Thursday, December 31, 2009

December, 2009 Volume 2, Number 12

Happy New Years Eve

Where were you ten years ago tonight? How did you ring in the big transition from 1999 to 2000? A friend of mine reminded me that he and his family had stocked up on canned goods and bottled water, just in case the "Y2K bug" really did trigger a full-blown disaster, if not the end of the world!

In hindsight, all that hype seems amusing, even a bit quaint. Of course, in the decade since, many other serious challenges have come to pass.

But perhaps we can learn from that night ten years ago. So often, our fears and worries about the future prove to be groundless. Instead, it would seem that paying better attention to now can head off a lot of the trouble that might otherwise find us.

So on this magical Blue Moon New Year's (with an eclipse, no less!), let us make a wish: that this new decade may be a fresh beginning for us, untainted by doom and dread.

- Beth