Welcome New Subscribers!
Sending a HUGE thank you to all the 83 new subscribers who have been patiently waiting to get their first issue of WINGS, some of you, since early April! It's great to get together at last!
hope you're gonna love it. Maybe you'll even be inspired to invite your
friends, or forward a copy to them, if you wish! Please do (there's a
link at the bottom to make it easy). The more, the merrier!
Tarot Readers Studio Wrap-Up
The Tarot Readers Studio, 2012
Now that all my new decks are unpacked, my notes sorted out, my sleep
caught up on, and another magical gathering slips into the annals of
legend, I am still crackling with new ideas and energy from five days of
hanging out with Tarot's best and brightest.
In case you missed my Networking Spotlight article in February, where I explained what The Readers Studio is, you can check it out in my archives here.
So what happened this year? Who was there? Was it fun? What was covered?
There were so many juicy moments. For one thing, I
was honored to be chosen as the officiant of the welcoming ritual for
the new participants. I led the 200+ audience in recognizing all the 54
or so first-timers with introductions and a welcoming chant/song.
My other moment in the spotlight was when, at the Saturday night gala banquet, I became the spirit of Temperance and passed through the crowd, offering blessings.
But those were but brief twinkles in a star-filled galaxy of wisdom and wonder.
James Wells offered a powerful session that focused on Tarot as a
healing tool for facing loss and grief. It included a beautiful spread
modeled on Joanna Macy's " Work That Reconnects," which you may know is one of my own most passionate practices.
Shawn Nacol was electric and charismatic, covering the elemental
dignities of the Tarot in exuberant, creative ways that will inspire me
for years.
And James Wanless, who is the creator of the well-loved Voyager Tarot, was brilliant as ever. He taught us new ways to dig deeper into understanding who we (or our clients) really are, using a deceptively simple, elegant spread.
I especially loved hearing about how he continues to be a successful
pioneer on behalf of the Tarot, using it to open the awareness of
countless hundreds of executives in Fortune 500 companies!
There was lots of buzz over two of the newest, hottest decks on the scene: Barbara Moore's sumptuous Steampunk Tarot, and our own local Tarot star, Marie White's acclaimed, deeply evocative Mary-el Tarot.
One of the highlights for me was that I got to admire the beautiful new Minoan Tarot deck that Ellen Lorenzi-Prince (already legendary for her Tarot of the Crone)
is creating.
Each card is based upon an original work of art from
Bronze Age Crete (2600 - 1100 BCE). Like the civilization it represents,
Ellen's powerful Minoan Tarot celebrates the presence of the Goddess,
the beauty of the natural world, and human sexuality and creativity. It
will debut at the SF BATS gathering in August.
Of course, there was so much more. Evening workshops, like the intimate one I took with Mary K. Greer, lunch with our dear Gaian Tarot Circle, impromptu readings, making new friendships and deepening older ones, and countless juicy conversations.
And there was so much laughter, in only a few more days I might have come home with abs of steel.
My enormous gratitude goes out to each and every one in the Tarot
community who so generously offers their graciousness, wisdom, and
Most especially, thank you to dearest Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone --
who create and provide the genius behind this spectacular gathering. Happy 10th Anniversary, Readers Studio!
Networking Spotlight on...
Herbs From the Labyrinth
If you were a WINGS subscriber back in October of 2010, you might remember my Green Living article, "Hair Today, But What About Tomorrow?"
In it, I discussed the seriously troubling chemicals found in most commercial shampoo and body care items.
Most people don't realize that even the so-called "natural" products
are loaded with suspected carcinogens, known poisons, and chemicals that
are harmful for us, and the environment.
If you have had any trouble finding satisfactory alternatives, look no
further than the beautiful products from Sarah Preston's Herbs From the Labyrinth.
Sarah notes that it was her concern about these very issues that helped
inspire her to start making her own salves, shampoos, creams, soaps,
and other products.
