Laurel Hill Cottage, Durham, NC 1-5pm
Join us during this most enchanted time of year as we explore some of
the basic principles of magick, spell crafting, and how the Tarot can be
your "secret sauce" for amplifying and deepening your skills. Please
be advised, this is not for beginners or inexperienced practitioners.
And there are only FOUR seats left if you want to join us in November:

A Tarot Herbal Harvest
Spend a cozy afternoon crafting unique, Tarot-y, herb-y holiday gifts for yourself and your loved ones.
We will be working with the energetic blessings of our friends, the Plant Allies, in the context of the Tarot birth cards.
Specifically, we will be focused on the herbs that I have identified are in harmony with the Tarot Soul card, as well as, for the first time, the Personality, and Teacher card herbs. In other words, we will be discussing the Major Arcana in some detail, with a very Green focus! Experience a unique, deeply magical afternoon, making your own keepsake creations.
* * * * * * *
The Tarot
Boutique workshops are held at my home, Laurel Hill Cottage, in northern
Durham County and are limited to only the first seven people who register. Add sparkle and depth to your Tarot experience -- sign up for the Tarot Boutique.
It's never too early to make plans for ...

April 24 – 26, 2015
LaGuardia Marriott Hotel, New York
The Tarot Readers Studio is a diverse, dynamic, international community of the most amazing people you'll ever want to meet, and it is so much more…
The Readers Studio was created in 2003 by Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone, founders of the famed Tarot School in New York City. It was a gift of their love of Tarot, and their love for the people who love Tarot.
Imagine three jam-packed days of seminars, sharing, passionate teaching and learning, socializing, and all things Tarot.
It's for people just beginning their Tarot journeys, renowned experts,
and everybody in between. The Readers Studio is THE place to expand your
Tarot horizons and deepen your knowledge as you participate in
instructional intensives, discussions, and workshops with top-drawer
Tarot masters and rising Tarot stars.
You will stretch your skills, whatever level they may be, by learning practical, cutting-edge techniques that you can take away with you and use immediately.
Each year Readers Studio has grown and become better and better, because by being part of Readers Studio, the participants themselves help to shape the direction of the Tarot community going forward.
If you love the Tarot, if you want to take your skills to the next level, if the idea of three or four days of Total Tarot Immersion
makes you want to dance, if you want to hang out with some of the
brightest, most interesting people on the planet, the Tarot Readers
Studio is for you.
Sign up now, and take advantage of their monthly payment plan. If you enroll before Oct. 31,
you can split your tuition into 5 monthly installments (credit cards
only). That's $93/mo. for the 2015 Readers Studio. Or pay only $112/mo.
and you'll be enrolled in their bonus April 23 Tarot & Psychology Conference as well.
Go here for lots more juicy details!
Owl's Life Hacks
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
hacking refers to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that
increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life... in other
words, anything that solves an everyday problem in an inspired,
ingenious manner.
There is something about the Fall that feels like a new beginning to me.
Yes, the green world is shutting down and our modern calendar says the
year is ending.
But here in the South, it's the best planting season for new perennials,
bulbs, shrubs, and trees. Perhaps it's because Fall was always the
start of my new school year, or maybe it's because, like my ancestors
did, I celebrate the Celtic New Year at Samhain (Oct. 31). Or maybe it's
just the longer nights that inspire me to take stock, look back, and
dream of the future.
I love to take this time to shed what no longer serves, re-arrange and
organize, envision new directions, set my intentions, and then start
So it's become an annual ritual for me to order a new Planner Pad calendar that starts with the month of October.
I first heard about the Planner Pad from the brilliant Waverly FitzGerald,
who is a renowned Priestess of Time. It is designed to help you focus
all your to-do activities, moving them from random lists into scheduled
times. It has helped me become so much more organized and productive!
Waverly calls hers, "the control panel for my complicated, multi-faceted life."
I absolutely agree!
But Beth -- what about Google Calendar, Outlook, etc.?
I am no Luddite, but I have just never felt comfortable with
any of the calendar/to-do list/scheduler apps (except the online
appointment scheduler I share with my clients for their readings, which I
then record in my Planner Pad).
When trying to make plans, I almost always have to wait, while people
fuss, fumble, and sync with their tech gizmos, long after I have already
flipped open my Planner Pad to the page in question, ready to go. No,
it's not as small as a smart phone, but far more reliable and user-friendly.

Colors, Stickers, and Inspiration
I look forward to these cooler days, especially the rainy ones, when I can customize my new calendar in fun, colorful ways. (I never would have done this with my old Day-Timer system, which I used for decades).
As you can see, I have added a pretty sticker I found on Etsy, and
Planner Pad offers the gold foil imprint for a tiny additional charge.
I also like to add brightly colored tabs to mark the handy sections
included for notes and project planning. And it's fun to color code
different categories on my schedule -- classes, blog posts, important
astrological timings, readings, birthdays, creative deadlines, and so
To read more about how the Planner Pad can help make your hectic schedule easier and maybe even more fun to manage, visit their website here.
Streamlining your days, so you can align with Time as your ally (not your enemy), and focus on your truest priorities?
You're welcome!
That's it for now!
I hope you've enjoyed this month's visit. If there is something you'd especially like to see, or other suggestions you'd like to make, please drop me a line.
And may your Full Hunter's Moon be most magical!

Live in balance. Focus your creativity. Manifest your vision.
Predict your future by creating it.