Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Networking Spotlight On ...

..Your Independent Bookstores

As the shopping season gets underway, I want to remind you that you "vote" with your purchasing dollars.

If you are in the Triangle area of North Carolina, you are no doubt familiar with our area's renowned metaphysical bookstore, Dancing Moon Books and Gifts, where I offer my Tarot readings twice a month.

Dancing Moon was first opened in January, 1990. Despite two moves, a roller coaster economy, and spiritual trends that wax and wane, it has survived where many of its kind have not.

But its continued success, and the success of the local merchants wherever you live, hangs in the balance.

Over the years, there has been increasing pressure on these local stores, coming from the big "box" stores. These chain stores often absorb short-term losses in order to drive out their smaller competitors.

As a result, independent booksellers are an endangered species.

Why Does This Matter?

Most of the giant chains have shareholders who are reluctant to gamble on products that are not a sure-fire big money-maker. And many of those same shareholders are not friendly to the practices of those of us who do not conform to the mainstream's religious beliefs.

The domination of the market by giant corporate booksellers who insist on blockbuster success makes it much more difficult for new writers and niche products to "break in" to the market.

Plus, as the pop culture interest in shamanism, Witchcraft, Paganism, and other alternative practices changes, what little access there was in the chain stores to books, tools and other materials is drying up, leaving only a few, bestselling titles and offerings. And these are not always the highest quality products.

So if you care about having a diversity of purchasing choices, supporting your local independent bookstore and retailer matters -- a lot.

Wherever you live, if it is important to you that you have hands-on access to healing herbs, non-mainstream books, magical tools, and magazines, vote with your dollars.

And if you appreciate having access to readers and healers, as well as a caring, informed staff who offers personalized service and expert knowledge, I urge you to make the extra effort to support your local merchants.