be done.

Remember --Every little bit makes a world of difference.
Astrological Tidbits
Tense Times Ahead
After a relatively calm period (except for that excruciating Mercury retrograde last month), just prior to the New Moon in April, the cosmos starts getting jiggy again. 
Fasten your seatbelts (yet again!).  We're in for another wild ride.
Astrologer Molly Cliborne Gauthier writes, "The volatility in moods and markets that began in late March continues into early April.The electrical systems in our homes, and our bodies, are easily overstimulated.
"Our physical energy is restless and changeable.You may be down one moment and up the next. Some are resistant to change, or just not materially ready. Others are restless and clamoring for it.
"The challenge in early April is to get everyone on the same page. Change is necessary, but a call for too much change – all or nothing, too much too soon – and others will dig in their heels."
Richard Noelle, who coined the term "SuperMoon," agrees, explaining, "There’s acceleration in the flow of time and events starting this month. Partly, it’s due to extremes in the local system – the Earth, Moon and Sun. We’ve got a train of eclipses starting this month, and a train of SuperMoons starting next month [in May].
"This will certainly be seen in terms of geophysical turbulence: an upsurge in larger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, higher than usual coastal tides, and a concentration of strong storms with high winds and heavy precipitation."
But as if that's not enough, he also warns, "These are far from the only storms on the calendar: we humans too will be running hotter and colder than usual.
"And then there are the socioeconomic storms on the geopolitical plane. With Uranus and Pluto holding within a few degrees of their May 20 square, spasms in the global financial system will continue to be much in the news – and you’ll see strong reactions from Wall Street to the streets of major world cities, where the dispossessed angrily protest their lowered circumstances.
"Watch the period around April 16-28 in particular, as far as this goes: from the Sun-Mars conjunction on April 18 to the lunar eclipse (conjunct Saturn) on the 25th."
With all this build-up, don't forget that there is a big Pluto retrograde coming up April 12.  Jeff Jawer writes, "Slow-moving Pluto works with such subtlety and depth that its retrograde turn is unlikely to trigger immediately noticeable events. It does, however, open a five-month window of opportunity for examining desires and revealing what needs to be eliminated to make room to pursue them. Shining the light of awareness into your darkest places is a powerful first step to transformation."

Molly predicts that the powerful Lunar Eclipse on April 25 "ramps up both sensitivity and irritability, so that many of us are uncharacteristically cranky and impatient. Pump the emotional brakes as needed.  Accidents and fevers are more likely. Karmic 'contracts' are coming up for renegotiation, renewal, or expiration."
Meantime, in May, the normally mellow Lance Ferguson at Skywatch Astrology changes his tone and pulls no punches:
"Important changes and turning points are likely in your life and worldwide in May, as Uranus returns to make an exact T-square to Pluto in the heavens on May 20th.
"This is the third of seven squares between these two powerful planets that will take us to Spring, 2015. The worst is possible with these two as Uranus fires up the rebels and revolutionaries to violence.
"Pluto responds by lining up tanks, shooting first and talking later, and he rules nuclear weapons. Uranus rules electricity and computers; Pluto also rules criminals.
"Problems with the power grid and attacks on the financial and military computer systems are certain with this powerful square in the Skywatch. In the headlines we’ll read about some disaster that is totally unexpected—a Uranian hallmark."
Lest we despair, though, Lance reminds us, "Everything in astrology has a positive side, too, but it usually requires a little work to extract the nut from the shell. Uranus rules the truth. Pluto rules poisons.
"So [May] is a good month to give up untruths and poisons—the square brings these issues to your attention. Pluto also rules your perspective and he asks you to be open now to seeing things from another point of view...

"Back up your computer and get the car repaired before this square hits, as both are ruled by Uranus. And realize that stress levels will rise and short out some folks.
"Reduce your exposure to crime or any kind of stress this month, if you can. Kids and critters are more likely to act out, again unexpectedly, and may need extra attention in May. Small problems can get blown up into big ones with Pluto on stage.

"All of this is magnified a bit by a New Moon and Solar Eclipse on May 9 in Taurus...
"This is a good time to make important financial moves and to plant seeds/open accounts. The Full Moon on May 24 is also a Lunar Eclipse but makes a tight T-square to dreamy Neptune. Take your time making decisions around this lunation—people and situations may not be what they seem."
We are certainly headed for some big changes, but profound change is exactly what is needed, and precisely what we came here to aid, don't you agree?
Until next time...
May the stars shine brightly for you.
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My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at
Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh

Saturday, April 13
Friday, May 3
Saturday, May 18.

