March 31, 2016, Sun in Aries
Happy Spring to YOU!
Unless you live below the Equator, in which case, Happy Autumn!
Welcome to my new, streamlined WINGS newsletter!
If you're wondering where I've been, well, just like many of our tree and plant friends, things may have appeared dormant on the surface, but there has been lots of underground growth.
And with all these projects and changes underway (keep reading to find out more!), I was realizing that coming up with special articles, networking news, astrology reports, and all the other content for my newsletter was just too daunting.
Sometimes procrastination is not procrastination at all, but instead is a teacher about where we are out of balance.
And -- true confession -- I have found that personally, as much as I may love the senders, I rarely have time to read long, long newsletters. So it makes little sense for me to be doing that myself. (Yes, I admit, WINGS was getting crazy long!).
So I plan to drop by a little more often, but with less info overload (although in thisissue, I had a lot of catching up to do!)
Thanks for your patience all this time! I hope you'll like the new WINGS.
Here's to new beginnings!

Hello to all the new subscribers that have joined our little nest since the last issue went out.
Some of y'all have been waiting MONTHS for this. Thanks again for checking me out and for your patience. ♥
Heads up!
There's a Mercury retrograde from April 23-May 22, while Mars turns retro April 17 in Sagittarius (explosive potential here). And all the while giant Jupiter has been retrograde since Jan. 7. But wait! There's more! Saturn turned retro March 25, and on April 17 (yes, the same day as Mars kicks up his war heels), Pluto also turns. Keep a cool head and a peaceful, patient focus. |
Did you know that I am once again taking a limited number of in-person visits? Visit here to take a look at my appointment book. |