Saturday, September 5, 2015

Lovely Tokens of September For You

September, 2015

By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer’s best of weather
And autumn’s best of cheer.

  - Helen Hunt Jackson, September, (1830-1885)

Months of Catching Up
Seems like it has been forever, since we visited together, doesn't it?  Thank you for saving room for me in your in-box, while I have been off having strange, surprising, and often humbling journeys.

It's good to be back and I look forward to catching up here. I hope you have had a beautiful Summer and that all is well in your world.

For me, it has been a a roller-coaster. I have been working on The Book - yes, my Tarot book that I am SO excited to share with you, as soon as I can get it done. It's been a productive, bone-deep satisfying start.

Less happily, though, you may have heard about my run-in with Facebook. Without a warning, they locked me out of my account for a month. I am sort of embarrassed to admit how upsetting it was, but that's how powerful and insidious Facebook is in many of our lives, especially for solo entrepreneurs like myself. If you want all the unpleasant details, you can read them here. (Spoiler alert: the happy ending is posted first). 

But then Lady Fortune spun me around once more, and out of the blue, with only four days lead time, I was shocked to get an email from Grateful Dead guitarist Bob Weir's wife, who liked my cookbookso much, she wanted to make sure we were able to attend the historic final concerts if we wanted to. Ummm... Did we want to??? Ha!

With the blessings and help of our fantastic cat-sitters, our neighbors, and everyone in my sold-out workshop who so graciously agreed to reschedule, we drove over 800 miles each way to Chicago for the final shows of the "core four" members of the Grateful Dead. It was a joyful, exhausting, beautiful, bittersweet, and totally unexpected once-in-a-lifetime gift.

RS 16
And in the meantime, I found out that I have been selected to be a study group facilitator at the Tarot Reader's Studio next April. This is a huge honor, as the competition for the twelve evening slots is intense, with innumerable proposals from the very best of the Tarot community in the running.

I will be teaching one of my very favorite topics, Plant Spirit Birth Card Magic
. In it, we'll be exploring how your experience of the Birth Cards of the Tarot can be enhanced by working with the devas and energies of botanicals, flowers, and herbs.

So that's the gist of how the last months since I wrote you have unfolded: amazing good times and a couple of clunkers.

And now, here we are: sweet September and there's lots of NEW news I'm eager to share with you!

Thank you for your patience during this long drought for my newsletter. My other writing is taking quite a lot of my energy and creativity, and I fear WINGS may continue to be more sporadic than it's been in the past twelve years I've been writing it.

But you are never far from my thoughts, and I hope you will continue to enjoy this labor of love that is especially for you.

May September bring you her beautiful tokens of the perfect balance between the Seasons of light and dark. 

Welcome To The Nest, New Subscribers!
Welcome to the nestHello and a huge, very special thank you to the 126 new readers (more or less!) that have joined us and has been waiting, since the last time WINGS went out - months and months ago!

I know your time is valuable, and so is your email real estate. I am honored that you've invited me to visit with you and hope you'll find WINGS interesting and fun.

Maybe you'll even be inspired to invite your friends, or forward a copy to them if you wish!  Please do (there's a link at the bottom to make it easy).  The more, the merrier!

(Of course, if it's been so long that you've forgotten why you signed up, or changed your mind (I hope that's not the case!!), thanks for checking me out, and maybe catch you another time. Just PLEASE don't mark me as "spam." )
Scam Psychics

They Say You Get What You Pay For

I know this is a cliché that applies to most kinds of goods and services, but the one I can tell you about is Tarot readings.
What set me off was that I kept getting email discount coupons selling super cheap Tarot readings. You know those cut-rate email deals that I mean.
Plus, I am well aware that there are lots of readers in my area that offer hour-long readings for a fraction of my own fees.
So what is the difference?
       (To find out, go here for the rest of this article). 

This Fall - Classes, Panels, and Workshops - Oh My!
(and not just Tarot only!)

Starting with...

The Tarot Boutique Presents.. 
The Tarot Muse
The Tarot Muse: Using Tarot to Jump Start Your Creativity
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015
Laurel Hill Cottage - a private, magical location in northern Durham County

Besides divination and meditation, many people have discovered the powerful ways that the Tarot can inspire and deepen creativity.

