...The Gathering
A Call To Service -- Creating Community
with Bonnie Cohen (Life Coach and Fairy Godmother)
I almost never repeat a Networking Spotlight choice, but this is a very special event!
Thirteen months ago, the first Gathering sprang from a seedling with Bonnie's heart. The time since has been filled with a radiant energy of connection and creativity.
Each month on the outskirts of Chapel Hill, 13-18 women of all ages gather to share a meal, create a community altar, and discover bits of themselves overlooked or neglected in the fast pace of life.
A delightful, magical roster of guest speakers and practitioners leads the group, giving each month a unique flavor and helping to uncover everyone's voice of authenticity.
Starting February 26th, a new year-long journey will be focusing on “Personal Transformation within Community.”
Every last Thursday of the month, get on board because this train is bound for glory. Find more joy and less “oy” by exploring the mystery of your soul's calling.
Each unique evening will begin with a sumptuous homemade feast, shared with friends old and new. The Gathering will be one way in which YOU can serve in community to be part of a greater vision.
Take the next 12 months to journey with the Sun, combining aspects of the 12 astrological houses and Carl Jung's 12 stages of development.
Be part of this great experiment. Explore deeper regions of your soul, so you can shine bigger and brighter in the world. What we can do as a community is the nourishment we all long for.
Tell your friends, pass the word. The Gathering is about to soar. For additional scrumptious details visit here. Or call Bonnie at (919) 932-3209 today, to reserve your spot!