Her gardens in Lancaster, PA overflow with medicinal magic. All of her
herbs are lovingly tended with guidance from her plant and spirit
allies, using organic methods, and are harvested with love, by hand.
A few herbs she uses are wild-crafted with integrity, or are purchased from reliable organic sources.
All of her herbal body-care products (including creams, salves, bath
salts & soaps), herbal healthcare and wellness products (including
tinctures & syrups), and herbal ceremonial products (including dream
pillows, dried herbs and sweetgrass braids) are made by hand by Sarah.
She makes everything in small batches, attuned to the old Wise Ways that
work with lunar and seasonal cycles.
I have been using her products for years and Sarah always exceeds my expectations. Her expertise is impeccable, and you can actually feel the incredible skills and talent that go into every item she makes.
The result is a wealth of the very finest products and services that
heal, inspire, and comfort. Check out her newly refurbished website, where you can order from her online catalog.
Here's to your good and gorgeous health!
Green Living: Better Living Through Houseplants, Part 2
To review Part One, stop by here.
As I wrote last time, in the late 1980s, there was a study by NASA and
the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) that was
originally intended to find ways to purify the air for the Space
Station. But it also proved to have implications for the rest of us on
They discovered that common houseplants such as bamboo palms and spider
plants not only make indoor spaces more attractive, they also help to
purify the air!
The tests looked primarily for three chemicals: Formaldehyde, Benzene, and Trichloroethylene.
After conducting the study, NASA and ALCA came up with a list of the most effective plants for treating indoor air pollution.
For example, English ivy, gerbera daisies, pot mums, peace lily, bamboo
palm, and Mother-in-law's Tongue were found to be the best plants for
treating air contaminated with Benzene.
The peace lily, gerbera daisy, and bamboo palm were very effective in treating Trichloroethylene.
Additionally, NASA found that the bamboo palm, Mother-in-law's tongue, dracaena warneckei, peace lily, dracaena marginata, golden pathos, and green spider plant worked well for filtering Formaldehyde.
All these plants are relatively inexpensive and easily found at your local nursery.
For an average home of under 2,000 square feet, the study recommends
using at least fifteen samples, preferably in six inch containers or
larger, to measurably improve air quality. Be sure to double-check some
of these plants, as they are can be harmful to pets and children who
might nibble on them.
This is such a clean, green way to freshen our offices and homes. I
hope you will be inspired, especially as many of us are now headed into
air-conditioned lock-down.
Remember -
Every little bit makes a world of difference!
For One Day Only...
As I've done since the second year that Tarot master Den Elder launched it, I am inviting everyone to join me in celebrating..
This year, I am so jazzed about the fantastic response I've gotten to my Birthday Club, I want to give everyone a little taste of the fun!
Starting at 9am, Eastern time May 25 (not before!), the first 10 people who email me a Happy World Tarot Day message will receive - at no charge - a complete Tarot Profile report on their Soul card, Personality card, and Teacher card.
That's just one of the many treats that full enrollment in my Birthday Club would get you.
As you know, I am celebrating my 40th anniversary of working with the Tarot. After all these years, I still love it!
And I want you to, too! One of the most fun and easiest ways to get
familiar with the Tarot is with your Tarot birth cards, what I call your
Tarot profile.
True Confession: For many years, I have been on a mission for everyone to know their Tarot Soul card they way they know their Sun sign.
So.. All I will need is your date of birth - month, day, year. I don't need your exact time, or location.
Or, if you're already a member, you can let me know the birthday of someone else and I'll send you their profile info!
Get ready... Get set.. See you on May 25!
Let’s stay in touch!
I specialize in helping visionaries, healers, artists, and innovators thrive
in changing times. If you seek inspiration, practical wisdom, and solid
tools for living an extraordinary life, my classes, workshops, and
personal sessions will help you predict your future by creating it.
Now, it's easier than ever to make an appointment with me! For a phone appointment, drop by here and then "lock in" the time with your PayPal payment.