It’s been used as a very successful antidote for creative block, even for non-Tarot people. It can offer a universe of stories, archetypes, art, symbols, and inspiration to help you connect to your own Muse.

Whether you are a writer, a painter, a dancer, or only (so far!) dream of being more artistic, the Tarot can fill your well of creativity to joyful overflowing and get you going! And you DON'T have to be a Tarot practitioner!

Join us for a very creative afternoon of Tarot play and experimentation. It's time for you to blossom! Good news! It's not too late to register! As of this moment, there are still seats left! 

Pagan Pride Raleigh
Sept. 19-20, 2015
NC State Fairgrounds,
Gate 5, 974 Youth Center Dr, Raleigh, NC
Admission: A Food Drive Donation

Pagan Pride Raleigh
Although it's not Tarot, I wanted to make sure you knew about that the Central NC Pagan Pride Days Festival is coming to Raleigh Sept. 19-20.

Raleigh is home to the world's 2nd largest Pagan Pride event in the world. It attracts more than 3,000 Pagans, Pagan friends, and the Pagan curious every year.

Open to the general public, this Autumn celebration offers two days of entertainment and education through social, commercial, and spiritual activities. All are welcome to join or observe rituals, attend workshops, shop, meet local groups, and much more, all in a family-friendly festival environment full of vendors, music, and fun.

Sunday has been designated as a Family and Friends Day, particularly welcoming non-Pagans and those who are curious about Paganism, so they can learn who we are and what we believe.

I am honored to have been asked to participate in the panel discussion, Many Paths, One Spirit that will address many FAQs about Pagans. It will be held Sunday the 20th from 11:30-12:45. I hope I'll see you there. Come out and celebrate with kindred spirits!

And then -- it just keeps getting better, y'all!

Coming up next, so many of you have asked me to offer my material to non-local folks. I am happy to announce that I plan to do just that, thanks to my brilliant colleague, Andrew McGregor's telesemina

Magic for Tarot Readers – a Five-Evening Online Class
5 Consecutive Wednesdays
: September 30th, October  7, 14, 21, & 28th. 
From 7:15pm to 8:45 EST
  (All classes will be recorded in case you have to miss a live event.)

Magic is real. People have been using it to grow, evolve, and manifest what they need since the beginning of time. Join Joanna Powell Colbert, Beth Owl’s Daughter (Oct. 7), Andrew McGregor, Camelia Elias, and Marybeth Bonfiglio from the comfort of your own home to start working wonders in your own life.
This class brings together these 5 amazing teachers to help you bring magic into your Tarot readings without all the junk people often layer on top of it.

Participate by live streaming video (using free software), by phone, or Skype. If you’d like to get a better sense of these wonderful teachers you can listen to great talks with them on The Hermit’s Lamp’s podcast.

I'll be featured on Andrew's podcast Wednesday, Sept. 9, and my class is Wednesday, Oct. 7. The link to the podcast will be made available on his website.

For additional information and to register for the workshop series, visit here.

And I Saved Everyone's Favorite for Last --

Tarot Without Tears 
Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh

Part One -- Planting the Seed: An Introduction to the Tarot
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Part Two -- The Wisdom Journey: Read Your Cards by the End of the Day
Saturday, Nov. 14, 11am – 5:30pm  $80 * 

This is the year you CAN learn to read your own Tarot cards. This centuries-old tool is a brilliant and powerful method for reliably tapping into the insight, wisdom, and guidance you need, whenever you need it!

With the hands-on guidance of one of central NC's most experienced and trusted Tarot practitioners, you, too, can learn to reliably access the Tarot's power with confidence. Without tedious memorizing. Without tears.

Astrological Tidbits: September, 2015

After a fairly quiet summer, this month sees big astrological influences on the move. Expect lots of shifting and re-focusing ahead.

Three main reasons behind this:
The Planets: No less than three planets will be changing direction this month (And no, of course the actual direction that the planets are orbiting in space does not change! It just looks that way, from our own point of view and orbit motion here on Earth!).

