Have you been visiting my new, improved blog recently? You probably know by now that I update it every day. Here are some posts that you might find of particular interest for the New Year. (Scroll over the dates, and you'll be able to link directly to the article).
* Dec. 27: Imaginal Cells - The surprising truth about metamorphosis and transformation; and
how it can empower you!
* Dec. 29: Preparing for Your Happiest New Year
"Do it now: cut one big slice from the pie of life and give it to yourself." - Mira Kirshenbaum, The Gift of a Year
* Dec. 30: How To Live By Your Spiritual Vision in a Money-Based World
The Medicine Woman's Guide to Being In Business for Yourself is not just for women, and not only for those who want to be self-employed. It is a step-by-step workbook for creating the life you desire, specifically in the realm of most any kind of work and career.
I hope you'll make stopping by my blog a daily habit. You are always warmly welcome there!