Or if you are able to meet in person, you can see my availability here.
For further information, you can also visit my website or call (919) 620-7525.
Live in balance * Focus your creativity * Manifest your vision.
My Upcoming Schedule
Tarot Readings at
Dancing Moon Books,
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh
Twice each month:
Friday, June 1
Saturday, June 16
Hour or half-hour appointments begin
at 11:30 am, and end at 6 pm. I try to accommodate walk-ins, but I tend
to get booked up. So I suggest you schedule in advance by calling (919) 833-8081.
Save the date...

It’s time for the annual
Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Psychic Fair! Thursday, June 7, 2012
5:45 pm – 9:30 pm
For one magical evening, you can come "test drive" some of the best readers, healers, and practitioners in the Triangle area!
The annual fundraiser for the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship benefits
one of the oldest and most vibrant gatherings of Spirit-centered folks
in North Carolina.
Since 1973, their mission has been to enhance the
spiritual, mystical, and metaphysical awareness and consciousness of our
community. And they need our support to continue doing this!
Don't miss this annual extravaganza that features mini-sessions with
our area's top massage therapists, healing practitioners, reader,
astrologers, psychics, shamans, and more. Once again this year, I am
honored to donate my services to support SFF.
To find out how it works (and to make sure you budget plenty of time for your sessions), visit this link. Hope to see you there!
Local and Long Distance! Beginners and Seasoned pros! Everybody is welcome!
Looking for a good vibe Tarot tribe? Our Triangle Tarot and Friends Meetup group is both a local gathering once a month, and also host to hundreds of Tarot friends online, from around the world.
For the summer months, we are pausing in our exploration of 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card. Instead, in June we'll be having our renowned (some might say "notorious!") Semi-annual Swap Meet Meetup. It is huge fun and a chance to mingle and chat with everyone. Details are here.
Be sure to bring your decks, show & tell items, announcements, and a friendly smile.
Note: Space is LIMITED, so RSVPs are strictly observed! For time and location details, please sign up (free!) by going here.
Join us for learning, laughter and discovery!
Astrological Tidbits
Heating Up...
has been on its brief break, the heavens have been relatively
mild-manner, compared to, say, last summer.
The main challenge since my
last column was a rather tricky Mercury retrograde that ended in early April.
Oh, yes and that "driving with the brakes on" feeling we were having until the Mars retrograde ended in mid-April.
Glad all that's over. But, oh dear. Don't get too complacent just yet. I bet you've already been noticing that things are heating up.
There are a number of significant players in this increasingly intense period. One is the planet Venus,
that turned retrograde back on May 15. By itself, that's important, but
not earth-shattering news, since the planet ruled by the Goddess of
love, wealth, and beauty retros every 19 months or so.
Astrologer Gary P. Caton explains in his Mountain Astrology article, "Venus
is retrograde least often of all the planets; she does her backward
dance only every 19 months, for a little more than 40 days each time.
"This time, Venus is making an extended stay in the sign of Gemini, traversing back and forth through the sign of the Twins for four months, from April 3 to August 7. On average, she spends only four weeks in any sign, so this is a significant burst of Gemini energy."
One of my favorite astrologers, Lynn Hayes, tells us that "Venus retrograde
asks us to look back and reassess what it is that we value and how
those aspects of our life support us and the world around us.
seeks understanding without judgment – it is a learning without
discrimination or attachment. Each idea and suggestion has its own
value and adds to the richly colored tapestry of life."
But wait! There's more. Lots more!
One of my other favorite astrologers, George Ward, notes in his recent Pleidian Times article that, "Midway through the retrograde phase, on May 30th, Venus begins to align close to the Sun, and as she disappears into the invisible underworld, she ceases to be Hesperus, the 'evening star,' at dusk.
"Then on June 13th, Venus resurfaces in the early morning sky as Phosphorus, the "morning star," also known as bringer of the dawn. During Venus retrograde in Gemini, the desire for genuine enlightenment deepens, and the inner voice of knowing continues to emerge."