Plus there will be an important showdown between two big outer planets that could have important repercussions.

Eclipses: September features a powerful pair - a partial solar eclipse and a full lunar eclipse.

The Equinox:  The twice yearly moment when nighttime and daylight hours are equal. In the Northern Hemisphere, this still point leads to the dark half of the year. The Equinox chart is often an important harbinger of what the season ahead may hold in store.

So, what can we expect from all this activity? And how can you be best equipped to navigate the rapidly changing circumstances?

Click here for the full article....

Tarot Readings

Dancing Moon Books
1840 N. Wake Forest Rd., Raleigh, NC

(919) 833-8081

It is my great honor to be featured as a reader twice a month at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh. I'll next be there:

Friday, Sept. 18

Friday, Oct. 2
Saturday, Oct. 17

And mark your calendar! Dancing Moon will be holding its Fall Psychic Fair on Sunday, Nov. 15. I will be there, along with many other readers, healers, and practitioners. It is a chance to sample the services of Dancing Moon's finest, and is always a lot of fun. 

My hours are 11:30 am to 6pm and it is currently the only place I offer both hour and half-hour long appointments. I encourage you to bring your smart phone or other recording device so you can save our conversation for later review.

Walk-ins are welcome but why risk disappointment?  Call (919) 833-8081(Tuesdays-Sundays) to schedule your visit, or even reserve your time monthsin advance!
News Flash!  
After taking most of this year for my writing sabbatical, I have decided to resume offering private readings once a month (in addition to my twice monthly visits to Dancing Moon Books).

You can now make an appointment to meet with me either in person, or by phone.

Find out more by going here. 

The Raleigh-Durham Triangle Tarot and Friends 

We have been having such a wonderful summer break, making art with the Tarot cards, and playing Jude Alexander's amazing Tarot Game together.

Now we're focusing again on studies and practice, as we learn new layouts from our volunteer Tarot aficionados!

On September 16, our brilliant member, Jennifer, will introduce us to a new spread and then we will practice using it with one another.

For time and location details, you must become a member. But don't worry, there's no charge and it's simple! All you have to do is go here and sign up!  All experience levels are welcome and long-distance members are also encouraged.

Join us for friendship, learning, and insight.
Networking Spotlight On.. 
Labyrinth Making & Meditation
with Karen Birbeck, Certified Labyrinth Facilitator and Designer
Saturday, October 17
9:00 am - 12:00 pm|
220 Lorax Lane, Pittsboro, NC.
My friend Karen Birbeck is a gifted mystic who has studied All Things Magical for many years. And one of her greatest passions is exploring and teaching the ways of the labyrinth.

She has recently become a certified Labyrinth Facilitator with Veriditas and is excited to be offering this workshop at the beautiful Abundance, NC learning and community center. 

The labyrinth is a walking meditation, a path of prayer, and an archetypal blueprint where psyche meets Spirit. It has only one path that leads from the outer edge in a circuitous way to the center.

There are no tricks to it and no dead ends. Unlike a maze where you lose your way, the labyrinth is a spiritual tool that can help you find your way.

labyrinthIn Karen's workshop, you'll learn how to build a labyrinth, linking you to a legacy of millions of people from all cultures, places, and times. You'll explore the history, design, and use of labyrinths.

Labyrinths are currently experiencing a renaissance in the United States and around the World. The labyrinths’ ability to quiet the mind and reduce stress serves us well in these modern times. Following the labyrinth’s path is a walking meditation – for some, it is a welcome alternative to the “sit and be quiet” style of meditation.

While there are already many labyrinths in and around The Triangle, you may want to build one of your own. A labyrinth can be laid out in less than an hour, with build times depending on the materials you choose to use. Many people find building them as satisfying as walking them.

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to learn about, build, and experience the beauty of this ancient meditative tool. For registration and more information, visit here.
BethThanks for your time and good wishes, dear reader.

Now we feel the fading of Summer's glory, and welcome, as William Cullen Bryant says,Changing seasons"Autumn -- the year’s last, loveliest smile.”

May beautiful smiles and fruitful harvests be this gentle season's gifts to you. 


Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
Predict your future by creating it. 
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