Note: I am so sorry that a schedule conflict has resulted in my not being able to participate in their upcoming Psychic Fair. It's the first time in over 10 years I've missed and I am honestly very disappointed. However, you needn't be! Come see me the day before, on Saturday, the 13th! 
Hour or half-hour appointments begin at 11:30 am, and end at 6 pm. I try to accommodate walk-ins, but I tend to get booked up. So I suggest you schedule in advance by calling (919) 833-8081.
We Are Having SO Much Fun ~
Join us!
Offering Customized Workshops for Your Exquisite Tarot Tastes . . . 
Beth Owl's Daughter presents:
The Tarot Boutique
bou·tique (bo͞oˈtēk), noun.
1. A small store selling fashionable items or accessories.
2. A business that serves a sophisticated or specialized clientele.
3. Unique, exclusive workshops for the discerning Tarot connoisseur.
If you are looking for MORE Tarot….
Tarot beyond the introductory basics....
More focus on specialty topics….
An intimate, magical setting with more personal attention and the delightful company of other passionate enthusiasts..
Come to the Tarot Boutique
Heavy-duty expertise is not required.. but if there is one bone in your body that loves to geek out on Tarot, you need to join us!
On the last Saturday of each month (except May *), I am offering intimate, tailor-made workshops at my home in Durham. 
These are for people who want MORE Tarot, in exclusive, specialty morsels that stand alone, or can combine to offer you new sparkle and depth in your Tarot practice.   Coming up:
April 27: How to Keep a Tarot Journal
This can be your secret weapon for creativity, insight, and becoming fluent in the subtleties of the Tarot! Check it out.
* May 19 :The Tarot Court Cards (changed due to Memorial Day): Is it me? You? General energy? Find out how to know! BONUS: The Significator.  Learn more.
June 29: The Tarot Muse: Bust your blocks, amp up your art! The Tarot is a brilliant companion to enhance creative work of all kinds. Details and registration are here.
July 27: Decks, Decks, Decks!  All about our beloved decks – how to choose them, care for them, and how each has its own unique “voice” that can broaden our understanding, using the “Comparative Tarot” method. Enrollment opens Apr. 28.
* * * * *
These classes are quite tiny, so if you are interested, don't wait! In fact, so far, each one of these has sold out well in advance, so click here to learn more and register!
Local and Long Distance! Beginners and Seasoned pros! Everybody is welcome!
Looking for a good vibe Tarot tribe? For ten years, our Triangle Tarot and Friends Meetup group has been a beacon of light as both a local gathering once a month, and also host to hundreds of Tarot friends online, from all around the world.
Osho Zen Tarot Anniversary Cake
Our Osho Zen Tarot Anniversary Cake: Success!
There's been a LOT to celebrate this year!
In February, we celebrated our 10th anniversary together and in March, we completed our 2-year study of Mary K. Greer's 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card.
In April, on the 17th, we are thrilled to have Mary herself join us for a conversation about her book, the Tarot, the new wave of interest in Lenormand cards, and .. well just about anything. Reserved seating is already filled, but you can still RSVP if you would like to be put on our waiting list, in case of openings.  

Then, May 15, another Tarot celebrity will be joining us via the magic of the Internet -- one of my favorite readers and Tarot experts, James Wells. Fresh from the 2013 Readers Studio, he'll be sharing all the highlights, as well as teaching us about his unique style as a reader and Tarot guide.  
Be sure to bring your decks, show & tell items, announcements, and a friendly smile. Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are observed! For time and location details, please sign up (free!) by going here. Join us for learning, laughter, and discovery!
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists, and innovators thrive in changing times.
If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid tools for living an extraordinary life, my classes, workshops, and personal sessions are here to help you predict your future by creating it.
This year, I am devoting more time to my writing and teaching, and my one-on-one time will be at a premium. However, limited personal appointments are available.
You can check my schedule for a phone appointment by dropping by here and then "locking in" the time with your PayPal payment.
I am sorry to say that local appointments at my home are still on hold for now, due to the illness of a family member (our sweet cat, Sierra).
However, I am at Dancing Moon Books twice a month, and you can book up to three months in advance by calling them at (919) 833-8081.
And don't forget to stop by my award-winning blog for magical lore, Tarot updates, and inspirational gifts, just for you. I update it several times a week.
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision. 
Events in the Spotlight
Coming April 19-21, 2013:
The Magic of Three Sticks
The Return of RJ Stewart to the Raleigh-Durham area
"One of the lost ‘secrets’ of Underworld lore was and is the threefold cooperation of human, faery and animal co-walkers.”
~ R.J. Stewart, “Power Within the Land”
Have you ever felt the call to work with the Faery races?  Have the Shining Ones invited you to learn their ancient ways, or cultivate with their blessings your gifts of seership and healing?
Then this is where you need to be.
There is still time (and seating) if you would like to register for this workshop led by one of the world's leading authorities on Celtic shamanic practices, Faery folkloric healing and history, and the Arthurian legends.
Author of over 40 books, creator of several Tarot/divination systems, and renowned musician, RJ Stewart will be accompanied by his companion Anastacia Nutt, who is also an author, musician,and skilled teacher.

This is the second of a three-part series on Faery Healing practices, based on ancestral traditions going back many centuries.
(Part One was offered in October, 2012, and is not a prerequisite for this workshop. However, the third part, which is in the planning stages, requires you must have taken either or both of the first two in the series).
It is important to note that these Faery teachings are not based on modern magical reconstructionism or neo-shamanic invention. Instead, they are the culmination of four decades of careful research and documentation, gathered from generations of oral and written history.
Our weekend of inspiration begins Friday the 19th with a concert of Celtic music, presented by RJ and Anastacia. It will be held from 7pm to 9pm at the Raleigh Friends Meetinghouse, 625 Tower St., Raleigh.
I am so glad I made the effort to attend their pre-workshop concert last time they visited. Featuring a number of original works by RJ and Anastacia, it was a lively, joyful way to attune to the magic of the weekend. Admission is a donation of $10-15 sliding scale at the door.

Then Saturday and Sunday, from 10am to 5pm, we will gather for the workshop.  Anastacia explains that we will be exploring "the Threefold Alliance through our spiritual and magical practices... to reunite manifest creation and the spiritual power that informs and infuses it."
People are coming from all over the United States for this rare opportunity to study with RJ and Anastacia, and by next week this will probably be sold out, so don't delay.
Please join us for a life-changing weekend of discovery and magic.
Email event coordinator Marsha Presnell-Jennette for more details and how to register.

With the coming of Spring, there are winds of change blowing, and a new blossoming is possible that has not been seen in a very long time.
May our hearts be joyfully opened. May kindness and wisdom flow freely and generously.
May the fragrant awakening of the living land remind us we are always safe, cradled in the loving arms of the Beloved.
Blessings to you,