To add to the importance of this event, during the climax of her death and rebirth underworld journey, Venus undergoes her legendary transit.
Gary explains, "Venus will be seen [do not attempt to view this without extreme caution - details here. ~ Beth.]
crossing the solar disk, for the second (and last) time in a period of
more than 200 years. The previous Venus transit to the current pair
(i.e., 2004 and 2012) was December 1882, and the next transit of Venus
will be in December 2117."
"So what?" you might ask.
The brilliant and famed Steve Forrest
explains that this rare, powerful event has, in the past, marked
nothing less than the most profound turning points and transformation of
humanity's experience of love, beauty, art, and 'the Feminine.'"
Astrologer Judy Joyce
adds, "Relationships, finances and values may be under scrutiny. A
situation that is currently ending may suddenly become very clear to us.
Changes that occur now are irrevocable."
Had enough? Well, get ready, because there is lots more.
Of course, you know that we just had a Solar eclipse at the New Moon May 20 (or 21, depending on your time zone). Eclipses usually come in pairs, and so the upcoming partial Lunar eclipse falls on the Full Super Moon in Sagittarius Monday, June 4, 7:11am EDT/4:11 am PDT.
writes, "Lunar eclipses often punctuate peak emotional cycles that
culminate in a climax of events. A supermoon lunar eclipse in the fire
sign of Sagittarius can stimulate
outbursts of intense rebellion and a full blooming of urges for freedom,
as well as firestorms, severe lightning, and volcanic activity."
Notice that this lunar eclipse occurs the day before the Venus transit!
And as if that's not enough going on in such a short period, also on June 4, Neptune turns retrograde. Neptune
is the planet of dreams, secrecy, the subconscious, spirituality, the
imagination, and of course, the oceans and all bodies of water.
Only a couple of days later, on June 7, Mercury moves into the sign of Cancer.
Mercury is the traveler, as you probably know, so it changes signs
rather quickly. But this transition is a set-up that, by itself urges us
to take care to be objective and circumspect in our communications.
And it is compounded because it sets the stage for a tough opposition on June 11 between Mercury (in Cancer) and Pluto (in Capricorn).
StarIQ's Jeff Jawer explains, "Tender Mercury in Cancer is rocked by hard aspects to volatile Uranus and provocative Pluto
that can set off fears and spur intense conversations. What we're
seeing, though, is not necessarily what we're going to get so it's smart
to avoid overreacting to unexpected news.
"On the plus side, these transits give voice to powerful changes that
should be managed with care and kindness. Taking time to assimilate the
odd ideas and perceptions that are aroused now can make them more
Also on June 11, Jupiter, planet of expansion, optimism, and growth, moves into Gemini for a year. But any celebratory joviality might be mitigated by the fact that, the very same day, Chiron, goes retrograde in the sign of Pisces until November 14.
Chiron is a complex and powerful influence, and calls for us to learn from our inner wounds.
Is your head spinning? Mine is, and this only gets us into the second week of June.
And all of this is simply setting the stage for the big showdown, the slow motion positioning that is leading to June 24 when Uranus (planet of rebellion and radical change) in Aries makes its first of seven challenging 90 degree squares to Pluto (planet of death and transformation) in Capricorn.
most astrologers have agreed, we are heading into possibly the most
significant and challenging planetary influence in a generation.
More next time!
And until then, may the stars shine brightly for you.
Due to the unusually lengthy Astrology column, and the deadline for World Tarot Day, my email column will be back next month!
Remember - if you’d like to write, comment, ask me a question or make an observation, I’d love to hear from you. Naturally, before I print your comments here, I reserve the right to edit. Just email me! Thanks!
As the merry month of May melts into the glory of June, and Summer
holidays beckon, may we luxuriate in the bountiful gifts of our Mother
Earth, and each other.