Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November, 2008 - Vol. 1, Number 5

The Winter Holidays Are Almost Here ...

They're as inevitable as death and taxes (though much more fun, one hopes!), yet every year, we are somewhat surprised when they're here again. Yes, we complain that the mall decorations and ads for shopping show up earlier and earlier. Still, suddenly, here we are!

This year is certain to be an unusual holiday season. There is new hope and an unmistakable excitement in the air, following the historic elections. Yet we are faced with foreclosures, lost jobs, and ruined savings, as the economy roils in a crisis that has been called the worst in a century.

Perhaps it is time for us to reassess our priorities and know that for better and worse, "business as usual," is no longer an option. How we shop, travel, work, and even what we call wealth and security are all in the midst of profound change.

As the darkest days preceding the Winter Solstice deepen, I am reminded of the words of that great visionary, Buckminster Fuller. He said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

The old institutions based on scarcity, prejudice, manipulation and fear are falling away, as they inevitably must.

But you and I have been busy all along, building our new vision. We know we can choose hope, tolerance, honesty, and justice. We know that our foundation is firm when it is based on gratitude and love.

So let us turn our faces to the future, and together continue this good work, which has now begun.

On a personal note, I give my own heartfelt thanks to each one of you -- for your support, your many kindnesses, and for sharing your wisdom, hopes and dreams with me as we journey together through these extraordinary times.

I am so honored to serve you.

- Beth